Monday, September 3, 2012

USA will not support unilateral Israeli attack on Iran

The American people are fatigued by 21 years of war (1991 to the present); it will be a political suicide for any president to engage in another major one that can be more devastating than Iraq and Afghanistan combined. Even assuming that Iran is making the bomb; going to war is not simply worth it. What are few more bombs to the thousands already in a state of readiness around the world? It makes no sense to go to war to stop someone from making it especially if all indications show the non-existence of proof and consistent denial of the accused not to mention that the accusers are known to be pathologic liars. 

We will not support possible unilateral Israeli attack on Iran: US

Amid Israel’s war rhetoric against Iran, the United States has sent a message to the Islamic Republic, stating that Washington would not support Tel Aviv in case of any possible unilateral strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.

Top officials at US President Barack Obama's administration have sent the confidential message to Iran a few days ago via two European governments, announcing that the US would not support Israel if it decided to carry out a “unilateral and without coordination” attack on Iran, the Israeli daily Yediot Ahronotreported. 

The daily added that the US aims to prevent an Iranian attack on the US installations in the Persian Gulf, where it has deployed aircraft carriers and has several military bases. 

Israel’s political officials have noted that the US move is an indication of more strained ties between Washington and Tel Aviv.

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