Monday, February 6, 2012



If you have the natural gift of astral projection; look deeper because projection is just a minor manifestation of things bigger than you can possibly imagine. The following stories are purely based on my experience. I don’t like writing lengthy stories on one setting so I will write few incidents at a time.

I like to mention the movie “Final destination” as a reference story because hardly will you find anyone who has not seen at least one of the series. When the movie makers killed the dreamer; they killed the only truth in the movie. That the dreamer was forewarned is no fiction. It happens; it can happen to anyone gifted with the power of premonition. It is astral projection in time. You can time project in minutes, in years or in decades into the past or future. Some people like to tame the gift and do it consciously but I don’t. I treat it like a friend that is free to come and go. Again; what if in the movie “Final Destination;” the aircraft pilot after the altercation ordered the rechecking of the engines just for the heck and discovered that indeed something was wrong and fixed it. In real life; the dreamer would have saved hundreds of lives.

Another movie; “Unbreakable” which was probably the most unexciting of all Bruce Willis movies but for some strange phenomena; I watched it because I thought I was watching the perplexing saga of my own existence.

Although I can have a premonition of future events, I dreams only of those that directly concerns me and since I am not in a position to influence events of any significance, the gift is of no benefit to others.

I was on a flight from Abha, the capital city of Assir (Southwest) region of Saudi Arabia to Jeddah. As soon as we landed at the Jeddah International Airport; the plane before it loses momentum took off again. I saw the flight attendant’s face turned deathly pale and so was I. I can feel my heart rambling inside my chest. As soon as we were in the air again, the flight attendant unfastened her belt and calmly walked to the first class section of the plane. Her color was better when she returned. She is from my country so I asked in our vernacular what happened. “There was an airport truck in the middle of the runaway,” she replied very calmly.

Thinking about it gave me the creeps to this day. The plane was big, a Tri-Star. All the other passengers seemed to be in a suspended animation. Nobody stirred nor spoke a single word. The only two who seemed to be alive was the flight stewardess and I. Even the other flight attendants didn’t move. I don’t even remember hearing a single word from the captain over the speaker. He could have at least reassured the passengers for comfort or why would any jetliner after landing took off again unless there is a major engine trouble or hijacking.

I was seated in the front row directly facing the flight attendant where she belted herself on take offs and landings. The plane circled the airport and made another smooth landing. People deplaned eerily as if they were drugged or were sleepwalking. They were either morbidly in shock or didn’t know that we landed twice. I kept asking myself one question. Was it possible for the plane to have crashed if I wasn’t in it? Looking back, the possibility is indeed very real.  It might look too much of an assumption to make but hey; I died when I was few months old, my mother claimed but I wriggled back to life while they were wrapping me up in my white burial shroud. I am from a tribe (Maranaw) in the south of the Philippines that can be considered poor and backward 60 years ago.

I was driving back from the city of Khamis Mushayt on a Wednesday, the 5th of April 2000. In Sara’t Abidah, a big town halfway between the city of Khamis and the town of Zahran Al Janoub where I live and work, a terrible accident happened.

I was caught in between cars driving no faster than 60 km. per hour. There were three cars in front and another one behind me all of them probably from the town or from a village nearby because none of them seemed to be in a hurry.

Since I was still an hour away from my destination, I wanted to drive ahead so I turned the wheel to the opposite lane. There was a white car coming in the opposite direction so I changed my mind and decided to drive back to my lane. Before I could however, I heard a shattering noise and saw two cars collided in my side view mirror. There was a car speeding behind me who was driving so fast it wasn’t in my view the last time I looked in the mirror. It was about to hit me with a force that would have killed me but before he could; the car coming in the opposite direction hit him on the driver’s side and knocked him off the road.

I continued driving but my hands and legs were shaking all the way. None of the cars stopped so I didn’t stop too. We were still in the town few blocks from the town’s 150 bed Hospital.
Two days after the accident (Friday, a weekend in KSA); I played tennis with the Filipino X-ray technician at the hospital’s tennis court. I asked him if he attended to the accident the other day.
“One of the drivers,” he said, “died on the spot with the wheel crushing against his chest.” I felt really sad.
The real mystery was how I got to be at that spot at the very precise moment like a clock-work. I should have never been there in the first place but there were series of events in the week that I can only describe as weird really weird in a way that if only one of those events did not happen; I would have never been on that exact spot.

An hour and a half before that accident; I was inside my car. I purchased some things from the department/grocery store. I was ready to drive away but I thought; I will buy a burger so I will not have to cook dinner when I get home. I alighted from my car and walked to the “Herfy Restaurant” beside the Department store. I bought a giant burger, drunk the coke, ate the French fries and had the burger wrapped. I must have been in the restaurant for at least 20 minutes meaning if I have not thought of buying the burger; I would not have been on that spot at a very precise moment that the accident happened. With many other players; I was a programmed robot for the week with mind boggling precision but the question remains; why would God sacrifice the life of another to preserve mine…?

I discovered the BEAST 666 in 1990 (UN Resolution 666/Gulf War-The Battle for Babylon/Iraq) and in 1994; I discovered the New Jerusalem (MECCA) meaning believe it or not; Jesus’ second coming could happen in our lifetime.

BEAST 666 and the UN Resolution 666
MECCA; a major sign of the End

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