Saturday, June 22, 2013

What the Internet does to our brain...

The real danger of the internet in my opinion is to produce a future generation incapable of real thinking. They will be so spoon-feed by the knowledge that the internet provides; the brain that needs to be naturally evolved for problem solving and real thinking will evolve in a different direction that I am afraid will be…dumb. It is alright if internet will always be around and accessible but what if things go wrong like running out of oil that at the moment powers the world? Another real danger that the internet poses is the moral corruption of the young. I think; Saudi Arabia should be a model for the rest of the world until a technology is developed to really protect children from the net. Present safety measures are not good enough especially in third world countries where the young know more about the net than their parents meaning parents cannot police what their children can and cannot access on the net. While schools can help in veering the young towards the right use of the net; the home is still the crucible for the proper use of the net.

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