Tuesday, January 31, 2012



The court wasted more than 2 hours on a fishing expedition by the prosecutors. Funny; the prosecutors should have anticipated that any witness from MEGAWORLD they put on the stand will not help their case. They should have asked direct questions answerable by yes or no.

The developer will be devising their own strategy to save their own skin from this obvious spurious deal. It took the senator judges to ask for documents that the prosecutors should be asking for but these documents will not be presented as evidence for the prosecution :-(

The questioning should have taken few minutes not few hours that should have gone this way:


Q1. You testified that the price was not discounted but reduced due to typhoon damages; yes or no?

Q2. Where is the engineering estimate of the damages? [Senator Osmena] (Issue subpoena)

Q3. If you claim that it might be lost because of the time lapsed; give us the name of the company and persons who did the damages estimate. (Subpoena the company’s engineering department)

Q4. Obviously; the Corona’s will not move into an unfinished and damaged penthouse unit. Give us the name of the construction company that repaired what you claimed to be a damaged unit. Maybe; the Coronas spent more than the discount or reduced price you gave them. We want the receipt for the repairs. (Subpoena the company)

Q5. Give us the name of the insurance company that insured your building. Maybe; you got more from the insurance company than the reduced price you offered the CJ. (Subpoena the insurance company)

:-) We know the witness is lying. He will not be able to produce any or all of the above but the prosecutors ended up with MEGAWORLD washing its hands from doubts in the mind of the people that it was a party to the CJ schemes.

Senator Lacson finally asked the question that gave the witness a chance to read a long defensive text prepared by MEGAWORLD. They made it appear like they lost their cases while Corona is sitting as CJ. The prosecutor’s witness ended up acting as a witness for the defense ;-) 


Monday, January 30, 2012


The peace loving American people should never vote for any candidate PROMISING WAR WITH IRAN. Newt especially is very open and proud of his unconditional loyalty to Israel declaring not obviously through ignorance that Palestinians are invented people but a comic if not clownish entertainment to make his Zionists masters smile if not laugh for a penny on his campaign bag. Anything for money especially for the US presidency exerts a despicable corrupting influence that doesn’t only tramples upon the ideals of democracy; it turns democracy into a laughable ideology.

Imagine the consequences of a war with Iran that may lead to WORLD WAR III

Newt Gingrich’s Deep Neocon Ties Drive His Bellicose Middle East Policy
by Wayne Barrett Jan 30, 2012 4:45 AM EST

If elected, Gingrich would be the first American president to emerge from the dark think-tank world born in the Reagan era that gave us the Iraq war and lusts now for an Iranian reprise. The Daily Beast closely examines Gingrich’s long-time association with this discredited group.


If elected, Gingrich would be the first American president to emerge from the dark think-tank world born in the Reagan era that gave us the Iraq War and lusts now for an Iranian reprise. A Likudnik version of the Manchurian candidate, Newt has spent much of his post-Congress life in the grasp of warrior colonies like theAmerican Enterprise Institute (AEI), the think tank where he became a senior fellow two months after he stepped down as speaker in 1999, remained until he declared for president last May, and worked at times alongside Dick and Lynne Cheney, Richard Perle, John Bolton, Michael Ledeen, and Paul Wolfowitz, the first Bush battalion to euphemistically land in Baghdad, self-dispatched well before 9/11. 


As early as October 15, 2001, four days before the Afghanistan ground war began, Gingrich was already writing that “defeating the Taleban (sic) without defeating Saddam is like defeating imperial Japan and leaving the Nazis alone.” That November, he helped lay the WMD groundwork for an Iraq invasion, claiming he’d personally talked to a defector who’d headed the Iraq nuclear program and that this unimpeachable source told him “there were 7,000 people working on nuclear weapons in Iraq.” Gingrich concluded that “any reasonable person would have to come to the conclusion” that Saddam “intends to use them the first chance he gets.” This is, said the sage who now makes the same speech about Iran, “Hitler in 1935.” In 2002, his Washington Times op-ed opposed U.N. inspections of WMD facilities, insisting that the case had already been so well established that “every day spent waiting” while inspections proceeded would be “another day for Saddam to expand” his WMD program.


Gingrich’s views on Iran in the campaign are a reiteration of positions Wurmser took as far back as 2007, and are reminiscent of his Iraq advice. Limited strikes against Iranian nuclear targets would be useless, Wurmser said then and Gingrich says now. “Only if what we do is placed in the framework of a fundamental assault on the survival of the regime,” Wurmser declared, “will it have a pick-up among ordinary Iranians. If we start shooting, we must be prepared to fire the last shot. Don’t shoot a bear if you’re not going to kill it.” So, if this is the Iraq sequel Adelson’s seed money would fund in a Gingrich administration, Wurmser is supplying the script. 

Since the WMD language about Iran now used by Gingrich and his neocon allies is almost identical to war whoops that took us into Iraq, why should we listen to the same seers?


Sunday, January 29, 2012



Sometimes in the late 80s…

I had a feeling of being in heaven.

I was standing on a beach. It was hard to tell what time it was. I was not aware of the sun if there was any but the light was soft. It was neither hot nor cold and the sky was cloudless. The beach was long and smooth. There was no marking at all to suggest any other life form on the beach. I know I was alone. Weird; I feel as if I knew that the planet/heaven was uninhabited and lifeless. I was not aware of any mountain nearby neither in the distance although I didn’t turn around to look behind me. The sea was very calm. Although I feel completely comfortable and at peace; I started screaming “No no; my children are still young. I don’t want to leave them” when I felt my spirit leaving my body.

“You are dreaming again,” I heard my wife as she shake me out of my dreams. In my youth; it was my mother who used to say, “You are dreaming again.”

Sometimes in the mid-90s…

I was standing on top of a huge boulder crystal. Imagine being on a high ground and looking at a panoramic range of rolling hills and mountains except that they were nothing ordinary. They were what I really felt to be diamonds. No trees; no plants; just the jagged edge of diamond hills and Mountains. It was an awesome sight. The dream was so vivid like my other dream of being on an empty beach of another alien planet.

I smiled when I woke up amused at how the brain can create images so vividly real.

Imagine my shock; a pleasant one at that many years after…

Scientists have found a planet they believe to be a giant diamond.

·         The diamond planet is part of a binary star system located 4,000 light-years from Earth.
·         The body is the leftovers of a once-massive star, now reduced to solid crystal-like carbon -- diamond.
·         Scientists would like to find a pulsar with a black hole companion.

Astronomers have found the remains of a once-massive star, now transformed into a solid diamond five times bigger than Earth.
The object circles a pulsing companion star about 4,000 light years from Earth in the constellation Serpents (The Snake), which lies about one-eighth of the way toward the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

Late entry...

May 21, 2014

I had another strange dream last night. I think it is one of those astral journeys that I for quite a while didn't have. We were on planet Mars. I knew when I woke up that I had astral traveled because it must have taken only several seconds and my spirit guide was there with me. We were in what looked like a valley but the hills were at a distance. It could be just a desert with hills in the background. I was standing by a small canal no bigger than an ordinary drainage that slithered through the desert. The water was crystal clear and flowing. My spirit guide who was sitting with stretched legs on the ground dipped his index finger into the flowing liquid and licked it. It’s water alright…

March 22, 2016

I must have astral traveled to a barren planet last night. I was at the summit of one of the mountains in a mountainous region. I didn’t see any lowland meaning I must have been in the midst of the mountainous range unable to see beyond the surrounding mountains. There were neither trees nor plants of any kind. The daylight was clear but I wasn’t aware of the sun if there was any. It was when I started to worry how I can climb down the mountain that I suddenly woke up.

I didn’t feel being on Mars but looking back; the terrain is very much like the mountainous part of Mars.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Israel’s assassinations of whomever they mark as hindrance to Israel’s interest is a standard operating procedure of the government. The threat against Obma should never be taken for granted because once the word is out; it takes but one crazy Jew to pick-up the gun and shoot.

President Bush Sr. was a onetime president in spite of being a hero of Gulf War I because he was marked by Israel. He virtually forced Israel to stop building settlements in occupied Palestine. He ordered to withhold the release of 10 billion dollars in aid until Israel complied. This angered Israel’s supporters in USA that obviously led to his downfall in the ballot losing his bid for a second term.

I didn’t know he was marked for an officially sanctioned assassination by the Mossad.

The incident had ever since become a lesson to all would be US presidents…

Bush & Obama? Israeli assassinations and US Presidents
Written by Alison Weir
Secret Service warned of Israeli assassination plans
There is evidence that in 1991 an Israeli undercover team planned to assassinate a U.S. President. The intended victim was George Herbert Walker Bush.
The first person to write of the plot was a former 11-term Republican Congressman from Illinois, Paul Findley. In a 1992 article in the Washington Report for Middle East Affairs, Findley described the alleged scheme and how it was revealed.
Findley writes that the U.S. Secret Service had received a warning that elements of Israel’s spy agency might target Bush when he went to Madrid for the opening day of the peace conference to be held that year.
Ostrovsky writes that the Israelis planned a “false flag” operation in which they would pin the assassination on Palestinians. They kidnapped three Palestinian militants from Beirut who were to be the scapegoats, took them to Israel's Negev desert, and held them incommunicado.
“Meanwhile,” Killgore writes, “Mossad-generated threats on the president's life, seemingly from Palestinians, were leaked. These were designed to throw suspicion on the organization of rogue Palestinian terrorist Abu Nidal. Names and descriptions of the three terrorists were leaked to Spanish police so that, if the plot was successful, blame would automatically fall on them.”
Ostrovsky reports that after the assassination plot was eventually cancelled, the three Palestinian prisoners were “terminated.”
Targeting Americans
If the plot had gone forward, this would not have been the first time that Israel targeted Americans for death. Nor would it be the first false flag operation.
  • In 1954 the Mossad planned to firebomb American installations, libraries, and other gathering places in Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood was to be blamed for the attacks, thus causing American animosity toward Egypt. An accidental early detonation of one of the devices caused the plot, known as the Lavon Affair, to unravel before it could kill or mutilate the intended Americans.
  • In 1967 Israeli air and sea forces perpetrated an almost two-hour assault in which they tried to sink a US Navy ship with a crew of 294. While the attack failed to sink the ship, it succeeded in killing 34 Americans and injuring 174. Some analysts have conjectured that this was also a false-flag operation; it is highly likely that Egypt would have been blamed for the attack if the ship had gone down.
  • In 1973 Israeli fighter pilots were ordered to shoot down an unarmed U.S. reconnaissance plane (at the time the U.S. was delivering massive weaponry to Israel to prevent it from losing the “Yom Kippur” war with Egypt and Syria). While the Israelis were unable to reach the altitude of the U.S. plane, they did manage that same year to shoot down a civilian Libyan airliner that had strayed over Israeli territory, killing 104 men, women, and children. One was an American.
  • In 1990 a Canadian-American scientist and father of seven, Gerald Bull, was assassinated in Belgium. All indications are that it was an Israeli Mossad hit team that drilled five bullets into the back of his head and neck. (Israel has assassinated a number of scientists of various nationalities. The most recent is a 32-year-old Iranian father with a young son.)
  • In 2003 it came out that Israeli leaders had officially decided to undertake assassination operations onU.S. soil. An FBI spokesman, queried about the Israeli plans, said only: "This is a policy matter. We only enforce federal laws."
  • In recent years a growing number of American peace activists have been intentionally killed, maimed, and injured by Israeli forces, including 23-year-old Rachel Corrie, 21-year-old Brian Avery, 37-year-old Tristan Anderson, 21-year-old Emily Henoschowitz, and 21-year-old Furkan Dogan.
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Friday, January 27, 2012

Islamic Civilization in Globalization: can't get it right

This is the style of writing that I don’t like to read. In this age and time where there is too much to read; I like to peruse in passing and pick up what the author is trying to convey; not read twice and still get lost in the vagueness of the authors thoughts.

To say that Islam is opposed to globalization is not quite right. Resist is a more appropriate terminology. To oppose is to fight while resist is the refusal to change but Islam is neither opposed nor resistant to change. It is simply exerting moralizing influence to a globalised world where anything goes almost without limit.

The Arabian Peninsula is not only the heartland of Islam; it is the heartland of change towards globalization. If Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Arabs in the gulf announces today that from tomorrow; no oil will be delivered to the world; there will be chaos but that is only half of the story. If from tomorrow; no oil will be delivered by Muslim nations from Tatarstan in the heart of Russia to Brunei in the island of Borneo; planes will stop to fly, cars stop to run and major industries will churn to a halt. 70 to 80% of the oil that fuels the engines of global change comes from Muslim nations meaning the Muslim ‘Ummah’ is the Siamese twin of globalization. Like a magic wand; this God given gift is transforming the Arab landscape and a myriad of other Muslim nations in Africa and Asia. It has changed the Arabs to a degree that it truly boggles the mind how in just few decades; they leaped from desert tents and mud-bricks homes to palatial mansions; from donkeys and camels to luxury cars not to mention the best of mind boggling technological gadgetries that money can buy. The world’s top two tallest buildings (Burj Khalifa and the Tower Cock) are in the Arabian Peninsula; glaring examples of how Muslims not necessarily Islam has adapted to a globally changing world.


Islam can be seen as a counter discourse to globalization, to the expansion of economic space and the fulfillment of the dreams of the social darwinists. However, even as Islam attempts to create new possibilities for globalism, national politics doom it to a politics of reaction, of reducing diversity and innovation. This is especially perilous as the next phase of globalisation promises to end historical notions of reality, truth, nature and sovereignty. In this dramatically changed world, Islam can join with other counter discourses to create a moral vision of a planetary society, an alternative vision and reality of globalization.

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Thursday, January 26, 2012


There was this Nigerian boy named Abdulmutallab allegedly put on a flight to USA without a passport by someone nobody knows who but influential enough to bypass the immigration and the airline protocols. This boy allegedly hid some what looks like a bomb resembling nothing more than a firecracker (photo) in his briefs small enough to fit behind his b*lls. The bomb/firecracker failed to detonate but burned his skin as a consequence. Poor boy; he was jailed for life for attempting to light and detonate what the media heralded as a weapon of mass destruction (WMD) aboard an airline.

Here is this guy who admitted ordering his men to shoot and ask questions later that slaughtered 24 innocent  men, women and children some of whose hands were tied(photo) behind their backs…WALKS FREE. 


Abdulmutallab and his brief with the WMD :-) that failed to detonate

Marine gets no jail time in killing of 24 Iraqi civilians
By Tony Perry, Los Angeles Times
January 25, 2012
Marine Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich will not serve a jail sentence following his guilty plea in the killing of 24 Iraqis in 2005, a military judge said Tuesday.
Wuterich, 31, was the last of eight Marines charged in the Haditha killings to have his case resolved. Six had the charges against them dropped, and one Marine was acquitted.

The lack of trial convictions in the Haditha case is likely to further inflame anti-U.S. sentiment in Iraq, as well as fuel criticism by some legal analysts of the 6-year-long investigation and prosecution.
In a strong, clear voice Tuesday, he addressed the court and the family members of the 24 Iraqis, including three women and seven children, killed by Marines in his squad.

"Words cannot express my sorrow for the loss of your loved ones," Wuterich said. "I know there is nothing I can say to ease your pain."

As the squad leader, Wuterich ordered his Marines "to shoot first, ask questions later" as they stormed two houses on Nov. 19, 2005, after a roadside bomb had killed one Marine and injured two others.

"When my Marines and I cleared those houses that day, I responded to what I perceived as a threat. And my intention was to eliminate that threat in order to keep the rest of my Marines alive," Wuterich said. "So when I told my team to 'shoot first and ask questions later,' the intent wasn't that they would shoot civilians, it was that they would not hesitate in the face of the enemy."

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

IMPEACHMENT: a box-office daytime soap

IMPEACHMENT: a bestselling daytime soap

At the end of each impeachment day; we make our own according to our level of understanding assessment of who made a killing for the day.

The prosecution and I think many will agree with me made a tremendous lead today. They finally found a private prosecutor that refused to be intimidated that in essence matched if not out mouthed the defense.
What I found so entertaining that made this impeachment a bestselling daytime soap is the unexpected twists and turns; the good ingredients for a thrilling story telling of the “Perry Mason” kind. The prosecutor tried hard and in vain to elicit the contents of the CJ Corona’s income tax return due to the insistence of the defense that there is no need to authenticate the ITR because they have not only manifested; they have admitted that the documents are authentic.

The prosecutor as good as he is could have saved time and saved the court from Santiago’s lectures on the rule of court if he had asked a simple question. He actually tried many times to rephrase the question being objected to by the defense but he seemed unable to find the right words :-)

Prosecutor: Do you or don’t have the income tax return of CJ Corona being subpoena by the court.

Witness:  No

Prosecutor: and why is that?

Witness: CJ Corona did not submit any income tax return from 2002 to 2010

These questions came only after more than one hour of wrangling when it could have been asked from the start :-)

The non-submission of income tax return is in fact “the killer line” that shocked me, shocked you and shocked without doubt the sitting senator judges prompting senator Recto to sponge from the witness (like Sen. Drilon for the SALN) the content of the “Alpha list” or withholding taxes.

Afraid that some of the no-stupid senators sitting as judges may question the motive of the defense’s admission of the authenticity of non-existent ITR (that we must assume the defense knew did not exist); Cuevas stopped objecting in order not to embarrass himself :-)

Whoahaha! Ang saya saya.  

I think; it is time for Cuevas to confer with his client and demand from the court to tackle the article of impeachment one at a time meaning they should be allowed rebuttal after the prosecution have rested its case on every article of impeachment. The senator judges like a jury should then confer and deliver judgment on the particular article. Since every article is an impeachable offence; the court can stop once CJ Corona is found guilty in any of the 8 article of impeachment. Not only will it shorten the proceedings; it will save CJ Corona further embarrassment that may eventually lead to criminal cases being filed in ordinary court after the impeachment. Cuevas is a top-gun trial lawyer; he must have in his mind what I am thinking he must do for his client. Since Cuevas can neither argue with a document nor talk to a piece of paper; he might as well advice his client to plead guilty to “betrayal of public trust” and walk away from the Supreme Court. He has amassed enough wealth to spend the rest of his days in comfort here (not KSA) or abroad (not PH).

I am no lawyer but I used to be an ardent Perry Mason fun when I was in the high school some forty years ago or so :-)


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Israel to UN: Tomorrow will be too late for action against Iran

Yup; Iran tells MOTHER OF ALL ITS WAR DOGS (UN): “tomorrow will be too late for action against Iran.” What need is there to wait for Friday, December 21, 2012 if you can do it now. In another news piece; Ban ki Moon declares Hezbollah’s armament unacceptable while EU declares sanctions against Iran’s Oil and central bank. Hmm! It looks like there is a frenzy to end the world according to date and time as we know it. 

Israel to UN: Tomorrow will be too late for action against Iran
Israel's envoy to the UN Ron Prosor levies harsh criticism at the Security Council, saying it is obsessed with Israel and ignores crimes of other countries.

"The Arab world is in flames and the Security Council is dealing with construction permits in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank)," Israel's United Nations envoy Ron Prossor said in a speech at the UN Security Council on Tuesday.
Prosor used the Security Council's monthly meeting on the situation in the Middle East to direct harsh criticism at the body.
"The obsession with Israeli and the ignoring of countries where civilians are tortured and killed undermines the credibility and calls into question the relevance of the Security Council," Prosor said.

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IRAN MUST FIGHT BACK: Oil Embargo Europe Now

Iran must fights back: Embargo Europe now. I think it is very logical in the spirit of self preservation that Iran identify which European country or any country for that matter contemplating to stop buying oil from Iran and stop selling oil to that country now. Oil prices will almost certainly soar as Europe scamper to find replacement while others who are yet undecided will most certainly drop their plans to stop buying oil from Iran. Other OPEC members secretly sympathetic or unwilling to collide with Iran on this particular issue will find reasons not to sell to European hostile countries and yes; high prices means more extra cash for the Arabs in the Gulf. It is a win-win situation for Iran and the Arabs and a defeat of the evil designs of the west. It is wrong for USA to assume that it can reverse the power of oil as a weapon. Oil is Iran’s weapon of mass destruction; not USA’s. 

'Iran must stop exports before oil ban'
A former Iranian intelligence minister says before the European Union (EU) starts to actually ban Iran's oil imports, Tehran should preemptively stop oil exports to EU member states.

EU foreign ministers are expected to meet on January 23 to make a final decision on banning Iran's oil imports by member states and freeze the country's Central Bank assets.

Reacting to the EU plan to ban Iranian oil, Ali Fallahian said Monday that Iran must respond by immediately halting oil exports to EU members as of now.

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Monday, January 23, 2012

CHEERS FOR THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD: New Egyptian parliament convenes

God does not change a people’s situation until they change it themselves. Today is the first of the great changes that is expected for 2012. Never has there been in the imagination of anyone; in and out of Egypt that the Muslim Brotherhood will reign supreme in Egypt’s Parliament. Together with the Salafists (the flipside of the same coin of Wahabbism) won a staggering 70% of parliament. USA has no other choice but to side/deals with the Muslim Brotherhood; the one it views as lesser of two evils (just a figure of speech). How this event affects the future of the region remains to be seen as the brotherhood takes a foothold in the land where its origins have been deeply rooted in suspicion that hanged its founder; Saed Ibn Qut'b. The one the media rarely if ever does it mention is Sudan: Omar Basher is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood :-) 

Egypt's new parliament has convened for the first time since the country's popular revolution ousted former dictator Hosni Mubarak in February.

The opening session was held two days before the first anniversary of the start of the revolution, with Muslim groups dominating the assembly for the first time.

The lower house of parliament is expected to elect the speaker of the house and his two deputies.

Egypt's top parties agreed last week to nominate a member of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), Mohamed Katatni, for speaker.

full article:

Sunday, January 22, 2012

BLOCKBUSTERS: busting Israel’s anti-peace blocks

Israel is a nation not only in perpetual war against its neighbors but a society in turmoil constantly at war among themselves drawn along the lines of ethnicity of their origins and religious degrees of fundamentalism. We have been treated recently of news where women are being excluded from social life; where extremist Jews are demanding the segregation of sexes in public places but these are minor frictions compared to the political blocks drawn along the same ethnic divides that is not only rocking but wrecking Israel through war and steady warmongering. The suggestion by a prominent American Jew to sanction an assassination of the US president by Israel must not be taken lightly. The guy is dead serious and some freakish minded Jew may just pick up the cue and pick up the gun. Remember JFK and Rabin…A LONE GUN-MAN and that’s the end of it; life goes on. 

Anti-peace Coalition Governing Israel
The Blockbusters

By Uri Avnery
HOW HAS “peace” become associated with the dominant and domineering Ashkenazim?

That is one of the great tragedies of our country.

Jews have lived for many centuries in the Muslim world. There they never experienced the terrible things committed in Europe by Christian anti-Semitism. Muslim-Jewish animosity started only a century ago, with the advent of Zionism, and for obvious reasons.

When the Jews from Muslim countries started to arrive en masse in Israel, they were steeped in Arab culture. But here they were received by a society that held everything Arab in total contempt. Their Arab culture was “primitive”, while real culture was European. Furthermore, they were identified with the murderous Muslims. So the immigrants were required to shed their own culture and traditions, their accent, their memories, their music. In order to show how thoroughly Israeli they had become; they also had to hate Arabs.

The case of the “Russians” is different. They grew up in a society that despised democracy, admired strong leaders. The “whites”, Russians and Ukrainians, despised and hated the “dark” peoples of the south – Armenians, Georgians, Tatars, Uzbeks and such. (I once invented a formula: “Bolshevism minus Marxism equals Fascism”.)

When the Russian Jews came to join us, they brought with them a virulent nationalism, a complete disinterest in democracy and an automatic hatred of Arabs. They cannot understand why we allowed them to stay here at all. When, this week, a lady deputy (though “lady” may be euphemistic) from St. Petersburg poured a glass of water on the head of an Arab deputy from the Labor party, nobody was very surprised. (Somebody quipped: “a Good Arab is a wet Arab”). For Lieberman’s followers, Peace is a dirty word, and so is Democracy.

SOME PEOPLE blame us, the democratic peace movement, for not recognizing the problem early enough, and not doing enough to attract the members of the various blocs to the ideals of peace and democracy. Also, it is said, we did not show that social justice is inseparably connected with democracy and peace.

I must accept my share of the blame for this failure, though I might point out that I tried to make the connection right from the beginning. I asked my friends to concentrate our efforts on the Oriental community, remind them of the glories of the Muslim-Jewish “golden Age” in Spain, of the huge mutual impact of Jewish and Muslim scientists, poets and religious thinkers throughout the ages.

A few days ago, I was invited to give a lecture to the faculty and students of Ben-Gurion University in Beer Sheva. I described the situation more or less along the same lines. The first question from the large audience, which consisted of Jews – both Orientals and Ashkenazim, and Arabs – especially Bedouins was: “So what hope is there? Faced with this reality, how can the peace forces win?”

I told them that I put my trust in the new generation. Last summer’s huge social protest movement, which erupted quite suddenly and swept [“along”?] hundreds of thousands, showed that yes, it can happen here. The movement united Ashkenazim and Orientals. Tent cities sprang up in Tel Aviv and Beer Sheva, all over the place.

Our first job is to break the barriers between the blocs, change reality, create a new Israeli society. We need blockbusters.

Yes, it is a daunting job. But I believe it can be done.
Uri Avnery is an Israeli peace activist and a former Knesset member. He is the founder of Gush Shalom. http://zope.gush-shalom.org

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

ASSASSINATE OBAMA; owner/publisher of ATLANTA JEWISH TIMES tell Netanyahu

If you think for a moment that Jews will not assassinate a US president if it serves Israel’s interest; you are wrong in fact Andrew Adler; owner and publisher of Jewish Atlanta Times may have saved Obama’s life by suggesting Israel’s Netanyahu should order a Mossad hit team to assassinate Obama. Any plan by Israel if there is one no matter how remote may have been aborted by Andrew Adler who had since apologized for his comment that appeared in his paper. Imagine if such a suggestion had come from a Muslim newspaper owner/publisher in or outside of USA. It would have been a global headline in all major media outlet screaming Muslim terrorists out to assassinate the US president :-( 

Uproar after Jewish American newspaper publisher suggests Israel assassinate Barack Obama - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News:

Uproar after Jewish American newspaper publisher suggests Israel assassinate Barack Obama

Op-ed in Atlanta Jewish Times says the slaying of the president may be an effective way to thwart Iran's nuclear program.

NEW YORK - The owner and publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times, Andrew Adler, has suggested that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu consider ordering a Mossad hit team to assassinate U.S. President Barack Obama so that his successor will defend Israel against Iran.
Adler, who has since apologized for his article, listed three options for Israel to counter Iran’s nuclear weapons in an article published in his newspaper last Friday. The first is to launch a pre-emptive strike against Hamas and Hezbollah, the second is to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities and the third is to “give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place and forcefully dictate that the United States’ policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.”
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My life’s no-little mysteries: ASTRAL TRAVEL to another country.

 ASTRAL JOURNEY to another country.

Bonefacio Monument

Sometimes in 1995, I had a very strange dream that I believe could be an authentic experience of astral projection. Although it is only one of many; this one is so vivid I could remember every minute detail as if I was physically present.
I was standing on the steps of Bonefacio monument at the Grace Park in Caloocan City. Commuters in Metro Manila know it better as ‘Monumento.’ On both sides of the steps were lampposts about maybe 7 to 8 feet in height with crystal-ball like lamps atop each post. The way the horizons looked gave me the hint of a breaking dawn. Because the traffic was light at the Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA); the time could have been about 5 O’clock in the morning. With the 5 hours time difference between Saudi Arabia and the Philippines, I must have dreamed shortly after midnight in KSA.
I passed this monument many times in the past but not since I came to Saudi Arabia. Not in the past 15 years or so at the time. I don’t ever remember the monument to have a stage like platform on the side facing the EDSA Avenue. It must have been renovated since I left.
 Few days after the dream, I received a call from my eldest daughter; Norayda. She wanted to transfer to Manila Central University [MCU], one of the oldest Medical Colleges in Metro Manila. Strange, it is just across the street from the Bonefacio Monument (refer to the photo from maps.google.com). Because of the dream, I said, I have no objection.
 The only knowledge I have of the university’s physical make up was seeing it from the street. Stranger still, I dreamt being inside the University Campus at least two times before this dream. 
Several months later during my leave, my wife and I drove to the University to pick up my daughter. I didn’t tell my wife about my dream but all the time, I was planning to check. The ‘Bonefacio Monument’ was exactly the way I saw it in the dream.

When I maneuvered my car into the parking lot, I was awestruck by the two stories white building on one side of the road (refer to the photo with the red arrow partly covered by trees). I stood on the side of that building in the other two dreams I had. I saw exactly the spot where I stood in the dream. Few years later, my daughter graduated from the university and in March 2000, she passed the Med. Tech. Licensure Board Examination.
…and if you think astral projection from one country to another is weird or may be okay; why not but how about going to another planet? C’mon; get out of here :-)
I really did astral traveled in different occasions to two uninhabited planets. I thought I was dream hallucinating but when I read many years later that such planet could exist; I said wow!