Thursday, January 5, 2012


Israel will never stop. It will continue to settle every inch of Palestine while perpetually talking peace to deceive the world until not a square inch of Palestine is left to talk about. It is a plan that has been there since the birth of Israel but ignored by the rest of the world turning a blind eye because in the depths of their corrupted souls; it is okay. Israel is a sin where except for few; the entire world (U.N.) is a partner to the crime. If the world comes to an end tomorrow or the day after; Palestinians will welcome it with confetti because it would mean the end of their sufferings plus the added bonus of knowing that it is also the end of the happiness of the torturing thieves that took their lands and homes and everything they ever loved in the world. 

Ethnic Cleansing of Invented People

By Miko Peled

January 04, 2012 "Information Clearing House" - - Mostafa Tamimi from Nabi Saleh, Bahjat Zaalan and his son Ramdan from Gaza died on my fiftieth birthday and just a few days after Newt Gingrich declared them an invented people. They were murdered by the Israeli terrorist organization, the IDF, an organization that is supported and funded by the US. One Israeli terrorist shot the invented Tamimi in the head with a tear gas canister, and another Israeli terrorist fired a rocket that murdered the invented Zaalan and his boy Ramadan. Both terrorists were educated and trained by Israel, and armed by the US. The Israeli terrorists are not invented but quite real, and they are safe, protected by the apartheid regime that trained and sent them on their missions, and the Israeli court system will make sure that they are never brought to justice. This is how Israel’s well-oiled ethnic cleansing machine operates.


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