Friday, March 22, 2013

Dark Knight Killer James Holmes 'is now a Muslim: huh! this demon is a Jew

What Jihad; this guy is Jew. His lawyers most probably advised him first to put on a plea of insanity but realized he was very sane so they changed strategy and let him put on an act of Jihad for ideological reason and put the blame on Muslims. I don’t think the judge will believe this “Jihad” thing because in the course of the investigation; no Muslim literature or Qur’an was ever found in his booby-trapped apartment but hey; what if something (planted) mysteriously started appearing as having been overlooked. Remember; there is no limit to the evils that these Jew people (not all Jews) can do…

Dark Knight Killer James Holmes 'is now a Muslim who prays five times a day'

James Holmes, the gunman behind the Dark Knight massacre in Colorado last July, has reportedly turned Muslim and prays five times a day.

The killer showed off a lengthy, thick beard during a court appearance earlier this month, and a prison source has claimed it is a symbol of his new-found faith.

The source said Holmes has turned to Islam as a way of justifying his horrific murder spree in an Aurora, Colorado cinema on July 20 which left 12 people dead and 58 people wounded.

'He has brainwashed himself into believing he was on his own personal jihad and that his victims were infidels,' a prison source told the National Enquirer.

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