Sunday, October 2, 2011

DARANGEN: the abduction of princess Lawanen

THE DARANGEN: abduction of princess Lawanen (cont’d)
Episode 8
(Translated by Dr. Nosca Khalid)

Mabaning thanked his new gypsy friends and entered the forest. He searched for settlements where he may pick up some important clues. He roamed the villages spying for their secrets but all was in vain until he came upon a mountain.

Exhausted after days of wandering, he stopped at the foot of the mountain. He walked to a tree looming ghostly in the night, lowered himself on the ground and leaned his back against the tree. Feeling completely relaxed; soon he was soundly asleep oblivious to the breaking dawn and the rising sun.

The charming Anonen Pangadapen stood by a tree. Her thoughts were preoccupied by the piteous state of the prince of Gadongan.

“What if I disguise myself,” the fairy princess thought, “as princess Lawanen to divert his mind? I will keep his thoughts away from the tragic loss of his fiancée. If he perseveres in his passionate desire for the princess beyond compare then I shall reveal to him the truth that princess Lawanen is being held at Sagorongan a Ragat. I will divulge everything that happened to the love of his life.”

The fairy princess glided across the hills to where the prince of Gadongan was resting. Standing there for sometimes, she watched the sleeping prince. She bent and touched the prince on the shoulder.

“Mabaning Ndaw Rogong,” the fairy princess whispered. “Wake up and refresh yourself with betel nuts from the hills of Sendigan. I know you are tired, sad and grieving.”

Startled, Mabaning stirred awake confused by the gentle voice whose likeness to the lost princess rekindled his grief. He pulled the scarf tacked at his side and wiped off the beads of perspiration over his face. He eyed the strange lady with scrutiny unable to tell whether she is the lost princess or not. The likeness is almost perfect except the color of the hair.

“The hair of princess Lawanen,” he thought, “is a sparkling brunette while this beautiful princess if you may is a blonde like the petals of a white flower that curls up with the thunders.”

“My dear princess,” uttered the confused prince. “Who are you and what are you doing in these mountains?”

“I am your kin, the princess Anonen Pangadapen of Sendigan Mountains. I know how you deeply mourn the loss of princess Lawanen but I didn’t expect to find you in such a miserable condition.” The fairy looked piteously at the prince. “Lawanen is in Sagorongan a Ragat abducted by the spirits of King Dimasangkay,” reiterated by the princess. “I beg you not to pursue her. Remember, even if you are an invincible crock or be as hard as granite rock, you will not be able to confront the territorial guards of the empire of Kadaraan. You will be a great loss to the offspring of Gebonen. It will be best if you turn back and return to Bembaran. Organize an army of the allied kingdoms big and strong enough to invade the land of Doronan.”

“My princess Anonen,” answered Mabaning. “It is impossible to turn back now. How can I tell the people of Bembaran that I found out where Lawanen is being held and I have returned to Bembran without even seeing her? No I prefer to find the princess Lawanen and talk to her. I will have no regret even if I perish in the attempt. I am entrusting to you my well being from this moment on. You must inform the others in Bembaran of what you just told me so they can come immediately to our rescue. I must leave now and find Sagorongan a Ragat. I must not fail.”

“Prince Mabaning,” addressed the fairy princess. “If that is your wish then be it but take my advice. Disguise yourself as a Madem so the sentries will not recognize you. Pretend to be the messenger of the king of Kilaten but if you are recognized by the territorial guards, use the magic sword.”

A sword suddenly materialized in the hands of the fairy. “It will spite your enemies and blind their vision. If you find yourself in real danger; raise the sword up and spin around until the tussle fibers at the hilt spread and radiates with light. It will instantly render you invisible.

Prince Mabaning reached for the sword offering a prayer to the ‘Dragon god’ in the sky.

He wound the belt around his waist and fixed the scabbard on his left, the sword dangling on his side. Spinning around, the tussle fibers at the hilt sprung scattering light rays like a twinkling star droplets. He bade farewell to the fairy princess and left in a hurry.

To be cont’d…

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