Wednesday, May 9, 2012

UNDERWEAR BOMBER: Don’t believe this s**t; believe this…

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab; the Nigerian boy who had firecrackers hidden under his brief is serving 4 life sentences in jail. The firecrackers hidden under his brief exploded but injured nobody but his balls; naturally. It is according to USA a weapon of mass destruction; LOL! He boarded the plane that he was supposed to bomb in the midair without passports/visa. So much for airport security; how did he? Reminds me of that character in X-Men who just appears and disappears behind walls. He was escorted to the plane by someone obviously with (CIA) high security clearance; wow. Although the American law of the Wild Wild West appears real funny sometimes not to mention the American Gulag at Guantanamo Cuba; you don’t want to tangle with the Darth Vader of the Evil Empire unless of course you are Skywalker. 

Scott Shane & Eric Schmitt
The New York Times
Tue, 08 May 2012 18:31 CDT
The would-be suicide bomber dispatched by the Yemen branch of Al Qaeda last month to blow up a United States-bound airliner was actually an intelligence agent for Saudi Arabia who infiltrated the terrorist group and volunteered for the suicide mission, American and foreign officials said Tuesday. 

In an extraordinary intelligence coup, the double agent left Yemen, traveling by way of the United Arab Emirates, and delivered both the innovative bomb designed for his air attack and critical information on the group's leaders to the C.I.A., Saudi and other foreign intelligence agencies. 

After spending weeks at the center of the terrorist network's most dangerous affiliate, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the agent provided critical information that permitted the C.I.A. to direct the drone strike on Sunday that killed Fahd Mohammed Ahmed al-Quso, the group's external operations director and a suspect in the bombing of the American destroyer Cole in Yemen in 2000. 

He also handed over the bomb, designed by the group's top explosives expert to be invisible to airport security, to the F.B.I., which is analyzing its properties.


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