Thursday, January 5, 2012


Calling it not just an “exercise”, but a “deployment”, the Jerusalem Post quotes US Lt.-Gen Frank Gorenc, Commander of the US Third Air Force based in Germany. The US Commander visited Israel two weeks ago to confirm details for “the deployment of several thousand American soldiers to Israel.” In an effort to respond to recent Iranian threats and counter-threats, Israel announced the largest ever missile defense exercise in its history. Now, it’s reported that the US military, including the US Navy, will be stationed throughout Israel, also taking part.
Also confirming the upcoming US-Israeli military missile exercises is - 'global news service of the Jewish people'. In their account, they report, 'Last week, plans for Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, to visit Israel in January were leaked to Israeli media; his visit likely will coincide with the largest-ever joint U.S.-Israel anti-missile exercise'.
While American troops will be stationed in Israel for an unspecified amount of time, Israeli military personnel will be added to EUCOM in Germany. EUCOM stands for United States European Command.
Full article:


We ignore, no we laugh off the Mayan calendar’s end on December 21, 2012 which happened to be on a Friday and here we are, THE WARMONGERING DEMONS OF THE WORLD; THE LORDS OF WAR GOING LIGHT SPEED FOR WAR. Since a war with Iran could bring about a worldwide conflagration; only a devil incarnate would be eager to spark such a despicable war. If Obama thinks that by starting this war; the demons of Zion will get him re-elected; he is wrong. The American people now occupying Wall Street are not stupid unable to distinguish right from wrong. Maybe; the righteous American people will eventually restore USA to the people and march from the Wall Street to the white House.

“The synagogue [Israel] sterile and without bearing fruit,
Will be received into the hands of the infidels [Moslems].
The daughters of the persecuted exiles of Babylon [Israel]
Will be miserable and sad because her wings of flight will be clipped.”
Nostradamus VIII.96

The prince of the Arabs, when Mars, the Sun and Venus are in Leo,
Will make the rule of the Church suffer at sea.
Towards Iran nearly a million men will march,
The true serpent will also invade Turkey and Egypt.

Nostradamus V, 25

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