Friday, June 28, 2013


Don’t be deceived by the fiercely wild looks of the people of Tihama, Assir province of Saudi Arabia. Deep in their hearts; they are gentle, peaceful and proud people who know their place in the Society at large. They have a culture unique in the Saudi Society that to some extent set them apart resisting any government attempts to integrate them into the mainstream.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

MECCA; what’s going on…it’s awesome!

Because of the appeal of the Saudi Government to Muslims to let those who are able to postpone their Hajj trip to please do so due to the renovation at the Haram Mosque; I was curious to find out how the mosque would look like in the future. There are many architecture designs and videos posted in the internet by companies and people who are competing for the winning design; it’s hard to tell which one is real. I found a ten minutes video clip from KSA Channel 2 and an Arab News article published on August 20, 2011 so this must be it. It’s awesome. 

update 2020

Published: Aug 20, 2011 23:06 Updated:Aug 20, 2011 23:21
MAKKAH: Justice Minister Mohammed Al-Eissa described the SR80 billion expansion project of the Grand Mosque as a landmark in the history of the two holy mosques of Islam.


According to informed sources, the total area of the existing Grand Mosque is 356,000 sq. meters accommodating 770,000 worshippers while the new expansion covering an area of 456,000 sq. meters will accommodate 1.2 million.

The new project will comprise three parts: construction of a new building; expansion and development of courtyards around the mosque, including walkways, tunnels and toilets; and development of service facilities for air-conditioning, electricity and drinking water.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Nishreen’s (Karate-Nish) demo for the Yellow Belt (1 minute)

Nishreen’s insatiable passion for life from facebook, anime, YouTube, fb page admin, the net and karate not to mention “outstanding medal” at the end of each school year…gogogogogogo lovelynish!   

Monday, June 24, 2013

Allah’hu Akhbar! A cat walked to the Ka’aba and touched it…

If you have been to Mecca for a Hajj or Umrah; you know that this animal feat is impossible for one animal without brain. This 1 minute video was caught on a CCTV camera. While everybody was in prayer in the mosque; a cat got a chance not to be crushed and walked unhurriedly to the Ka’aba (Beit’Allah/House of God) and touched it as high as it can reach then walked away in a hurry. Watch very closely from the beginning of the 1 minute video. I had to take several screenshots to catch the cat leaving in a hurry. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

THE DEEN SHOW: Sheikh Hussain Yee journey to Islam…

Sheikh Hussain Yee; one Muslim preacher that attracts many audiences due to his knowledge of Islam and the wit that goes with the way he delivers the message. He was at the Skydome in Manila on June 22, 2013 to deliver the message welcoming Ramadan. My wife and friends were lucky; alhamdullillah to have attended the event.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

What the Internet does to our brain...

The real danger of the internet in my opinion is to produce a future generation incapable of real thinking. They will be so spoon-feed by the knowledge that the internet provides; the brain that needs to be naturally evolved for problem solving and real thinking will evolve in a different direction that I am afraid will be…dumb. It is alright if internet will always be around and accessible but what if things go wrong like running out of oil that at the moment powers the world? Another real danger that the internet poses is the moral corruption of the young. I think; Saudi Arabia should be a model for the rest of the world until a technology is developed to really protect children from the net. Present safety measures are not good enough especially in third world countries where the young know more about the net than their parents meaning parents cannot police what their children can and cannot access on the net. While schools can help in veering the young towards the right use of the net; the home is still the crucible for the proper use of the net.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Life on Mars: 5 minutes that will rock your perception of the World…

At the end of this 5 minute video is a photo of what appeared to be a Martian crush site or test site photographed by the Martian Rover Spirit. Authorities declared these bizarrely twisted objects as just rocks not metals but that is thinking earthly. Think like a Martian meaning these objects are Martian materials; not metals but neither is it rocks…different. It can bend, deform and wrinkle that made these objects look bizarre. Rocks don’t bend and wrinkle…

Monday, June 17, 2013


I got this photo from Google Images. I saw this photo before but I didn't pay much attention to it until few days ago. Not even the person who posted this on the net realized what these weird objects really meant.

Not until I picked up my magnifying glass did I realize that these bizarre humanoid-like and animal heads were in fact burned and twisted meals with parts of an engine rocket. It doesn't look like the crush site of an aircraft or any form of transport unless a bigger portion of this site was purposely hidden from us by NASA. It is more like a small rocket; maybe like a test rocket but it is a definitive proof that intelligent beings do exist on Mars.  We are not alone…most certainly. 




Sunday, June 16, 2013

THIS WILL BLOW YOUR MIND: city, industrial complex and water dams on MARS…

I spent every spare moment I had in the last 6 days on Google Earth/MARS exploring the surface of Mars. When I discovered those scattered humanoid bones on a one hour NASA video that someone uploaded on You Tube; I realized that anyone can do it. I tried the NASA website but I can’t find their archive of photos and videos so I went to Google Earth and voila…!

What I found blew my mind. I saw some of these photos years ago but I thought of it as some kind of a joke. The boundaries of truth and the unreal have become so blurred; our first reaction is to be skeptic when we see something that appears to be too good to be true. If NASA colored these photos purposely to mislead; I curse them to no end but if the colors reflects the closest to its natural color to present the truth then may Allah bless them for these incredible feat. I wonder why they keep sending those robots to stupid craters knowing that they will find there nothing. Why not to Valleys and canons; natural collectors of whatever are there in the surrounding mountains that are oozing with defrosting water that we know is the natural source of life? Where there is water; you find human settlements on earth and without doubt; everywhere else in the universe.

The photos you are about to see are exactly the way I found it on Google Earth/Mars. NASA knew something exists in these places or they would not have put it on high definition camera. NASA chose to put only suspicious places on HD. I even resisted the temptation of adjusting the brightness. I put the photos on only to write something but no photo edition happened. These photos will blow your mind…watch out for the upcoming You Tube video!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Bones of Mars (My new video/1 1/2 minute)

Aside From the human bones and the giant rat; there are many others that are very much out of the Martian World as we know it. You can be the judge…

Monday, June 10, 2013

MARS; THE HAUNTED PLANET…look what I found!

With a magnifying glass; I tried my own search of strange objects on a small swath of Mars from Curiosity’s 360’ camera hoping that maybe I will likewise spot a scavenging dog (lol) or a chameleon common in this kind of terrain in Saudi Arabia but instead…I FOUND WHAT LOOKS LIKE FOSSILIZED SCATTERED BONES INCLUDING A HAND AND THE WHOLE CHEST WITH ITS FOSSILIZED RIB BONES AND 2 SKULLS :-)

You may also find something in this video where I took the above screenshots. There are other strange objects I found but I didn't post it here for brevity.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

SHADOW UNIVERSE could be mind boggling true...

The most exciting piece I read in quite a while. I have not renewed my Scientific American digital subscription but I have subscribed to Discover Magazine for a change. The scientific community is abuzz with the new ideas that if 68% of the known universe is dark matter; we could be sitting in the shadow of a dark universe without knowing it something like a shadow version of our own Milky Way Galaxy. Imagine a dark universe with clumps of dark matter something like a star that don’t shine but with its own dark planets and yes; you guessed it right…DARK LIFE. May the dark force be with you! (What if our spirits are creatures of a mysterious but wonderful shadow invisible universe that is beyond imagining? Joke only…)

Sorry; my digital subscription cannot be shared but the following is from a website that talks of the same.

Twist in dark matter tale hints at shadow Milky Way

THE HUNT for some of the most wanted stuff in the universe took a new twist this week with the first results from a high-profile, space-based dark matter detector. The results are inconclusive, but, if combined with recent theory, they hint at something exciting. Could the universe have a dark side, complete with its own force, a zoo of particles and even a shadow version of the Milky Way?

Full article:

'via Blog this'

Saturday, June 8, 2013

PLAYING GOD: sheep, cat and monkey that glow in the dark...

You can only be what Allah destined you to be according to the Qur’an like the color of your hairs, skin, eyes, intelligence, diseases, your future and how long will you live.

In this age and time; you can in fact have a copy of your child’s book of life (genome transcript) before birth for a price that will eventually become cheap to become affordable to many. You can also refuse to have the child if his/her book of life decrees that the child is not going to live long due to genetic abnormalities that will render the child severely disabled. You can demand not from God but from your doctor to abort the pregnancy.

Watch this 2 minutes video where Jelly fish genes had been inserted into a sheep’s genes that make it glow in the dark. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

MARS; the red planet documentary

I don’t think there is any doubt that life do exists on planet Mars not only in microbial state but in some animal forms. The latest finding by ordinary folks combing the thousands of photos from the NASA website is a testament to this; rabbits, lizards and rodents. This is a Qur’an verse I like to quote when it comes to the question of other life forms in the universe: “And one of His signs is the creation of the heavens (plural/multiverse) and the earth and the living creatures that He scattered through them…”

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Super-Intelligent Machines: 7 Robotic Futures

Will our future be doomed by super-intelligent machines or will it bring our dreams of an Utopian world where even death becomes a rarity of sort.

Super-Intelligent Machines: 7 Robotic Futures | The Singularity & Artificial Intelligence | LiveScience:

Super-Intelligent Machines: 7 Robotic Futures
Tia Ghose, LiveScience Staff Writer
Date: 07 May 2013 Time: 12:29 PM ET

7-Robot war
It's the nightmare that fueled "The Terminator" — the possibility that robots could end up vying with humans for dominance. Engineers are already developing robotic pack mules and soldiers, while drones have become a mainstay in the war against terror. At least a few apocalyptic visionaries see super-intelligent robots turning on their human makers sometime next century. Still, many computer scientists say this isn't the biggest of the singularity.

Many people, such as the futurist Ray Kurzweil, believe thathumans won't have to die after the singularity. Some envision a future where humans port their brain into computers, essentially living within the machines. Others imagine cybernetic parts to replace cancerous limbs and aging hearts, radically increasing longevity. Either way, death could be transformed from an inevitable aspect of life to a relatively rare occurrence.
5-Economy on fire
Once machines can match human intelligence, it will be a simple matter of copying intelligent agent software, which is capable of programming an artificial mind, from one computer to the next to create more workers for the economy. Whereas the economy doubled every thousand years after the agricultural revolution, and every 15 years after the industrial revolution, a post-singularity economy could double every month, then week, Hanson said. That blistering pace of economic growth could be so fast that humans couldn't keep up.

4-Environmental destruction
Because robots don't need air, water or food, they won't fear destroying the environment like mortals do. As a result, some believe there's a greater risk of super-intelligent robots draining all of Earth's natural resources, said Robin Hanson, an economist at George Mason University in Washington, D.C., who is writing a book about the singularity. The robot revolution could worsen already dire environmental problems.

3-Augmented humans
Cybernetic implants could also mean much smarter, super-powered humans. Kurzweil, now a director of engineering at Google, envisions a world where most people make use of cybernetic implants to be smarter, see farther and be stronger. Of course, that might make humans cyborgs, but most people would be too busy using their newly acquired superpowers to mind much.
2-Mass unemployment
As robots get smarter, humans just won't be able to keep up. While simpler tasks may be outsourced to robots at first, by 2045 Kurzweil predicts that machines will be billions of times smarter than un-augmented human beings. Robots have already replaced factory workers, and self-driving cars are just around the corner. Still other computer-science technologies, such as the ultrafast stock trading programs that cause "flash crashes," are being developed without considering how they could damage people or put them out of work, said Bill Hibbard, a computer scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

1-Vestigial organs
Once almost all tasks are outsourced to super-intelligence, humans may gradually lose the abilities that once definedHomo sapiens' smarts. In fact, some say the world is in the midst of the singularity already: Humans have already relinquished their ability to navigate, memorize and calculate, said Joan Slonczewski, a microbiologist at Kenyon College in Ohio. Scientists have even developedempathetic robots to do some of the most human tasks — caring for the sick and elderly.
In the end humans may become like mitochondria, the energy powerhouses of the cells. Though mitochondria were once independent organisms, primitive bacteria engulfed mitochondria long ago, and they gradually outsourced all their functions but making energy. Humans may similarly lose all their abilities, regressing to the point that they only provide energy for the machines.

'via Blog this'

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hadrian; gay emperor of Rome was most hated by the Jews

Hadrian "was the third of the Five Good Emperors." He was the first Roman Emperor to publicly say that he was gay.

***An excerpt from the article, "Hadrian the gay emperor," by Arifa Akbar (The Independent, Jan 11, 2008):

After being made emperor AD117, he inherited a Roman Empire in its prime, which had thrived on a policy of endless expansion and conquest.

His first move, within hours of coronation, was to withdraw his troops from Mesopotamia, now Iraq, and fortify the empire's boundaries by building his eponymous wall in northern England and others in the Danube and the Rhine valleys, ushering in a new era of peace.

"We must not mistake [Hadrian's] motives for pulling his troops out of Mesopotamia," Mr Opper said. "He didn't really have a choice. It had just been conquered by his predecessor and there was a lot of guerrilla warfare, which is eerily just like modern times. What he did was give the empire breathing space and while he was a very experienced military leader, we also get the impression he was very cultured and he fostered Greek identity and made them partners in leadership."

As the "people's king" – he travelled with his troops and ate the same rations – he laid the foundations of the Byzantine Empire and changed the name of Judea to create Palestine, among other legacies.
At times, however, even Hadrian's Rome played the role of violent occupier. During a suppression of a Jewish rebellion in Judea, Roman warriors were dispatched to take control of the region, leading to the death of 580,000 Jews. "It was probably as a punishment that he changed the name of Judea to Palestine," said Mr Opper.

3 minutes videos

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Wow; I like to keep this in my blog. Not only that it is real touching; it is real genius. How did a toddler of that age thought of that maneuver turning himself into a human bridge so his little sister can crawl over a broken gutter. Well; it is what makes us human…the brain being the most complicated; most ingenious living machine in the universe.  (1/2 minute video)