Saturday, October 13, 2012

ISLAM: ARMAGEDDON’S common denominator…

ISLAM: ARMAGEDDON’S common denominator…

It’ bizarre; it’s absurd…have humankind become depleted with peacemakers, the Nobel committee is forced to give Nobel Peace prizes to warmongering beasts in the active process of dragging the world to WARS OF ARMAGEDDON? Read the news; you get the feeling that the war of Armageddon is about to commence and if you try to look back a little bit…you find yourself where it has all begun.

The war of Armageddon (Clash of Civilizations/West vs. Islam) is not about to begin; we are right in the Middle of it: the battle for Palestine (1947 to date), Balkan war (1994-1999/slaughter of Muslims in Serbia), the Iran-Iraq War (1979-1988), USSR’s Invasion of Afghanistan (1979), the battle for Babylon [Iraq] (1991 to date is USA’s longest war not Afghanistan), USA’s 9/11, USA/NATO invasion of Afghanistan (2001 to date), USA/NATO re-invasion of Iraq (2003 to date/final battle for Babylon), the Arab spring (2010 to date), the USA/NATO bombing of Libya (2011 to date/murder of Khaddaffy), USA/KSA/Qatar war in Syria (2011 to date) and…the coming Israel/USA/NATO war with Iran :-(

Note: I didn’t mention Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Mali, Lebanon, India/Kashmir and the breakup of the USSSR that gave birth to Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.

Mind boggling Common denominator: ISLAM

‘Obama lurching toward nuclear war by threatening Iran’

Irresponsible leaders risk the unthinkable. Media scoundrels cheerlead mindlessly. So do neocon think tanks. Ordinary people are more concerned about mundane trivia than survival.


World War II weapons were toys compared to today's. Before war ended, tens of millions died. Estimates range from 50 - 70 million. No one knows for sure. Preventing war would have saved them. Hoped for never again became perpetual conflicts. 

Obama replicates hard-line neocon extremism. He did what supporters thought impossible. He surpassed the worst of Bush. Imagine what'll do in a second term. He's risking the unthinkable. He's lurching toward potential nuclear war. He's mindless about likely consequences.

Only America [has] used nuclear weapons. It's not working to avoid potential catastrophe. It wants advantageous geopolitical positioning and dominance. Mutually assured destruction so far worked. Fail-safe days may be ending. 

Netanyahu/Barak need one more on their side. How all cabinet members feel is important. Six want war. Another six don't, and two remain undecided. Decisions this grave should be no-brainers. Mindless officials risk possible Armageddon Haaretz spelled out as follows: 

Though unlikely, if Israel goes it alone, Washington will be "furious. The price of oil soars. Thousands of missiles strike Tel Aviv, Haifa, Dimona and other Israeli cities. The economy collapses." 

"Hundreds are killed, thousands wounded. A mass flight of Israelis abroad. Tent cities. In this scenario, a senior figure in the ruling party said this week, Netanyahu will certainly lose the next election. Not even avowed Likudniks will vote Likud."

Does Netanyahu know the risks? "Of course," said a senior unnamed source. "He is not stupid." He just acts that way. "He sees the whole picture and all its parts." 


'via Blog this'

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