Sunday, January 29, 2012



Sometimes in the late 80s…

I had a feeling of being in heaven.

I was standing on a beach. It was hard to tell what time it was. I was not aware of the sun if there was any but the light was soft. It was neither hot nor cold and the sky was cloudless. The beach was long and smooth. There was no marking at all to suggest any other life form on the beach. I know I was alone. Weird; I feel as if I knew that the planet/heaven was uninhabited and lifeless. I was not aware of any mountain nearby neither in the distance although I didn’t turn around to look behind me. The sea was very calm. Although I feel completely comfortable and at peace; I started screaming “No no; my children are still young. I don’t want to leave them” when I felt my spirit leaving my body.

“You are dreaming again,” I heard my wife as she shake me out of my dreams. In my youth; it was my mother who used to say, “You are dreaming again.”

Sometimes in the mid-90s…

I was standing on top of a huge boulder crystal. Imagine being on a high ground and looking at a panoramic range of rolling hills and mountains except that they were nothing ordinary. They were what I really felt to be diamonds. No trees; no plants; just the jagged edge of diamond hills and Mountains. It was an awesome sight. The dream was so vivid like my other dream of being on an empty beach of another alien planet.

I smiled when I woke up amused at how the brain can create images so vividly real.

Imagine my shock; a pleasant one at that many years after…

Scientists have found a planet they believe to be a giant diamond.

·         The diamond planet is part of a binary star system located 4,000 light-years from Earth.
·         The body is the leftovers of a once-massive star, now reduced to solid crystal-like carbon -- diamond.
·         Scientists would like to find a pulsar with a black hole companion.

Astronomers have found the remains of a once-massive star, now transformed into a solid diamond five times bigger than Earth.
The object circles a pulsing companion star about 4,000 light years from Earth in the constellation Serpents (The Snake), which lies about one-eighth of the way toward the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

Late entry...

May 21, 2014

I had another strange dream last night. I think it is one of those astral journeys that I for quite a while didn't have. We were on planet Mars. I knew when I woke up that I had astral traveled because it must have taken only several seconds and my spirit guide was there with me. We were in what looked like a valley but the hills were at a distance. It could be just a desert with hills in the background. I was standing by a small canal no bigger than an ordinary drainage that slithered through the desert. The water was crystal clear and flowing. My spirit guide who was sitting with stretched legs on the ground dipped his index finger into the flowing liquid and licked it. It’s water alright…

March 22, 2016

I must have astral traveled to a barren planet last night. I was at the summit of one of the mountains in a mountainous region. I didn’t see any lowland meaning I must have been in the midst of the mountainous range unable to see beyond the surrounding mountains. There were neither trees nor plants of any kind. The daylight was clear but I wasn’t aware of the sun if there was any. It was when I started to worry how I can climb down the mountain that I suddenly woke up.

I didn’t feel being on Mars but looking back; the terrain is very much like the mountainous part of Mars.

1 comment:

  1. They say sleep is the cousin of death. Family members have somethings in common.
    We sleep to rest but some leave their body to dream. We die and leave our body to do... who-knows?
    Key to lucid dreaming, astral project and obes through kundalini: . Thank me later.
