Monday, October 15, 2012

Iraq Buys Russian Weapons | Veterans Today

USA must stop dreaming or to rephrase it better; USA must stop lying to the American people: USA won the Iraq war for Iran; another paradox in our time. USA did have actually enough time to rethink its policies in Iraq from 1991 (Gulf War I) to 2003 (full invasion). I found it mindboggling bizarre how in that length of time; nobody advised the neo-con evil geniuses that removing Saddam would put in power the majority Shiite (Shi’a) that will be pro-Iran come-what-may. USA can expect whether they like it or not that these new weapons Iraq is buying from Russia can end up in Iran shall there be a war versus Iran.

Iraq Buys Russian Weapons
$4.2 Billion Worth Just Before American Election

(San Francisco) The Premier of Iraq journeyed many miles to the United States’s enemy, Russia, to sign on the dotted line for Russian weapons worth US$4.2 Billion Dollars, the Russian news agency RIA NOVOSTI released October 9, 2012 in Moscow.

RIA Novosti reports “MOSCOW, October 9 – Russia will deliver attack helicopters and mobile air-defense systems to Iraq in arms deals worth $4.2 billion signed earlier this year, it was disclosed today during a visit to Moscow by Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in which he met his counterpart Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

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