Tuesday, February 7, 2012

ISRAELI OFFICIALS: Terrorists may get Syria's weapons

If this report is true then it is well and good. It will be a deterrent to Israel and USA/NATO from attacking Iran.

For any Israel/USA/NATO assault on Iran to succeed; it must first neutralize Hezbollah meaning watch out; any Israel’s bombing or invasion of Lebanon would signal an immediate prelude to war with Iran. Israel’s defense forces will most probably invade Lebanon while its air force bombs Iran’s nuclear facilities. Israel knows that Hezbollah can inflict greater damage than what Iran can do on the shorter term. Hezbollah is Iran’s deterrent because Israel does not know exactly what weapons Hezbollah has that it can unleash if and when Israel bombs Iran.

With Mubarak out; Israel can no longer predict how the Egyptian people will respond to a war with the Palestinians. Egyptian weapons can easily be transported through its borders with Gaza meaning Israel should stop talking about tilting the balance of power in the Middle East. The world has changed and like the arrow of time; it cannot be reversed. It is stupid for Israel and its western dogs of war to believe that it can forever thumbs down on the Arabs and the Muslim world at large. 

Israeli officials: Terrorists may get Syria's weapons
Weapons include advanced SA missiles, high-trajectory long-range rockets and missiles, and biological and chemical weapons, officials say.


Following the bloody weekend assault on Homs by Assad's forces, Israeli defense sources said large amounts of weapons could be transferred to Hezbollah, in Lebanon, or to other organizations.
The weapons include advanced SA missiles, high-trajectory long-range rockets and missiles, and biological and chemical weapons, the officials said.
Speaking last week at the Herzliya Conference, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said: "It is difficult to predict exactly what will happen in Syria. We're watching for attempts to pass advanced weapons systems that could edge the delicate balance in Lebanon to Hezbollah."
After Muammar Gadhafi's regime collapsed in Libya last year, the army's caches were looted and SA missiles and rockets found their way to various terror organizations - from militias in east Africa, to Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip, officials said.


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