Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Iran will seize back assets from Great Satan:

Whenever the Iranian leadership that begun with Imam Khomeini calls USA the big Satan; Christians laugh without truly understanding what they are laughing at. USA being the Big Satan is biblically correct. It refers to the “Biblical Dragon” that gives power unto the Beast 666 (U.N.) and the co-called second Beast (NATO). Believe it or not; USA is the beast behind the beasts. Both U.N. and NATO are toothless beasts without USA’s military powers.  Without USA; the Gulf War would have never happened hence the destruction of Babylon (Book of Revelation) would have never commenced. 21 years and the destruction of Babylon (Iraq) still continue to unfold before our very eyes.

Iran will seize back assets from Great Satan: Iran Cmdr.
A senior Iranian commander has censured the blocking of Iran's assets by the US as “economic terrorism” and reaffirmed Tehran’s determination to seize its national wealth back by all means necessary.

“If it takes 50 years, we will take back the frozen assets in the US even if by force,” said Deputy Commander of Iran’s Armed Forces Chiefs of Staff Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri on Tuesday. 

“The blocking of the assets of the Islamic Republic of Iran is economic terrorism and financial theft in which, unfortunately, the US is adroit like in other forms of terrorism and physical elimination of human beings,” he added. 

The Iranian commander noted that the US must be gullible to imagine that it has looted Iran's assets permanently, adding, “They should be sure that we will seize back our assets from the Great Satan.”

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