Monday, October 29, 2012



Real amusing thoughts; let us be Moros and call the others Indios. Both were alien anyway but between the two; I’ll prefer to be a Moro. The Spaniards had a special if not funny way of name-calling their conquered people. Those they conquered easily as meek as a sheep on the way to the slaughter house; they call stupid ‘Indios.’ Filipinos are not the first Indios by the way in fact I think the root word is derived from the word “Indians” of South/Latin America. Before the marauding sailors of Europe stumbled upon what is later to become Philippine Archipelago; Europeans were already slaughtering the “Indios” of North and South America (New World). Except Portuguese Brazil; South America continue to speak Spanish in fact had Uncle Sam not bought Philippine from Spain; we will be speaking Spanish not English to this day. We were at one point in time called “Ectopic Latin Americans.” Manila and Mexico City were sister cities of the Spanish (Iberian) Empire.

Those that fought the Spanish Empire tooth and nail like the Muslims of North Africa (Moors of Morocco/Mauritania); they call Moors that was later shortened by Filipino Indios to Moros.
Since we are neither “Indios” (not Indians) of North and South American nor Moors (not Africans) of North Africa then what the hell are we? We are not even Filipinos (not Spanish) from the root word “Prince Philip” of Spain.

It is about time to not rediscover but discover our true identity and discard our enslaver’s barbarian skin that Filipino Indios (not Moros) so proudly display like a priceless heirloom.

an afterthought: 

…that the Spaniards should call us Moros and Indios is weird if not outright stupidly ignorant considering that we have absolutely no physical resemblance to neither the black Africans nor the Indians of the American continents but hey; Christopher Columbus is probably the greatest ignorant ass-hole in all of history calling the natives of the American continents Indians meaning he had not the slightest idea of India and its people that he was looking for. The difference is so wide apart; only a certified moron will make the mistake he did and for later historians to continue to adhere to an obvious misnomer boggles the mind. We know for instance that 6 of the supposed magic 19 that made 9/11 happens are alive and well; the story never changed. We would rather stick to tradition rather than see the light of truth. It’s insane.

Google Dictionary:
Indios plural
1.     A member of any of the indigenous peoples of America or eastern Asia in areas formerly subject to Spain or Portugal


1 comment:

  1. …that the Spaniards should call us Moros and Indios is weird if not outright stupidly ignorant considering that we have absolutely no physical resemblance to neither the black Africans nor the Indians of the American continents but hey; Christopher Columbus is probably the greatest ignorant ass-hole in all of history calling the natives of the American continents Indians meaning he had not the slightest idea of India and its people that he was looking for. The difference is so wide apart; only a certified moron will make the mistake he did and for later historians to continue to adhere to an obvious misnomer boggles the mind. We know for instance that 6 of the supposed magic 19 that made 9/11 happens are alive and well; the story never changed. We would rather stick to tradition rather than see the light of truth. It’s insane.
