Thursday, May 23, 2013

Holocaust Hoax: there were no “ONLY JEWS CONCENTRATION CAMPS”

If you read history in passing without a moment of focus; you’ll never know that you are being feed a lot of lies and deceptive lies. If you pause for a moment; you will start to question why there are only Jews in concentration camps. Germany was waging wars all over Europe. If you look at the book you are reading; you discover it is either written by a Jew or published by a Jew owned media. Pick a little known history book and t will tell you that there were neither only Jews prisons nor concentration camps. Concentration camps all over Europe were a mix of European prisoners dominated by Russian prisoners being Hitler’s bigger nemesis millions of whom were starved or slaughtered by Hitler. There are no mentions of Jews but holocaust hoaxers turned it into only Jews prison camps and let the others vanish into oblivion.

(…read this New York Times piece of news dated May 8, 1945)



Soviet Commission Reports Death Camp in Poland Was Founded by Himmler

By C. L. Sulzberger
By Wireless to The New York Times

Moscow, May 7 - More than 4,000,000 persons were systematically slaughtered in a single German concentration camp - that at Oswiecim in Poland, near Cracow from 1939 - 1944. The Germans thus accomplished with scientific efficiency the greatest incidence of mass murder in recorded history.
     This slaughter exceeds in barbaric intention and method not only the greatest brutalities of such infamous conquerers as Genghis Khan but also surpasses even Germany's own record in previous prize exhibitions  at Maldenak, Dachau and Buchenwald.
     Such is the miserable tale made public today - on the eve of the official end of the European War - by the Soviet Union's Extraordinary State Commissioninvestigating the extirmination center at Oswiecim.....these are the first statistical data of the camp's record.
      According to the Soviet Commission, "more than 4,000,000 citizens of the Soviet Union, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and other countries.....were extirminated at Oswiecim. The methods used were "shooting, famine, poisoning and monstrous tortures."
      The report states that gas chambers, crematoria, surgical wards, laboratories and clinics were erected around Oswiecim to accomplish this mass production monstrosity.
 .....Public baths were installed for group cyanide poisoning
 ....The report states that in 1943 the frugal Germans decided to sell the unburned bones to the firm of addition to the 113 tons of crushed bones, loads of women's hair were sold for industrial purposes.
 .....human guinea pigs were kept alive for experimentation.

Full article:

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