Sunday, July 6, 2014

QUR’AN: astounding clue to the planet of the “GARDEN OF EDEN”

“Fever Pitch” is how I describe our present scramble to search for other life forms in the universe with NASA promising that within a decade or so – we will find with certainty of accuracy habitable planets that harbours life. Within 15 to 20 years; NASA promises to send man to Mars but private enterprise may beat NASA to that human adventure within a decade or less. Hurray!

Sometimes ago, I was dumbfounded when Scientific American Magazine in an special issue published the advances made in mapping the human genome that scientists refers to as a “Book of Life” that parents can buy for a price before their child is born. In that book is your child’s predetermined future: the colour of his/her hair, eyes and skin, level of intelligence, diseases he/she will be born with and what illnesses he/she will have in later life and whether he/she will be prone to accidents, drug abuse, and tendency to commit crime and so forth and so on including failures and success. I was dumbstruck because I am one who didn’t believe in predestination although the Qur’an says that you can only be what God decreed you to be in your “Book of Decrees” (Book of Life). Wow!

Time Travel is not only possible; we were already there but I have no doubt that humans will one day stumble upon it with a great surprise and maybe with a resounding laughter something like – yeah; why didn’t we think about that before. One of the most elaborate stories ever told in the Qur’an is the group of youths that were time transported by God 309 lunar years into the future together with their dog. Another was a traveller that God time transported 100 years into the future with his donkey, food and water.

…here goes my latest discovery.

There was a very specific numbers mentioned in reference to the day of creation and the day of chastisement.

Qur’an 32:5 - He directs the affairs from the heavens to the earth and then it ascends unto Him in a day, the measure of which is a thousand years of your reckoning.

In another verse referring to judgment day:

Qur’an 70: 1-4 - A questioner asked about a chastisement to befall. The unbelievers of which, there is none to ward off, a penalty from Allah, Lord of the ways of ascent, the angels and the spirit ascend unto him in a day, the measure thereof is fifty thousand years

This 1,000 and 50,000 years has been to this day a subject of debate especially to those who accuses the Qur’an and Muslims of untruth and inaccuracies with these differing values as a proof. “One day” in this debate is constant and while we can only guess how the angels and the spirit “jump space and time;” the distance becomes immaterial whether 1,000 – 50,000 or 100,000 years away is of no significance. The value of ‘one day’ remains the same. When you jump time – distance matters not.

While pondering these Qur’an puzzles – there is an astounding message that we missed in the debate. God gave us (I can hear the angels laughing) in very specific terms where to find the Garden of Eden – our planet of origin. It is barely 1,000 years away but hey; 1,000 light years away is still far but for certainty; we can find it if we look within that directional range. With the next generation of space telescopes scheduled for launch in 2018 that will retire the Hubble; we may in the not so distant future have an accurate image of our dream planet pasted on our walls – THE GARDEN OF EDEN. 


  1. Products of your vast imagination is simply amazing as it is always supported with scientific and Quranic basis at the most! In shaa Allah your musings will indeed come next to reality! Keep on feeding us with some more that would make us long for the things beyond, with eagerness to be with our Creator!

    1. The Qur’an is Allah’s gift to the believers to unravel the secrets of the universe but Muslims are defeating God’s purpose. We are using God’s gift of knowledge to confirm discoveries by unbelievers. I hope Muslim scholars will band together and study the Qur’an word for word and unravel what is yet to be discovered. Transportation in time for instance is a subject extensively revealed in the Qur’an but I have yet to hear a Muslim Scientist talk about this…again waiting for the unbelievers to discover TIME TRAVEL and jump at it. It’s pathetic as if Muslim scientists don’t trust God.
