Sunday, June 9, 2013

SHADOW UNIVERSE could be mind boggling true...

The most exciting piece I read in quite a while. I have not renewed my Scientific American digital subscription but I have subscribed to Discover Magazine for a change. The scientific community is abuzz with the new ideas that if 68% of the known universe is dark matter; we could be sitting in the shadow of a dark universe without knowing it something like a shadow version of our own Milky Way Galaxy. Imagine a dark universe with clumps of dark matter something like a star that don’t shine but with its own dark planets and yes; you guessed it right…DARK LIFE. May the dark force be with you! (What if our spirits are creatures of a mysterious but wonderful shadow invisible universe that is beyond imagining? Joke only…)

Sorry; my digital subscription cannot be shared but the following is from a website that talks of the same.

Twist in dark matter tale hints at shadow Milky Way

THE HUNT for some of the most wanted stuff in the universe took a new twist this week with the first results from a high-profile, space-based dark matter detector. The results are inconclusive, but, if combined with recent theory, they hint at something exciting. Could the universe have a dark side, complete with its own force, a zoo of particles and even a shadow version of the Milky Way?

Full article:

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