Tuesday, September 18, 2012


A million drones will not kill the spirit of Islam. If the west failed to destroy Islam in the age of the Colonial Empires when almost all Muslim nations were under colonial rule by European marauding empires; what made them think they can do it now? They even duped the Arabs into joining the Beast of Empire to bring down the empire of the Caliph. They succeeded but the spirit of Islam lives on eventually kicking out brutal conquerors from Muslim lands. Foremost among fears of Israel is the historical truth that all colonial powers regardless of how brutal cannot wipe out an entire population. People will always assert their divine right to be free no matter what price to pay and the price are always; “free at last.”

The Khan of the Mongols conquered and completely devastated the empire of the Caliph so complete; the destruction of Baghdad in my opinion is unequalled in ancient history but ah; the spirit of Islam conquered the hearts and minds of the Mongols. The “Mongolian Horde” in the end became the sword of Islam that truly spread Islam to the ends of the earth. This historical truth should serve as a lesson to all would be enemies of Islam and yeah; always keep in mind Saladin’s wars against the Crusaders. Islam; better believe it is always the victor in the end because to put it simply: you cannot make war against the believers and hope to win for Allah has decreed; “I and my prophet (Muhammad) will prevail.” 

Zionists, US launch all-out war on Islam

The Zionists created that blasphemous film. They did it to enrage Muslims and provide the USA with an excuse to send in drones.

At the same time there is increasing Zionist rhetoric, and increasing intent, against Iran. Whilst the Americans like it to be known that they are against an attack on Iran, the truth is that they want it. American, British and French warships now swarm in the Persian Gulf waiting for the Israeli planes to strike. 

Within minutes of the strike an Israeli plane will fire a missile at an American aircraft carrier and the Western media will announce that Iran has attacked. Which will be untrue but it will appear to be true because it will be yet another false flag attack, at which the USA and Israel are experts, giving an excuse for the warships to hurl their missiles. 


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