Wednesday, May 16, 2012

DID SIX MILLION REALLY DIE? by Pandora Pushkin (Satire)

While it is neither sin to disbelieve nor to make fun of God in 16 western countries; you can go to jail and lose your job if you disbelieve and present proofs of your disbelief that 6 million Jews died in the holocaust meaning it is illegal in these 16 western countries to deny that 6 million Jews died in the holocaust. Funny; the population of Saudi Arabia in 1980 was about 6 million and that of Israel was about 4 million. Imagine 6 million Jews dead in Germany’s jails in 1940. It is statistically impossible and according to Red Cross and other agency’s records; there were about 300,000.

Keep your mouth shut about the holocaust if you visit Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, and Switzerland.

DID SIX MILLION REALLY DIE? by Pandora Pushkin (Satire)

Posted on  by Montecristo

The new world religion, Hollocaustianity, also has its temples: these are known as Holocaust Museums. They are being built now in ever increasing quantities thanks to the generosity of taxpayers (Jewish as well as non-Jewish) whose earnings are being earmarked not only for the construction of these grim edifices in honor of King Khazar but for new wars being fought on his behalf in Iraq, Afghanistan and other Islamic countries such as Pakistan.

Here in Afpak, incidentally, even the women and children are so evil that they need to be destroyed by deadly drones from the sky, known in Vatican circles as Arma Ignavi  (“The Coward’s Weapon”). Wedding parties are obliterated. Ambulances speeding to rescue the dying are blown to smithereens. Even mothers scrabbling in the ruins to pull their mangled children from the rubble are blown off the face of the earth. Why? Because they are all terrorists who refuse to worship King Khazar, the Jewish God of War whose worship in America has now become obligatory.

These lethal drone weapons (Arma Ignavi) are operated by courageous American warriors in shirtsleeves (sometimes known as “chickenhawks” but more often as “inglourious basterds”) who sit in front of computer screens in distant America playing an exciting new war game known as “Collateral Damage”.

Yea, the New World  Religion also hath its “Day of Remembrance” (27 January), on which day the world is solemnly besought to Remember The Six Million Who Died. It has its saints and its martyrs: the victims who die and the victims who survive and today receive the holy eucharist—the Bread of Life—known as “Holocaust reparations”.

Hollocaustianity has its pilgrims, its publishing houses, its clergy, its laity. It even has its Inquisition in sixteen countries, where denial of its sacred tenets are serious crimes resulting in imprisonment: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, and Switzerland.

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