Tuesday, July 17, 2012

INTO THE VALLEY OF DEATH; ride the beasts, heroes and suicide martyrs

INTO THE VALLEY OF DEATH; ride the beasts, heroes and suicide martyrs

Posted By: acson005 <Send E-Mail>
Date: Thursday, 16 February 2006, 2:39 p.m.

It is here at STA I read about that Turkish movie, “Valley of the Wolves; Iraq” where American soldiers are portrayed as killers but what is one movie compared to hundreds in Hollywood where Moslems are always portrayed as cold-blooded killers. They are Hollywood’s favorite punching bags especially after the fall of communism. Jewish Hollywood needed a villain and Moslems conveniently filled the void. How about those thousands of books and magazine articles of the same theme? Israel and the west had manipulated the media to the point that THEIR EVILS BECAME HOLY AND THE VICTIMS BECAME THE EVIL ONES. Palestinians became the aggressors and Israelis became the victims that need the sympathy of the world. It is the divine right of any oppressed and conquered people to fight for their freedom and King George is demanding from HAMAS TO RENNOUNCE THEIR DIVINE RIGHT TO BE FREE. Can Uncle Sam’s sense of justice be more freakish than that? 


A Red Crescent building in South Lebanon was bombed WHERE HUNDREDS OF REFUGEES DIED. To escape the Israeli onslaught, the refugees took shelter in the building. A CNN reporter asked the pilot who dropped the bomb how he will feel when he sees those mangled bodies of old men, women and children? The answer was the kind that sticks to your memory the rest of your life. “I don’t watch the news on TV,” was the reply and walked away without a mustard seed of remorse. Similarly, a CNN reporter asked the pilot why they kept strafing and bombing the Iraqis who had surrendered and were marching back to Baghdad from Kuwait with their hands in the Air. “At thirty thousand feet, I couldn’t see if their hands were in the air,” was the sarcastic reply and walked away very satisfied with himself. These are the kind of people that make you want to puke. THEY BOMB VILLAGES AND WEDDING PARTIES and goes home to finish their dinners. They are BORN TO KILL and rewarded for their acts. They become captains and generals and come home to a hero’s welcome. They create and fought wars for their penchant for blood. THEY WEAR THE STARS ON THEIR CHESTS AND SEND YOUNG MEN TO DIE IN WARS.

A mother whose son died in a suicide bomb in Israel was asked how she feels about her son. “HE IS A MARTYR AND I WISH I HAVE A HUNDRED MORE TO GIVE.” Israel and the US of A have demonized these martyrs to the point that their families are collectively punished. Their homes are bulldozed and their families are bundled and thrown into a refugee camp to live in squalor and the rest of the world does not raise a finger in protest. At least: SUICIDE MARTYRS HAVE THE DECENCY TO BLOW THEMSELVES WITH THEIR VICTIMS in fact them first before others. Those that died didn’t know what hit them but CAN YOU POSSIBLY IMAGINE HOW A SUICIDE MARTYR FEELS DAYS LEADING TO THE MISSION? It is hard to contemplate meaning they suffer the most and they snap their lives before anyone else nearby. Sometimes, they blow themselves to smithereens without hurting anyone else.

It is wrong to think that suicide martyrdom is a modern phenomenon. In my little niche in the south of Philippines, suicide martyrs were first born. In the early days of the past century, USA bought Philippines from Spain and became Uncle Sam’s first and only colony. There were no bombs at the time but the Moslems after four hundred years of battling Spanish colonization had mastered the art of primitive guerilla warfare. Those that had decided to be martyred for the cause of Islam and freedom applied multiple bondages (tourniquets) over their bodies and limbs. It ingeniously stopped and delayed the loss of blood when hit by the American guns. It gave them few precious moments to live and fulfill their mission. They never fall until they have hacked to death an American scout. Those suicide martyrs wrecked havoc in the psyche of the American scout rangers. Eventually, the war department was compelled to ask the US congress to authorize the production of a gun that can bring down the MOSLEM JURAMINTADOS in the south of Philippines and the caliber .45 was born. For more than half a century, caliber .45 was the world’s most powerful handgun.

FEAR NOT THE MARTYRS BUT FEAR THOSE THAT ENJOY THE KILL. MARTYRS ARE DEAD BUT THOSE THAT ARE BORN TO KILL LIVE ANOTHER DAY TO ENJOY ANOTHER KILLS. THEY MAKE A LADDER OF THE DEAD TO REACH THE PINNACLE OF THEIR DREAMS. THEY MAKE A TYRANT OF KINGS AND EMPERORS. They build empires and send a hundred, a thousand or a million of our young MARCHING INTO THE VALLEY OF DEATH. They evolve to become the BEASTS AMONG MEN. There is not a moment I didn’t feel disgust whenever they flash on the screen the faces of those fallen in Iraq and Afghanistan ages 19, 20 and 21 years. It is okay, Iraqis and Afghans are dying for their country but are Americans dying for their own or are they dying for the BEASTS AMONG US? I wonder how in heaven the self-proclaimed HOLY MEN OF D.C. AND THE WHITE HOUSE ever goes to sleep at night. Why is there only one SANDY SHEEHAN among so many?


Don’t you ever feel like screaming?


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