Wednesday, May 22, 2013

ARMAGEDDON END GAME: Sunnites vs. Shiites plus the demons of East and West

This is it; the thought that always gives me Goosebumps: Sunni vs. Shiite. With USA and the west openly arming the rebels in Syria; it is like pouring gasoline on an already flaming inferno. As I have said years ago; Syria will turn into the final battlefield of the millennium simmering war between the Sunni sect of Islam and the Shiite sect. If you bring in the East and West superpower rivalry; you get a deadly potion that is truly apocalyptic in dimension: the war of Armageddon (Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Palestine/Israel, Bahrain, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and very possibly KSA with all other nations (USA/Israel/Europe and Russia) playing minor to major roles. If you torch all the oil fields in the region; the world will be battered back to the Stone Age. Imagine a world with 50% of its oil supply suddenly stopped. Most of the world’s sky scrapers will be abandoned. Cars will be too expensive to maintain except for the superrich. World governments will control the supply of oil to basic necessities like public transport, power grids and basic food factories. Our well beings have become so dependent on oil; it boggles the mind.

Unless Iran bogs down and prod Assad to go; this war is going to blow up in our faces but Iran won’t allow that knowing with absolute certainty that the next target is Tehran. In the same reasoning as the Iraq war: let Baghdad burn than Tehran; Iran will fight a full scale war in Syria. It’s better to let Damascus burn than Tehran. Iran though must realize that Syria is not Iraq. In the Iraq war, USA was virtually an Iran ally. Iran’s surrogate fighters in the Iraq war were virtually handed the head of Saddam Hussein to hang on a silver platter by USA. Iran though has a little advantage in Syria; Assad is the legitimate government with an army armed to the teeth that had fought wars in the past and trained to fight war against Israel at a moment notice. No wonder the Syrian army did not only survive; it is winning but with USA/Israel and NATO openly supporting the rebels…the war can engulf the whole region.

A single nuclear explosion in the Middle East will render its oil deposits irradiated for at least fifty years according to a book I read long time ago; “The Crush of 1979” meaning Middle East oil will be unusable in fifty years.  I believe Iran has one or two nuclear war heads that she bought from smugglers when the USSR disintegrated.

A US Senate panel votes to arm foreign-backed militants in Syria
A US Senate panel has voted in favor of a bill authorizing the government to provide foreign sponsored militants in Syria with lethal weapons and military training.

On Tuesday, democratic chairman of the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. Robert Menendez, introduced the bill which authorizes the US government to directly back foreign sponsored militant groups with arms.

The bill, which also authorizes a 250-million dollar fund to help the transition of the Syrian government, was supported by both the Democrats and Republicans with a 15-3 vote. 

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