Sunday, March 18, 2012

Why You Should Not Buy Your Child an iPad

Six months ago; I promised my 7 years old daughter that I will buy her an iPad. It was an impulse I may have to regret. She didn’t even know what an iPad was. I guess it was my realization that she was gaining more knowledge from the internet than what she gets from her expensive private school that an iPad will further boost her interest although we already have desktop and several laptops at home. The first thing I did when I came home for vacation was to add WiFi to our PLDT internet modem. She knows more (aside from gaming) in the use of the internet than her mom.

I always wonder how she learned to speak English with perfection that made her teachers cringed. Although we trained her just for the heck to speak English at an early age; she learned it with ease that surprised us all so much so that when she was introduced to the net; she adapted it like it was the most natural thing in the world. Like any toddler; the hive of attraction to the net would be e-games and Nishreen probably has the best of teachers at it. Her brother; 16 years her senior although they are next to each other in the family tree is an e-gamer addict virtually born with electronic gadgets in hands from Atari to SEGA to PlayStation to the internet. Because to understand the use of anything in the net; one has to read few instructions; it has accelerated not only her command of the English language but her speed of reading and apprehension. Few weeks after I returned to KSA; I learned while I was chatting with her that her sister bought an iPad and that she is now adept at it. Several months later; I have to make an emergency leave for a good reason. Nancy and friends were coming to the Philippines from USA. After forty years of not seeing each other’s; it was a trip I simply had to make. When Nancy and her friends stayed with us for few days before flying back to USA; Nishreen’s command of English was put to the test. She was amazing J

It is more than a week now since I returned to KSA. Few days ago; I saw this message on my facebook;
“honor ako papa smurf” (After we watched the movie “Smurfs”  in 3D; she started calling me ‘papa smurf’   :-)

I promised to buy her an iPad if she ends the school year with honors. I knew she would because when I went to pick her up at her school; I saw her name posted on the school’s bulletin board.

Okay! iPad :-( 

Why You Should Not Buy Your Child an iPad
With the iPad 3 debut coming, you can bet a lot of children and young adults are begging their parents to buy them an Apple tablet. But you'd be wise to resist the urge, according to's Tom Kaneshige.

Wed, February 29, 2012


Then there are the mind-boggling reasons for buying your kid an iPad. In the iYogi survey, 57 percent of parents with two children or more would be happy to use the iPad to keep their kids out of their hair. Who would have thought the iPad makes a good babysitter?

Almost all of the parents in the iYogi survey who were willing to buy their child an iPad approved of its use as a homework tool. The iPad has been heralded as nothing less than a miracle for helping autistic students anddisabled adults like Kevin Berg communicate. Multimedia e-textbooks created on iBooks Author and running on the iPad may one dayrevolutionize teaching at high schools.

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