Monday, September 17, 2012

DEATH BY COMPARISON: Khaddaffy and the USA’s ambassador (shocking lies)

DEATH BY COMPARISON: Khaddaffy and the USA’s ambassador 

In the events that led to the bombing of Libya by USA/NATO forces; USA promised not to send ground troops to Libya. They are now sending Special Forces allegedly to hunt down Al Qa’eda terrorists that killed the USA’s ambassador and two others (LOL! Al Qa’eda and USA are fighting side-by-side in Syria to unseat Assad). I would have believed that the ambassador was killed by terrorists if not for the series of photos published by MSNBC showing the building on fire while the Libyan mob supposedly his killers actually dragged him out of the flaming building to safety. Unfortunately; the ambassador and the other two died of smoke inhalation. That the ambassador was helped out of the building is something you will not hear from USA and the presstitute media because they have another agenda in mind. I even heard last night from radio posted on that the ambassador is no ambassador. He was only a consular officer upgraded to ambassadorship for media consumption after his death. Lies! Lies! Lies!

Take note of the fume/smoke remnants on his skin and clothes and the crowd trying to help him

This man had his cellular phone on his mouth as he tried to drag the ambassador with both hands to safety


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