Wednesday, July 9, 2014

THE PROPHET: was he abducted by angels/aliens to repair his failing heart?

The prophet Muhammad according to Islamic tradition was very frail as a child one of the reason why his mother gave him to a family for caring in a village with a better climate. In that village, two other children witnessed angels coming down from heaven that opened the prophet’s heart and cleansed it of its blackness. Muslims interpreted this as purification of the Prophet’s heart. The Prophet soon returned to his mother. The Prophet was also known to have a mark on his back that people referred to as the mark of his prophet-hood. Can this mark be the scar of a cardiac surgery performed by the angels/aliens to repair the Prophet’s congenital heart malformation that he was born with?

Obviously; the black that the children saw removed from the Prophet’s heart was an un-oxygenated blood; the basic pathology in most congenital heart diseases manifested as cyanosis where the child turns blue-black during a medical crises or when a child simply cries.

The Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) could be the first ever recorded Alien abductee with witnesses that lived to tell the story. The Prophet must be too young to remember any of the events because he was not known to have spoken of that particular incident in his life. 

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