Thursday, March 21, 2013

US and UK Drowned Iraq in Blood: Barbarian Rhapsody Anniversary...

To call the [endless] war in Iraq “Gulf War 2” is wrong because the Gulf War of 1991 never ended. Saddam’s Iraq was continuously bombed some of which were major meaning Cities were hit until the so-called “Coalition of the willing” invaded it in 2003. The number 666 (UN Resolution 666) is some kind of a code that probably marks the beginning of what could be the End not necessarily of planet Earth but of Babylon[Iraq]. Twenty years on and the battle is still spilling blood on the streets of Babylon. USA’s longest war is not the war in Afghanistan; it is Iraq. Yesterday, a bomb [March 16] marking the anniversary of the Gulf War 2 killed more than 60 and wounded many others. THE DESTRUCTION OF BABYLON IS FAR FROM OVER.

US and UK Drowned Iraq in Blood
Barbarian Rhapsody: Ten Years Deeper Into Hell

By Chris Floyd 

 March 16, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -"Empire Burlesque" -  All forms of political media -- in print, on line, on the air -- have been awash in recent weeks with retrospectives on the tenth anniversary of the American-led invasion of Iraq in March 2003. Amidst the mountainous heap of drivel and falsehood such an occasion inevitably produces among the vast and vapid army of analysts who happily spend their days chewing the cud of whatever happens to be the conventional wisdom of the day, there have been a few outstanding pieces that put this continuing war crime in stark perspective.


"In Iraq, the US record speaks for itself: it backed Saddam's party, the Ba'ath, to capture power in 1963, murdering thousands of socialists, communists and democrats; it backed the Ba'ath party in 1968 when Saddam was installed as vice-president; it helped him and the Shah of Iran in 1975 to crush the Kurdish nationalist movement; it increased its support for Saddam in 1979…helping him launch his war of aggression against Iran in 1980; it backed him throughout the horrific eight years of war (1980 to 1988), in which a million Iranians and Iraqis were slaughtered, in the full knowledge that he was using chemical weapons and gassing Kurds and Marsh Arabs; it encouraged him in 1990 to invade Kuwait…; it backed him in 1991 when Bush [senior] suddenly stopped the war, exactly 24 hours after the start of the great March uprising that engulfed the south and Iraqi Kurdistan…"

But when it was no longer in their interests to back him, the US and UK drowned Iraq in blood.

Warring sectarian and ethnic forces, either allied to or fearing US influence, dominate the dysfunctional and corrupt Iraqi state institutions, but the US embassy in Baghdad – the biggest in the world – still calls the shots. Iraq is not really a sovereign state, languishing under the punitive Chapter VII of the UN charter.

 please read full article

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