Tuesday, October 11, 2011

MECCA: a major sign of THE END

MECCA: a major sign of the END TIMES

With the coming of the Beast 666 in 1990 (UN Res 666) and the New Jerusalem (Mecca) in 1994, the second coming is only a matter of time.
The possibility of it happening in our lifetime is very real indeed


Revelation 21:12 “It had a great high wall with 12 gates…”
Revelation 21:13 “There were 3 gates on the East, 3 on the North, 3 on the South and 3 on the West…”
Revelation 21:16 “The city was lead out like a square as long as it was wide…”
Revelation 21:17 “He measured its walls and it was 144 cubits [200 feet]…”
Revelation 21:24 “The nations will walk buy its light and the kings of the Earth will bring their splendor into it…”
Revelation 21:25 “On no day will its gates ever be shut for there will be nights there…”
Revelation 21:26 “The glory and honor of nations will be brought to it…”
Revelation 21:27 “Nothing impure will ever enter it nor anyone who does what is shameful but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.”
Revelation 21:16 “He measured the city with a rod and found it to be 12,000 stadia [2,000 km]…”
          A Muslim who is familiar with the Masjid Al Haram in the city of Mecca will immediately recognize what the biblical Revelation 21:12-27 is alluding to. What will strike him as odd or maybe absurd is the fact that it is plucked out of the Bible.

            Only a fraction of the more than one billion Muslims around the world are familiar with Mecca and its environs. One trip to Mecca like a Hajj pilgrimage will not adequately familiarize the faithful with the Masjid Al Haram. It is the most sophisticated, most frequented place of worship on the planet; it is always full of worshippers 24/7 all year round.

            I have read the four gospels of the Bible long before I ever set hands on the English translation of the Holy Qur’an. I have lived with Christian friends all my life. My wife used to be a Seventh Day Adventist, the closest Christian sect to Jewish practices and to some extent to Islam. I went to church with my Christian friends believing that religion is very much an affair of the heart. When I took the medical licensure board examination, my study group and I paid for a special prayer in one of the landmark churches in the Philippines at Antipolo, Rizal. When I stood as a sponsor to one of the nurses in the hospital during her wedding, I took the Holy Communion. My wife in the crowd was horrified but to her surprise, I kneeled down before the priest and took the holy bread. Later, I told my wife that Niyah (intention) is the hallmark of faith. A non-Muslim for instance may recite the ‘Sajida’, a declaration of faith in Islam a thousand times and it will be meaningless unless he means in his heart what he is saying or doing. I believe that such an act didn’t make me less of a Muslim than I already was. The more I read the Bible and the more I associate with my Christian friends, the more I realise how true and correct Islam is in comparison. I tried to read the book of revelation at earlier times but I didn’t go through with it. It made no sense then. Like any other dream, it is an exaggeration until I re-discovered it during the Gulf War of 1991.

            I had no doubt whatsoever (when I first read in the Bible the graphic description of the New Jerusalem) that it is referring to the ‘Haram Mosque’ in Mecca. I searched everywhere for an aerial photo of Masjid Al Haram (Haram Mosque) but when I found one, I was terribly disappointed. There were only 9 (3x3) gates not 12 (3x4) as prescribed in the Bible.

To be continued...

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