Tuesday, January 10, 2012

General: US planning for military strike on Iran

President Obama's chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said this morning that the United States military is developing the plans necessary for a military strike on Iran in the event that the Iranians try to buiild a nuclear weapon.
"My responsibility is to encourage the right degree of planning [for if Iran tries to build a nuclear bomb], to understand the risks associated with any kind of military option -- in some cases to position assets, to provide those options in a timely fashion," General Martin Dempsey said on Face the Nation today. "And all those activities are going on," he added.

Please read full article:

In order for any closure of the Strait of Hormuz to succeed; Iran must ‘TORCH’ the gulf meaning hit all the oil fields and pipelines in the region that is within reach: KSA, Kuwait, Qatar, U.A.E., Oman, and Bahrain. It must never hesitate to spread havoc. If Iran is going down; it must bring as much as it can with her. Hesitancy will bring about her doom for nothing. If she decides to go to war; she must hit back where it hurts most…OIL. If it has nuclear device hidden somewhere; she must drop it not at Israel but at the world’s biggest oil fields in the region.
'via Blog this'

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