Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The irony of ironies; USA today is what USSR used to be and vice versa…

USA today is what Russia used to be at the height of the cold war which reminds me of a movie television series in betamax tapes entitled “1999” if I remember correctly. It was an action packed movie (in the mid-eighties) of more than 10 hours length where USA became an authoritarian communist nation. Russian advisers were everywhere in the country helping the US leaderships through the transition while American militant students organized into revolutionary cells that provided the right formulae for a thriller that keep you at the edge of your seats. The irony of all ironies that nobody even dreamed about is the switching of the plot that became a reality; Russia today became what USA used to be. Although it was a fiction; nobody expected it to become a veiled reality except that there are no American patriots fighting the evils of their government. There are no thrills; only frailties in today’s USA. 

ACLU requests public access to 9/11 suspects' statements
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has officially requested public access to statements made by alleged conspirators of the September 11 attacks.

The ACLU asked the military court trying five alleged plotters to reject any possible attempts made by the US government to withhold the defendants’ statements regarding the treatment they received, UPI reported. 

The US has been accused of using torture techniques, including simulated drowning known as water-boarding, on alleged terrorist suspects, many of whom have been held at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility in Cuba, without charges for ten years. 

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