Wednesday, November 30, 2011




QUR’AN 2:62

Islam is the most misunderstood religion on the planet more so even by its followers. Some people try to make their old traditions part of Islam and forces others to follow suit. It is the reason why Muslims outside of KSA consider “Wahabbism” as being extremists. Personally; I resent “Wahabbism” being referred to as puritanical Islam because in it are Saudi traditions being forced into Islam and expect others to follow. There is nothing Puritanical about it.

I have yet to find a verse in the Qur’an where God did not pair belief with work of righteousness meaning you have to believe and have righteous deed.

When I read in the Qur’an that God sent 260,000 prophets to the world; I said, “wow” immediately thinking of other faiths. It is further stated in the Qur’an that no nation is punished without first sending a warner meaning God will not punish a nation who has not received the message.

Islam perfectly fits the personality of a just and merciful God.

I challenge other faiths to show me in their Holy Book where it says that I, a Muslim who believe in God and do righteous works will enter paradise.

In the above verse quoted; the “Sabians” represent other religions. I have asked some of my Arab friends who the “Sabians” were before Islam but nobody knows for sure.

Belief and righteousness together is the key. You cannot be a believer (of whatever religion) and do monstrous acts of evil and expect to be saved.


Monday, November 28, 2011



There is no iota of Biblical truth that the Promised Land was for Jacob’s (Israel) generations. Isaac; the forefather of the Jews was not even born when the promise was made to Abraham and his son Ishmael. Abraham was 99 years old and his son Ishmael was 13 years of age when they were circumcised (as a seal of the covenant).  Isaac was never a party to the covenant in fact God who is the sole possessor of eternity did not even saw it fit to wait until Isaac is born; a puzzle I cannot comprehend unless God meant it to be for a reason. The word “I will establish my covenant with him” was used by God in reference to Isaac’s rights to the Promised Land meaning his rights were secondary to Ishmael’s but God did not fulfill that promise meaning God never made that promise.

Although it is absurd to use the Bible as a basis for a claim to a large tract of land, it is the moral foundation upon which the DRAGON AND THE BEAST 666 (USA/British Empire/UN) created the state of Israel in 1948. Israel has ever since become the seed that breeds war and destruction in the Holy Land from whence modern terrorism grew forth. If the Pharaoh issued an edict to erase the name of Moses from every tablet in the kingdom, the Zionists and their Jewish lovers likewise made sure that all traces of Israel’s non-existence before 1948 are banished from our memories. Maps and Books about Palestine printed before 1948 are systematically removed from libraries and archives around the world.  It is punishable in many western countries to deny the holocaust and the existence of Israel meaning it is okay to deny the existence of God but not the existence of the devil; absurd.

Genesis 17:1 “I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you. The whole land of Canaan where you are now an alien, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you, and I will be their God.”
Genesis 17:10 “This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you; the covenant you are to keep: every male among you shall be circumcised: you are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you.”

Genesis 17:23 “On that very day Abraham took his son Ishmael and all those born in his household or bought with his money every male in his household and circumcised them as God told him.”
Genesis 17:24 “Abraham was 99 years old when he was circumcised and his son Ishmael was 13. Abraham and his son were both circumcised on that same day.”
Genesis 17:19 is the only verse that mentions Issac and his future generations that Jews use to claim the Promised the judge!

Geneses 17:19 And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.

Obviously; the above verse is an interpolation by the Jew authors of the Bible because when God promises something, He fulfills it but there is nowhere in the Bible where God made a covenant with Isaac. The wording is even similar to God’s covenant with Abraham. The Jews have injected themselves into the covenant of the Promised Land.

God promised Abraham and his descendants the land of Canaan of what is then and now the land between the Red Sea and the Jordan River. God must have intensely valued the promise, He had the covenant sealed with the ritual of circumcision meaning for as long as a single child is circumcised anywhere on the globe; the covenant remains valid.

How many of us, Moslems and Christians, knew that it was from here that ritual of circumcision begun? It is the above biblical story of what later to become a Judeo/Christian mantra of Jewish prophets including Moses and the Zionists of our time to justify their claim to the land of Canaan.

Regardless of how many times you read the Bible; the fact will not change that the promise was made and it has not been revoked. The big question is whether the Jewish prophets and the Zionists of our time are justified in their claim to the PROMISED LAND or whether Isaac’s generations were even included in the promise.  Their being descendants of Prophet Abraham (a.s.) give them neither the special right nor the sole right to the Promised Land. They have no right to remove Ishmael’s descendants who are not only the rightful heirs; they have been living in the so-called Promised Land since the dawn of time.

The Palestinians were dispossessed twice by the marauding Jews: first was when they were delivered by Moses 400 years after thriving in Egypt; crossed to the Promised Land via the famous parting of the Red Sea and 2nd; after World War II. Whenever they get persecuted somewhere; they come to the Promised Land and boot their cousins out :-(

Thousands of years after the covenant; Abraham’s family feud is dragging mankind to the brink of Armageddon. Please read ‘chapter 17’ of the Bible’s Book of Genesis.


Saturday, November 26, 2011


DARANGEN: The Abduction of Princess Lawanen
Translated by Dr. Nosca Khalid

Column of men in near exhaustion trooped to the shores, the wounded in tow. They could be seen being ferried to the ships moored in the harbor.

Minalang having successfully mediated the end of the war conferred for the last time with the chieftains of the warring kingdoms.

Ships could be seen leaving the harbor. Minalang's flagship was the last to sail from port.

Reconstruction immediately ensued. Fortresses were rebuilt and re-enforced. Patrols in the sea resumed and the border guards are doubled.


With pomp and pageantry, victory celebrations extended to the peripheries of the empire with GADONGAN as the epicenter of festivities.

After days of fun and laughter, festivities were suddenly muted.

"PANOTOLAN if not re-enforced," according to the messenger, "will die fighting the allied armies of Kadaraan sa Ndaw. They are gallantly holding their ground in BAGOMBAYAN A LENA but it will not be for long unless re-enforcement are dispatched without delay."

Again, the gong's call for battle boomed throughout the empire. To rescue MARAMANAY O' SIMBAN, the allied armies departed in haste sailing the open seas.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011



When I tell my friends that there is no way Paul could be a disciple because at the time Jesus walked among men, Paul was either a toddler or yet unborn; they looked at me as if I was from another planet. They didn't know. When I tell them that Paul was in fact the original anti-Christ, they think I am just being mean. I have yet to meet a Christian who knows the real story of Saul who later changed his name to Paul when he founded Christianity. Followers of the Christian faith believe…wrongly that Jesus was the founder of Christianity. Jesus according to the Bible was a Jewish reformer. He did not come to bring a new religion.

I always wonder why laymen and priests, televangelists and preachers refer to Saul as the Apostle Paul. I used to go to church with friends, listen to preachers and watch evangelists on the screen and in my younger days, I always believe that Paul was one of the 12. I grew up with Christian friends. They are the best of friends I ever had, then and now. I read the 4 gospels of the Bible long before I ever lay my hand on an English translation of the Qur'an. When I discovered the Beast 666 in the beginning of the Gulf War, I read the bible and in Saudi Arabia of all places. At least after one reading, I can modestly say that I know more about the Bible than most Christians I know. Philippine is the catholic bastion in Asia but rarely could you find anyone who has read the Old Testament. They pick up their knowledge from here and there.

After Jesus had left, his followers campaigned intensely to bring about the reforms that Jesus wanted in the Jewish religion. He wanted to restore the religion to its pristine beauty and remove the corruption that men wrought upon the faith. Religion is no different from monumental edifices that are subject to the ravages of time. Men of greed are known in all ages to manipulate the message as they see fit to achieve personal agenda most often driven by love for power, fame and fortune. It is the reason prophets come and go to cleanse the faith from the dusts of time and evil of men. The Jesus' men were dividing the Jewish hierarchy that threatened to destabilize the house of David. The job of Saul was to spy on Jesus' followers and had them thrown into Jail or murdered but they were unstoppable.

The greatest threat was the appeal of Jesus' reforms to the Gentiles. The Jews were terrified that the gentiles will embrace the Jewish religion and with the reforms that Jesus’ followers were bringing to the faith, Judaism was truly at the brink.

There is no doubt that the story of Jesus was a recycled divine myth that had worked so well before Jesus came into the scene. If there was any one or any group knowledgeable of the divine myths, it was the Jewish people. They are not only geniuses; they are the keeper of the books. I don't doubt for a moment that there was a prophet named Esau or Joshua that later evolved to become Jesus. The gentiles needed a hero, a god so the Jewish priesthood gave them Jesus but there had to be someone who can deliver the message. Saul was unqualified because he was persecuting Jesus' followers but the Jews were cunning geniuses. By transforming Jesus into a god, his mission to reform the Jewish religion was doomed. If they didn't, there would have been bloodshed comparable to the river of blood that flowed in the history of Christianity when Catholics and Protestants parted ways or when Moslems divided into the Sunnis and the Shiites.

They converted Saul into a repentant saint and by fabricating the story on the road to Damascus; they made him the 13th disciple and changed his name to Paul. The Jewish conspirators made it sure that all Jewish names associated with the new religion are replaced with gentile names including Jesus’ real name. Their hatred of Jesus bordered on the extreme maintaining to this day that he was the bastard son of a Roman soldier and yet Christians always treat the Jews as God’s divine family. In the family feud between Ishmael and Isaac’s generations, Christians always take the side of the Jews no matter how wrong they are. In USA, the most influential lobbyists for Israel aside from the AIPAC in the corridors of power are Christian fundamentalist groups. What Israel wants, Israel gets.

According to Saul (later Paul), he was on a mission to Damascus for the high priest of Jerusalem. We don't know what the mission was but along the road, he claimed to have seen Jesus in a vision.


Now as he journeyed he approached Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven flashed about him. And he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" And he said, "Who are you Lord?" And he said, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting, but rise and enter the city, and you will be told what you are to do." Then men who were travelling with him stood speechless HEARING THE VOICE BUT SEEING NO ONE. Acts 9:3-7
As I made my journey and drew near to Damascus, about noon a great light from heaven shone about me. And I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" And I answered, "Who are you Lord?" and he said to me, "I am Jesus of Nazareth whom you are persecuting." NOW THOSE WHO WERE WITH ME SAW THE LIGHT BUT DID NOT HEAR THE VOICE OF THE ONE WHO WAS SPEAKING TO ME. And I said, "What shall I do, Lord?" And the Lord said to me, "Rise and go into Damascus, and there you will be told all that is appointed for you to do." Acts 22:6-10

Thus I journey to Damascus with the authority and commission of the chief priest. At midday, O King, I saw on the way A LIGHT FROM HEAVEN, BRIGHTER THAN THE SUN, SHINNING round me and those who journey with me. And WHEN WE HAD ALL FALLEN TO THE GROUND, I heard a voice saying to me in Hebrew language, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? It hurts to kick against the goads.” And I said, "Who are you, Lord?” And he Lord said, "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. But rise and stand upon your feet; for I have appear to you for this, to appoint you to serve and bear witness to the things in which you have seen me and to those in which I will appear to you. Delivering you from the people and from the gentiles to whom I send to you to open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me." Acts 26:12-18


Saul obviously processed the story as he saw fit but even then, he must have a very poor memory for narrating the same fantasy story very differently at different times. If it were an actual event, not a lie, the story would have been more consistent because the memory imprint will be more permanent, unvaried like a video being replayed every time.

I wonder how for two thousand years, billions of the dead and the living believed an obvious lie. "WHY ARE YOU TELLING THESE PEOPLE THAT I SPOKE TO YOU WHEN I DIDN'T?" or something like it, Jesus asked Paul in the Scorsese movie, THE LAST TEMPTATION OF JESUS CHRIST. Paul was on an elevated platform telling the story to a crowd that Jesus heard. Paul looked at Jesus and flinging his arm towards the crowd, "TELL THEM, (that I am lying)" he challenged and walked away, his laughter piercing the ear of a dumbfounded Jesus.

The movie by the way was banned in the Philippines. I saw the beta max tape in the mid 80's and believe it or not…in Saudi Arabia of all places. In the movie, Jesus married Marry Magdalene and had children which was a fiction of course but not if you have read or seen the movie; THE DAVINCI CODE.

(No offense meant for my Christian friends)

Monday, November 21, 2011



Impossible photos: there is no sunset after glow on the moon because unlike Mars; the moon has tenuous almost vacuum atmospheres to reflect the light. The astronaut’s front should not appear as bright in this photo meaning this was not taken on the moon. Like a crescent moon; only the astronaut’s side facing the sun should appear while the rest of the body should be dark.

In this photo; the astronaut is not only impossibly brightly lit under the shadow; they reduced Earth to moon size as if the moon became Earth size and Earth became the moon. The moon is 27% the size of Earth meaning Earth should appear at least 3 times bigger than what is projected here.

NASA at first was very upbeat on the prospect of returning man to the moon as a prelude to a manned mission to Mars but then everything was scrapped. Budgetary constraint was the major reason given but before that; the real reason was…they have not yet perfected a suit that will protect the astronauts from radiation and second; they don’t have the technology to land a man on the moon or Mars and return him to Earth. NASA is now planning to send men and women colonizers to Mars on a one way journey…

I said; “What…?”

There were I think 15 of us in the two adjoining apartments our landlord was renting for student boarders. We started out pretty much in that number early evening to watch live the first man to walk on the moon. When the landing finally happened at between 7-8 am the following day; I was the only one left to watch and I mean alone. I didn’t leave the television set for 12 hours. The feeling was indescribable except…wow!

The moon landings then were quite a walk in the park. It was like watching a science fiction movie.

Does it mean that after 40 years of humanity’s most explosive technological advances; what was perfect then is not perfect now? Bulls**t; USA have even declared the Apollo landing sites on the moon as protected heritage sites that is off limits to other space faring nations (Japan, China, Europe and Russia) allegedly to preserve the sites for posterity and preserve…THE LIE.

I want to puke whenever they flash on TV astronauts driving a buggy on the moon or hitting few golf balls because we know now that those were impossible maneuvers on a surface covered with 3 feet thick of fine sticky cosmic dust where wheels get buried and golf balls to sink but hey; if they can make you believe that with few hijackers wielding box cutters; 

…you can attack and humiliate the planet’s only superpower; why not a windblown flags, undisturbed landing sites, starless heavens, marked moon rocks, lighted and intersecting shadows on the moon as genuine?

Observe Neil Armstrong in the following video. It was the press conference following their return to Earth. For a young man whose name will be forever engraved in history; he appeared sad with very few words to say. Being the first human to set foot on another world; he should be the rock star of science. He resigned from NASA shortly after and never appeared on television for an interview. In 2005 during the Apollo landing anniversary; he challenged the students (watch the video): “…those who can remove the protective layers of truth.”

What did he mean…?

Peel off the layers of deceptive truths and…uncover the lie?

The Apollo moon landings is considered the greatest hoax (conspiracy) ever concocted by the US government. Well; maybe until 9/11; fools that we all are.

Please watch the full documentary…


Saturday, November 19, 2011

DARANGEN: The Abduction of Princess Lawanen

DARANGEN: The Abduction of Princess Lawanen
 translated by Dr. Nosca Khalid

"Sons of Kadaan," called MINDALANO SA TONONG loudly. "You!" he called DIMAAKO DI LIYON, "and all the commanding princes of Kadaraan sa Ndaw." Heads turned as the heat of battle eased. "I need volunteers who will dare cross the battle fields and round up the fighters of Kadaraan-sa-Ndaw. I want all the field commanders assembled at the headquarters of MISOYAW. Look," pointing at the screaming hordes of warriors trotting down from the hills, "Once the allied armies of Bembaran are mingled with the defenders of Kadaan, it will be impossible to distinguish between friends and foes. It will be a disaster that will deplete Sagorongan-a-Ragat."

Without saying a word, the young princes turned and plunged into the combating mobs until the warring factions were herded into distinct opposite sides.

Having been drawn apart, a neutral flag was suddenly hoisted between the warring armies. BATARA SA MINALANG stood in the middle. Large portion of the combating armies regrouped behind Minalang to form a third army. Earlier combatants became allies behind Minalang; the peacemaker of the warring Empires.

"Listen son," said Minalang in earnest. "I want you to find Somialalaw Solog and any of the noble chieftains of Bembaran. Tell him to find a way to stop the fighting. The resources of Kadaraan sa Ndaw are depleted. Mangled bodies and severed heads covers the plains of Sagorongan a Ragat. Kadaan is defeated. KING DIMASANGKAY of Doronan is dead. The battle ships of Kadaan are either sunk or pinned in the harbor. I want a temporary truce to last until tomorrow. If no peaceful solution is found, then he can resume the battle and fight for the sun's crown."

Minalang turned to his brother. "ROMARABAN-SA-LENA," said he, "and you too GOMANOD, go and find Mindalano sa Tonong. Tell him of my request for a temporary pause to the fighting. Inform him, I am trying to find the root cause of the conflict and stop the bloodshed. If no solution is found until tomorrow, then he can resume the battle till death and vie for the sun's crown."

The couriers left in different directions. One group ascended the hills to Ragiray while the other group crossed the plains of Sagorongan-a-Ragat through the hordes of men guarding the camp of MISOYAW.

"My dear prince from the sea border kingdom," greeted Mindalano-sa-Tonong jovially. He knew for certain the purpose of their appearance. "Where is the beloved Minalang? I have not seen him since the war begun."

"Respectable King," the couriers returned. "We are the emissaries of Minalang. It is his ardent request that a temporary truce takes effect immediately. Both great kingdoms have proven their points but there is no sense continuing the fight. No one is going to prevail and in the end, the empire will be destroyed and its resources lay to waste."

The commanders of Kadaraan are just too glad to oblige. They are eager to stop the war and salvage what is left and regroup the survivors from the continental plains.

To be continued…

Wednesday, November 16, 2011




Paranormal investigators agree that rarely do we befriend someone we haven’t known in a previous life. They even tend to stay close or be reborn into the same family...

Our miracle baby...well, we call her a miracle because she was born in 2005 when my wife was 46 years of age. The age difference between her and my youngest and only son was 16 years when she was born. She is our angel of joy. I have 3 other elder daughters. is the mystery. Her closeness to my 3rd daughter is amazingly different. Even at the early days and weeks of her life...I observed how her eyes flicker, the movements of her arms and legs whenever Naira was nearby. Whenever she cried inconsolable...Naira would just pick her up and she would stop.

Naira was away for 3 days. She went to the province to attend a childhood friend’s wedding. When she walked through the door...I was observing Nishreen inside her playpen. She paused playing, stared at her for a second and then started screaming with both hands extended towards her. Naira had to bend down and pick her up. She was only 7 months old. I returned to Saudi Arabia (after 4 years hiatus) when she was 9 months old. The bond became even closer as she grew up. Her other sisters complained to me of how she would leave them while in the midst of a play and seek out Naira whenever she heard her voice returning from school. I found her closeness to Naira real strange…different from me, her mom and other siblings.

It makes me wonder: did Naira and Nishreen know each other’s in a previous life.
Previous lives (BBC)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011



Remember how loud she laughed upon hearing that khaddafy is dead?


by acson005 @, Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 09:05

This is the same viper-lady who declared that she will obliterate Iran shall it attacks Israel if she becomes the next US president. Bush in his last days in office tried very hard to recruit the Arabs for an attack on Iran making frequent trips to the region kissing and dancing with Arab Royalties but the answers were always the same: IRAN IS NOT THE PROBLEM; ISRAEL IS. To that effect; the delusional Bush promised to end the Israel-Palestinian conflict before the end of his terms and if I remember right…he had only several months left in office.

Hillary is again on a mission of war with an added plethora of threats to the region…IRAN IS BECOMING A DICTATORIAL STATE. (Huh…as if we don’t know that most of USA’s friends in the region are dictators.)

Poor Iran…it must be the “gold bargaining chip” in everyone’s pocket. Russia will not go along with the latest UN sanctions unless USA abandons its plan to station anti-ballistic missiles in Eastern Europe similarly; if USA wants China to go along…it must stops interfering in china’s internal affairs (Taiwan and Tibet) and for the Arabs…ISRAEL is the problem.

USA cannot go around telling people to be a team player when it is known to stab people in the back. Instead of cornering people…USA finds itself being cornered. While the Arabs listens out of respect to what US leaders has to say coming to the region…you can almost hear what their hearts and minds are screaming…Kalb (dog); go f**k yourself. Where is my shoe…LOL!:-D

(The above was first posted at

Saturday, November 12, 2011


DARANGEN: The Abduction of Princess Lawanen
Translated by Dr. Nosca Khalid

“Let us regroup!” declared Somialalaw Solog. His men were half listening busy in combat. “Let us encircle Sagorongan-a-Ragat and annihilate their leaders who have no respect for their equals.

Mindalano-sa-Tonong fighting on the side of Kadaan could be heard barking the same encouraging command. “You regroup yourselves,” said he. “Let us surround the fighters from Bembaran and make them pay for invading Sagorongan-a-Ragat. Let us fight for our Sun-kingdom and annihilate their leaders.”The attempt to regroup the combatants produced no result. It went unheeded.

The fighters of Bembaran fought cheerfully like dragons in the field; like crocodiles gulping their prey.

A flood of men came rushing down from the mountains like a deluge sweeping over the land under siege.

At the head of the advancing invaders is AMELANTONG DOMATO of the high mountain peaks followed by ROMARABAN SA LENA, king of the branching rapids.

BATO-BATO DI SANGCOP, the unbreakable rock followed by GINARDIA MIROS from the land of thunders.

SALAMONGGONG GOMONGGONG follows BINATAKAN DA SAYAN from the high plateaus of Kobento, king of the trolls.

BINATAKAN DA IRING from the hills of Piangga, the true king of the MADEMS deep in the jungle is followed by MAKABONGGONG MAKAOG from the Cluster Mountains, the lion protector of the upper east of Bembaran.

The MOUNTAIN DRAGON, the dreaded commander of MANGATAE'S highlander army of cannibals follows RAJAH MEPANGAAN, the king of Rogongen.

Last in the swarm of men is MASA-ALAW MANGATAE surrounded by the noble chieftains of the mountain kingdoms.

MANGATAE built his command post on a small plateau surrounded by a body of water overlooking Sagorongan a Ragat. Dividing the war zones into sectors, he assigned the chieftains according to their strength and fighting prowess. They were allowed to fly their banners to boast the men's moral.

The coat of arms of the empire: the star emblem that shines above all looms over the camp protected by ten thousand Imperial guards.

"Sons of Bembaran," shouted Somialalaw Solog, his voice rising above the sounds of battle. He saw the flag of the Empire hoisted on a plateau.

"BARATAMAY LUMNA," he shouted louder, "and you SAYANA: the unyielding falcons in the field of combat. Round up your men and herd them towards the plateau. We have to redraw our battle plans. Many of our men have died fighting each other's by mistake unable to distinguish between themselves and the defender of Kadaan. Let us confer wisely and divide the labors of war."

The two princes turned without a word and started rounding up the fighters of Bembaran. In the meantime, Somialalaw Solog saw the army of Mangatae poured into the battlefield like a swarm.

"It is impossible," he thought sadly, "to distinguish between combatants. It is a disaster for Bembaran if nothing is done."

RANGAIG, thinking exactly the same headed towards the ascent to Ragiray to hold back the army of Mangatae.

To be cont’d….