Monday, November 21, 2011



Impossible photos: there is no sunset after glow on the moon because unlike Mars; the moon has tenuous almost vacuum atmospheres to reflect the light. The astronaut’s front should not appear as bright in this photo meaning this was not taken on the moon. Like a crescent moon; only the astronaut’s side facing the sun should appear while the rest of the body should be dark.

In this photo; the astronaut is not only impossibly brightly lit under the shadow; they reduced Earth to moon size as if the moon became Earth size and Earth became the moon. The moon is 27% the size of Earth meaning Earth should appear at least 3 times bigger than what is projected here.

NASA at first was very upbeat on the prospect of returning man to the moon as a prelude to a manned mission to Mars but then everything was scrapped. Budgetary constraint was the major reason given but before that; the real reason was…they have not yet perfected a suit that will protect the astronauts from radiation and second; they don’t have the technology to land a man on the moon or Mars and return him to Earth. NASA is now planning to send men and women colonizers to Mars on a one way journey…

I said; “What…?”

There were I think 15 of us in the two adjoining apartments our landlord was renting for student boarders. We started out pretty much in that number early evening to watch live the first man to walk on the moon. When the landing finally happened at between 7-8 am the following day; I was the only one left to watch and I mean alone. I didn’t leave the television set for 12 hours. The feeling was indescribable except…wow!

The moon landings then were quite a walk in the park. It was like watching a science fiction movie.

Does it mean that after 40 years of humanity’s most explosive technological advances; what was perfect then is not perfect now? Bulls**t; USA have even declared the Apollo landing sites on the moon as protected heritage sites that is off limits to other space faring nations (Japan, China, Europe and Russia) allegedly to preserve the sites for posterity and preserve…THE LIE.

I want to puke whenever they flash on TV astronauts driving a buggy on the moon or hitting few golf balls because we know now that those were impossible maneuvers on a surface covered with 3 feet thick of fine sticky cosmic dust where wheels get buried and golf balls to sink but hey; if they can make you believe that with few hijackers wielding box cutters; 

…you can attack and humiliate the planet’s only superpower; why not a windblown flags, undisturbed landing sites, starless heavens, marked moon rocks, lighted and intersecting shadows on the moon as genuine?

Observe Neil Armstrong in the following video. It was the press conference following their return to Earth. For a young man whose name will be forever engraved in history; he appeared sad with very few words to say. Being the first human to set foot on another world; he should be the rock star of science. He resigned from NASA shortly after and never appeared on television for an interview. In 2005 during the Apollo landing anniversary; he challenged the students (watch the video): “…those who can remove the protective layers of truth.”

What did he mean…?

Peel off the layers of deceptive truths and…uncover the lie?

The Apollo moon landings is considered the greatest hoax (conspiracy) ever concocted by the US government. Well; maybe until 9/11; fools that we all are.

Please watch the full documentary…


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