Friday, July 13, 2012

Zionist Children Message of Death...

When I saw this picture several years ago; I wanted to puke. How can adults be so mentally deranged as to teach their young to grow up to be murdering small demons? I remembered as a kid in grade school how we received letters from other children coming from some unknown places in USA if I remember correctly. Each of us was given one friendly letter and wrote a reply. It was real lovely, sweet and fun; the kind that stirs the imagination to beautiful heights. Compare those friendly notes with the words that the children of Zion wrote on these bombs before it were dropped on other children in the South of Lebanon that slaughtered thousands. This is one glaring example of how because of technology does a picture really speaks a thousand words.

2006 - Israeli Children | the girl wrote: "I waited for this moment for so long..."

Israel Admits War Causes Were Fabricated
“Even before the Hezbollah War, Israel knew it was hopeless to retrieve abducted IDF soldiers”—Ehud Olmert

Israel as New Masada

“Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot” says the Bible in Exodus 21:24. It may seem a bit barbaric nowadays, but back then it established the idea of proportional punishment and—in nearby texts—a method of indemnification for crimes committed. These days, if your neighbor breaks the window of your house, you expect to get a new window and some degree of compensation if the damage was intentional. No modern society would accept the retaliatory breaking of the neighbor’s window—or demolishing his house, as the Israelis do in Lebanon and the occupied Territories—as a just response. For a long time now, Israelis are running amok in this violent manner. Having rejected their last Teacher, they are now forgetting even law morals, receding dangerously back to lawless times.
“Masada won’t fall for a second time,” are the words used by Israeli soldiers to swear allegiance to their country. Two millennia ago, Masada was an impressive fortress overlooking the Dead Sea. A small Jewish sect occupied it, and withstood the Roman siege for a few years. Surrounded by high cliffs on all sides—an early version of the modern Israeli wall around the Palestinian territories—the place seemed unconquerable. Food reserves within the walls and sophisticated wells ensured survival in the arid landscape. But the Romans were resourceful and built a ramp all the way up. Nowadays it is called the Snake Way—due to its undulating shape around the cliffs—and it is still the only way to reach the top by foot; the nearby cable car is a modern contrivance. When the Romans reached the top, Masada’s people committed suicide to avoid captivity. Only one woman and her children survived to tell the tale. Masada is a powerful myth for Israelis. They like to consider their tiny country—without a constitution, without agreed upon borders and with racist laws discriminating amongst its citizens—a kind of modern Masada. The word is even used as the code name for certain strategic military plans.

Please read full article:

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