Wednesday, December 14, 2011


“I have not wronged you, Mr. President. I don’t have any sins against the people,” Corona said. “I oppose this relentless persecution, intimidation and bullying. I oppose this dictatorship that President Benigno Simeon Aquino III is slowly establishing.”
“Mr. President, I am the primus inter pares (first among equals) in the Supreme Court. If you don’t understand this, it means that I should be at the forefront in the fight to defend the Supreme Court,” he said, drawing loud cheers from his supporters clad in black shirts. “We will not allow them to disrespect and trample on our democracy and the Supreme Court.”
He said he was ready to face the impeachment trial in the Senate, saying he could sleep well at night “knowing that my conscience is clean because I’m only doing my job.”
“I remain truthful to God, myself, to the law and to the people,” he said.


'via Blog this'


  1. Impeachment is a democratic exercise to check the abuses of those in power protected by tenure of office. If we can impeach a president (Erap) elected by millions of people; why not an abusive SC CJ that is beholden to none but one who by the way is in detention for electoral sabotage and whose partner in crime (Abalos) is likewise in a detention cell? The 8 points sins of Corona upon which he is being tried are not all. When Reyes (rest his soul) qualification was questioned at the Supreme Court to represent the Jeepney Drivers Party list; the SC disqualified Reyes arguing that there are among the ranks of the drivers good enough to sit in congress but when Mickey Arroyo was questioned to represent security guards and tricycle drivers; it was okay for the SC. The reason…? You don’t expect security guards and tricycle drivers to sit in congress something I found so despicable a reason. Among the ranks of the security guards and tricycle drivers are college graduates that because of lack of job opportunities have taken up those honorable jobs.

  2. Regardless of how hard Corona defends himself; the people have already spoken: GUILTY. PNoy is a populist president. He is a good communicator; people will back him up even if he declares Martial Law to establish order and bring the government back to the to the people. Maybe; he should declare Martial Law if the senate kills the impeachment. If Corona knowing very well that he can’t win this battle is a true patriot; he should resign and spare the nation the trouble so we can all move on. Be a Guttierez; be a Subiri; be a hero…BE A SENATOR.

  3. I think Corona should seek isolation somewhere and do some real soul searching moment where he can honestly probe himself deeply. He has until January 16 to do it. He must not forget that in this impeachment trial; it is not as much about him or the SC; it is as much about GMA. He will not be defending himself; he will be defending GMA because his accusers will keep dragging the issue towards his decisions favoring his former boss that put him in place rightly or wrongly for the very reason that he finds himself at the moment. He must not ignore that people based on the latest surveys have made up their minds: GUILTY AS CHARGE. Defending himself and his boss is an exercise in futility that will leave him broken; maybe wounded and bleeding and for what? I think he should do a Gutierrez, a Subiri and be a hero claiming to do it for the nation so we can all move on. If he runs for the senate in 2013, he is almost certain to win it then he can get back at PNoy for the remaining 3 years of his term in Malacanang. “Lintik lang ang walang ganti” but a wise man must know when and when not to fight.

  4. In order to do that; I mean charter change…he has to declare “MARTIAL LAW” and declare a cleansing revolutionary government especially if the senate kills the impeachment. Abolish the senate (ang saya-saya) and declare the congress as parliament or call a parliamentary election in 3 months time to bring the government back to the people. I want PNoy to jail Enrile; the jailer of his father until order is established in the country. He can grant Muslims a federal state where Muslim are the majority meaning only Lanao del Sur can qualify as a Muslim Federal State or grant the MILF the ancestral domain they are demanding and let the different Muslim tribes fight it over meaning self-destruct leaving the non-Muslims to lord it over when the smoke of battle settles. Am I being sarcastic; of course? Disunity is the curse of Muslims that began from the Prophet’s deathbed when he correctly prophesied; “I am not afraid that you will worship other gods when I am gone; I am afraid that you will run after each other’s throat when I am gone.” History can speak for itself in fact on a larger scale…THE ARAB WORLD is virtually in flame at the moment. For a religion whose tenet is peace; I find it mind boggling that war has become its descriptive world for the last 1,400; warring among themselves.
