Tuesday, October 4, 2011

PLACES IN TIME: The Bible/Qur’an Proof of TIME TRAVEL

PLACES IN TIME: The Bible/Qur’an Proof of TIME TRAVEL

One of the most popular stories in the Qur’an is the story of the cave sleepers in chapter 18. A group of youths were being persecuted for their monotheistic belief. They hid inside a small cave with their dog sitting right at the mouth of the cave. When they woke up; one of them went to town surreptitiously to buy some foods only to discover that everything had changed. They had slept for 309 years. Although it is not impossible for God to make them sleep that long and their dog to sit equally in the same period…it is illogical for them not to have aged. Obviously; they were transported in time 309 lunar years into the future.

Qur’an 18:18; “If you have seen the youth’s transformation inside the cave; you would have been terrified and ran.” I believe that this verse referred to that moment in time when they were sucked into a time tunnel (wormholes) and although they did not end up in  another galaxy or another worldly dimension…they ended up in another place in time 309 lunar years into their future.

            Another is the parable of a traveler who passed by a ruined city and doubted in his heart if God could ever bring back the city to its former glory.

Qur’an 2:259: “But Allah caused him to die a hundred years and then raised him up again. He said: “How long did thou tarry?” Thus he said: “perhaps a day or part of a day.” He said:”Nay, thou have tarried thus a hundred years. But look at thy food and thy drink; they showed no signs of age and look at thy donkey: and that we make of thee a sign unto the people.”

            God’s sense of humor is evident in His countless numbers of creations but for a donkey to stand one hundred years and the dog to sit for 309 years were no joke. I don’t believe God was trying to be funny. He was trying to impart a message; ‘And that we make of thee a sign unto the people.’ There are no doubts that men and beasts were transported in time.

            John 8:56Your forefather Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad. ‘You are not fifty years old,’ the Jews said to him, ‘and you have seen Abraham!’ “I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “before he was born I am!”

            How could Abraham see Jesus’ day if he had not time traveled to Jesus’ place in time, likewise, how could Jesus be before Abraham is born if he had not time traveled to a place in time before Abraham was born. This could be the answer to the missing chapter in the life of Jesus. It is known that Jesus disappeared at the age of 12 and when he reappeared at the age of 30, he healed the blind and the lepers, walked on waters, still the storm and brought back the dead but when the real test came, he prayed to be free of the mission. Some say he was in Egypt. Others insist he was in India where traces of him and his teachings, according to some researchers are found. Still some say he joined the Essenes, a Jewish religious organization most probably dedicated to the worship of God. I like to think that he traveled extensively in time and or traveled to the heavens to learn the wisdom of the prophets. He could have time travelled to the place mentioned for a period of time. He was in Egypt, he was in India. He could have been to a lot of other places.

            Moses climbed the mountain in Sinai on several occasions. The first was when he was commanded by God to return to Egypt and deliver the people of Israel. Another was when he received the Ten Commandments and the Laws.

            Exodus 19:3; ‘…then Moses went up to God and the Lord called up to him from the mountain and said; this is what you are to tell the people of Israel. You yourself have seen what I did to Egypt and how I carried you on Eagle’s wings and brought you up to myself.’

            These Eagle’s wings are another version of the Burak that carried the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from Mecca to Jerusalem; a different version of the chariot of fire that brought Elijah to the heavens.

Exodus 20:22; “Tell the Israelites this: you have seen for yourself that I have spoken to you from heaven…” (Note: not on Mount Sinai)

 The above Biblical verses are quite clear. Moses was taken up to heaven every time on an Eagle’s wing. The tablets where the Ten Commandments were inscribed were brought by Moses from Heaven.  It was so powerful, the earth cracked and swallowed up the people when Moses smashed it in their midst for reverting to idolatry. It was no ordinary tablet of rock.

Verse 7:143 of the Qur’an states; ‘When Moses came to the place appointed by us, and His Lord addressed him, He said: “O my Lord! Show thy self to me that I may look upon thee.” Allah said: “By no means canst see me direct but look upon the mount, if it abides in its place then shall thou see me.” When the Lord manifested Himself to the mount, He made it a dust and Moses fell down in a swoon. When he recovered his senses, he said: ‘Glory be to thee! To thee! I turn in repentance, and I am the first to believe.’ It is possible that God had time-transported Moses when he lost his consciousness.

            When I realized that time travel is a common form of travel in Islam, little did I know that Jesus of all the prophets of God is the one who would provide the burden of proof. He and John the Baptists being contemporaries were pointing to each other as the prophet Elijah.

            Luke 7:20‘When the men came to Jesus, they said, “John the Baptists sent us to ask, are you the one who was to come or should we expect someone else?” to this, Jesus had no answer. He continued doing what he was doing and told the messengers to tell John what they saw. It was as vague as it could ever be.

            Jesus’ transfiguration in the New Testament is probably one of the most concrete proofs of how the prophets of God moved from one place in time to another.

            Matthew 17:1; ‘…after 6 days (eight days in Luke 7:25), Jesus took with him Peter, James and John, the brother of James and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transformed before them, his face shown like a sun and his clothes became as white as the light. Just then, there appeared before him Moses and Elijah talking with Jesus.’

Anyone not blinded by his faith will realize at a closer look that there was no transfiguration. The disciples were sleeping at the time Jesus was praying. They were awakened by a very bright light with Jesus between the light and the disciples. The bright light made Jesus look disfigured and from the bright light appeared Moses and Elijah. None of the prophets was transfigured or spiritualized or else the disciples would not have offered to build for each of them (prophets) a shelter to sleep or to rest for the night.

            Matthew 17:4; ‘…when they climbed down from the mountain, the disciples asked Jesus, “Why then do the teachers of the law say Elijah must come first?” Jesus replied, “to be sure Elijah has already come and restore all things. But I tell you, Elijah has already come and they did not recognize him but have done to him everything they wished. In the same way, the son of man is going to suffer in their hands.” Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist.’

            One: John the Baptist is not Elijah. He vehemently denied it. John 1:19 – “I am not the Christ.” They asked him, “then who are you, are you Elijah?” He said, “I am not.” “Are you the prophet?” He answered, “No.”

Second: the disciples knew John the Baptists. They would have recognized him if he was Elijah (during that encounter).

            The late and formerly Reverend David Benjamin Keldani, B.D., a Roman catholic priest of the Uniate  Chaldean sect wrote in the late and early twentieth century that the least (youngest) in the Kingdom of Heaven foretold by Jesus and John the Baptist in Luke 9:27 was no other that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): “I tell you, among those born of women, there is no one greater than John; yet the one who is least (youngest) in the Kingdom of God is greater than he.” If the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the great prophet who was to come and whose shoelace John the Baptist claimed he was not worthy to untie, the prophecy is fulfilled except the coming of Prophet Elijah.

            The puzzle I cannot comprehend in the above Biblical verses is Elijah. Who is he? Is he another prophet the Jews were expecting to come or was he the same prophet Elijah in the time of King Ahab hundreds of years before Christ? Did he promise to come back before the chariot of fire took him to heaven or was it a standard rule for any prophet taken up to heaven physically and alive to return to earth and die a natural death?

            2 King 2:11 of the Bible says, “As they were walking and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind. Elisha saw this and cried out, “My father! My father! The chariots and horses of Israel!” and Elisha saw him no more.

            Regardless of what the Christian world believes in; Jesus was alive, not dead when he was brought up to heaven.

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