Friday, December 16, 2011


Junkyard Gives Up Secret Accounts of Massacre in Iraq

BAGHDAD — One by one, the Marines sat down, swore to tell the truth and began to give secret interviews discussing one of the most horrific episodes of America’s time in Iraq: the 2005 massacre by Marines of Iraqi civilians in the town of Haditha.

“I mean, whether it’s a result of our action or other action, you know, discovering 20 bodies, throats slit, 20 bodies, you know, beheaded, 20 bodies here, 20 bodies there,” Col. Thomas Cariker, a commander in Anbar Province at the time, told investigatorsas he described the chaos of Iraq. At times, he said, deaths were caused by “grenade attacks on a checkpoint and, you know, collateral with civilians.”

“It is one thing to kill an insurgent in a head-on fight,” Sergeant Major Sax testified. “It is a whole different thing — and I hate to say it, the way we are raised in America — to injure a female or injure a child or in the worse case, kill a female or kill a child.”

More snips:

“We don’t put official paperwork in the trash,” said the commander, Maj. Gen. Thomas Richardson, at the meeting at the American Embassy in Baghdad.

The documents were piled in military trailers and hauled to the junkyard by an Iraqi contractor who was trying to sell off the surplus from American bases, the junkyard attendant said. The attendant said he had no idea what any of the documents were about, only that they were important to the Americans.

He said that over the course of several weeks he had burned dozens and dozens of binders, turning more untold stories about the war into ash.

“What can we do with them?” the attendant said. “These things are worthless to us, but we understand they are important and it is better to burn them to protect the Americans. If they are leaving, it must mean their work here is done.”


1 comment:

  1. Classified documents meant to be destroyed to cover up USA’s atrocities in Iraq were discovered at a junkyard. It is nano-size compared to those which had been destroyed meaning this is only a glimpse of the larger picture of how much the Land of Babel have suffered from a war that had been based on atrocious lies. People of Iraq should demand from the United Nations to make USA pay reparations for the destruction of Iraq and compensations for those killed. It is preposterously diabolical for any one country to invent reasons to invade another country, slaughter its people, hang its leaders and leave without even saying sorry.
