Monday, January 23, 2012

CHEERS FOR THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD: New Egyptian parliament convenes

God does not change a people’s situation until they change it themselves. Today is the first of the great changes that is expected for 2012. Never has there been in the imagination of anyone; in and out of Egypt that the Muslim Brotherhood will reign supreme in Egypt’s Parliament. Together with the Salafists (the flipside of the same coin of Wahabbism) won a staggering 70% of parliament. USA has no other choice but to side/deals with the Muslim Brotherhood; the one it views as lesser of two evils (just a figure of speech). How this event affects the future of the region remains to be seen as the brotherhood takes a foothold in the land where its origins have been deeply rooted in suspicion that hanged its founder; Saed Ibn Qut'b. The one the media rarely if ever does it mention is Sudan: Omar Basher is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood :-) 

Egypt's new parliament has convened for the first time since the country's popular revolution ousted former dictator Hosni Mubarak in February.

The opening session was held two days before the first anniversary of the start of the revolution, with Muslim groups dominating the assembly for the first time.

The lower house of parliament is expected to elect the speaker of the house and his two deputies.

Egypt's top parties agreed last week to nominate a member of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), Mohamed Katatni, for speaker.

full article:

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