Thursday, May 17, 2012

MASS MURDERERS: the butcher of Bosnian Muslims on trial

Analysis: In this battle with Mladic, women of Srebrenica hold the edge

By Nic Robertson, CNN

May 17, 2012 -- Updated 0658 GMT (1458 HKT)

The Hague, Netherlands (CNN) -- Seventeen years after the end of the war, Ratko Mladic gives the impression he is still on the battlefield in what was once Yugoslavia, staring down his enemy, glowering across the courtroom. Even gesticulating death threats.

What the former Bosnian Serb military commander hopes to gain and exactly what he is trying to defend are unclear. He may be the only one who expects an outcome other than guilty.

Full article:



(Note: more than 100,000 Muslims were slaughtered in what was then Yugoslavia. 8,000 men in Srebrenica under the protection of the United Nations were abducted under the very noses of the United Nation’s guards and massacred by the Serbians. 40,000 Muslim women were raped some of them were impregnated and forced to abandon their children to orphanages in Europe.)

Nostradamus Quatrain X.74 has always been interpreted as referring to the Israeli athletes killed at the Munich Olympics in 1976. Like most western lies; it was a black propaganda against the Palestinians.

Except for the “GAME OF SLAUGHTER…” that may no matter how remote refer to the Olympic Games, there is nothing else to suggest referring to the Israeli athletes killed by Palestinian militants. Volumes of books had been written of the incident but authors have admitted being unable to account for: “…WHEN THE DEAD WILL COME OUT OF THEIR GRAVES.”


“The year of the great seventh number
Accomplished it will appear at the time
Of the games of slaughter
Not far from the age of the great
Millennium, when the dead will come out of their graves.”

Nostradamus X. 74

“The year of the great seventh number,” referred to by Nostradamus is interpreted as meaning “the end of a decade.” 1997-1999 is not only the end of a decade; it is the end of the 20th century and the end of the second millennium. 1999 was a very significant ominous year.

“Accomplished it will appear at the time of the game of slaughter”

Many will disagree but will not argue the point that the above prophecy could refer to the gamely attitude of the way Moslems were slaughtered [Holocaust II] in Bosnia and Kosovo. More than a hundred thousand Moslems men, women and children were slaughtered and hunted like games in 1997 to 1999. It doesn’t refer to a gaming event rather to human slaughter treated like game. Around 40,000 Moslem women were raped some of whom were impregnated by the Serbians who treated the acts like games. No less than the pope appealed to European doctors not to abort the Moslem women raped and impregnated by the Serbians.

In April 2000, CNN carried a story of an angelic like infant girl delivered by a 17 years old Moslem Kosovar who refused even to look at the child. To be raped is one but to be raped by someone who slaughtered the people you love right in front of your eyes is another. You are made to live in order to suffer the humiliation and indignities of rape. Death would have been an act of mercy.

“Not far from the age of the great millennium”

The years 1997-1999 are closer to the (great) 3rd Millennium than 1976 of the Munich Olympics.

“When the dead will come out of their graves.”

Thousands of the dead were dug out of their mass graves for forensic identifications. Some of the dead were reburied after virtually coming out of their graves but thousands are still in morgues around Europe waiting for identification. 465 corpses will be reburied today (July 11, 2007) 12 years after being out of their graves. 

Quatrain X.74 is fulfilled to the minute detail. 

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