Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Note that in this analysis of why western allies should not bomb Iran; the analyst have only considered the closure of the Strait of Hormuz on economic terms not the real possibility that Iran will bomb oil fields and oil facilities in the Gulf. If the west thinks that Iran will not be that crazy; think of USA/ISRAEL/NATO as not being that insane to bomb Iran. It goes both ways not to mention that oil fields across the Persian Gulf are Sunni owned and allies to the beast of empire. They are enemies to Tehran and are therefore legitimate targets which are not only easily within reach; they are soft targets. Torching the Gulf into flame is a deterrent that Iran must use to force the west to back off. Attack us or we will torch the gulf and kick the world back to the Stone Age. Arabs can always go back to their tents in the deserts but where will USA and Europe go…? Will they climb their condo units and skyscrapers? 

11. Iran possesses what is likely the most capable military the US has faced in decades.

Lowther explained that Iran is not like Grenada, Panama, Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Serbia, Afghanistan or Iraq that the US invaded, adding that in all of these examples, the US military defeated an adversary incapable of competing with the US.

He also noted that the Iranian military is far more competent and capable and after watching the war in Iraq for a decade has a good understanding of US tactics and strategy.

The analyst said Iran's Navy is skilled in littoral combat and may be capable of closing the Strait of Hormuz for sufficient duration to wreak economic havoc. The recent naval exercises by the Iranian navy illustrate a clear strategy that would seek to close the strait while attempting to sink American combat vessels that enter the area. This would result in a significant loss of commercial shipping and cause the price of oil to skyrocket.

Read the full article:

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