Thursday, October 13, 2011

MECCA: a major sign of THE END (cont'd)

MECCA: a major sign of THE END

The construction of the missing 4th (south) gate is visible in the above photo

            The south gate (4th) was missing in the picture above. Although the Biblical picture was very unsettling...I set it aside as a mysterious coincidence. I tried to forget about it but for played into my mind. A few years later (1994), I read in the Arab News (Saudi Arabia’s leading English news paper) that the Saudi Government spent 30 million riyals building the fourth gate with 3 entrances just like the three existing major gates. I was speechless; my hands were virtually shaking. My reaction was, “Oh my God! It is done.” The Biblical New Jerusalem was finally completed; the single most important sign of the END TIMES before Jesus’ returns.

Note: The following story is from the Bible. I recommend even if you are a Muslim to read the Old Testament because you will not find the following stories from an Islamic literature. You read some of the names in the Qur’an but not the whole story and nowhere in any Islamic literature will you find the names of the 12 sons of Ishmael.

            I have good reason to believe that the revisionists of the Bible may have knowingly changed the original twelve (12) tribes of Ishmael to the twelve (12) tribes of Israel upon whose tribal names were adopted the names of the twelve gates of the NEW JERUSALEM. Not only the 12 major gates but smaller doors are likewise named after different tribes of Arabia. Every gate and every door are named after a tribe of the Arabs not after the names of the 12 tribes of Israel as written in the Bible. Revisionists revise...

Abraham had two sons: Ishmael and Isaac. Ishmael had 12 sons, founder of the 12 tribes of the Ishmaelite while Isaac had only two; a twin, Esau and Jacob. The world is deceived into believing that the sibling rivalry was between Ishmael and Isaac (take note that the two didn’t grow up together). Even their difference in age (Isaac was born when Ishmael was 14 years of age) did not warrant sibling rivalry. On the contrary, at that age...Ishmael would have been excited to have a younger brother.

            The intense rivalry was between Esau and Jacob; the twin sons of Isaac. It was the mother (Iraqi today) who engineered the rivalry and carried it to the extremes.

(Bible: The mother overheard Isaac telling his son Esau to prepare his best sheep for dinner because he will bless him and give him his inheritance)

            Esau was the breadwinner tending to the sheep while Jacob was the homebody. Jacob and his mother stole Esau’s birthright in a most cunning and evil way by taking advantage of Isaac’s old age and blindness. The mother dressed Jacob with Esau’s clothes and presented him to the blind father as Esau upon which Jacob was blessed unknowingly by his father and given his family’s inheritance.

Afraid that Esau will kill him; the mother sent Jacob to take refuge with his maternal uncle in what is now Iraq. He then married his sister cousins and their two servants and when his uncle/father-in-law grew old; Jacob stole his herd and valuables and escaped with his four wives leaving the old man alone and with nothing.
            Esau was so heartbroken with his mother and brother, he left and went to his uncle Ishmael (Paran/Hijas/Mecca) and poured out his heart. The loving uncle gave one of his daughters to Esau in marriage without having to work for 7 years as it was for Jacob when he married his cousins (Genesis 28:9). 

(Jacob after leaving his father-in-law’s household with his 4 wives met Ishmael. He offered his brother everything he had for his forgiveness. Ishmael probably knowing that he was being offered stolen goods from his uncle-father-in-law forgives him in exchange for nothing.)

Would I be wrong to assume that Mecca (Hijjas/Paran) and the inhabitants of its environs carries 75% of the Abraham’s bloodline; (Ishmael’s daughter and Esau) compared to Jacob’s (Jewish) generations (Jacob and his Iraqi wives)?

            Naturally, a sour tree can only bear sour fruits. The sons of Jacob dumped their younger brother Joseph into a well for the intention of killing him simply out of jealousy from a dream they overheard. Fortunately, an Ishmaelite caravan pulled the boy out of the well and brought him to Egypt. Had they known the boy to be Jacob’s son they would have probably returned him to his father but it was not meant to be? Muslims and Christians alike know the story of Joseph in Egypt.

            In spite of all these; God according to the Bible loved Jacob (the thief) and hated Esau (the good shepherd). God has every right to love whom He wishes among his creations but I don’t see any justifiable reason to hate Esau...the victim of injustice.

            Qur’an 38:28 – Shall we treat those who believe and do righteous deeds as those who make mischief on Earth? Or shall we treat the pious and the wicked alike?

            Qur’an 45:21 – Do the evil doers think that we should hold them equal with the believers who do righteous deeds in this life and after their death? Worst is the judgment they make.

            Someone is obviously putting the words into the mouth of God, someone whose heart is brimming with hate. The Jews for thousands of years successfully manipulated the media to their own advantage from the ancient tablets of the Bible to today’s hi-tech communication medium. They are the masters of media control. They bulldozed, dynamited homes, maimed and massacred men, women and children in Palestine and Lebanon and always manage to blur the pictures with the victims of the holocaust. Hitler was the best thing that ever happened to the Jewish race and consequently the worst for the Arabs. They have successfully psyched the world (except the Germans) to feel guilty for the holocaust...a stroke of genius that put them above the law in the eyes of the west. The Zionists have to keep reminding the world of the horrors of the holocaust to keep money and moral support flowing to the Israel’s coffers in support of their brutal conquest of Palestine. Whether the Zionists likes it or not...the memory of the holocaust is fast fading from memory with only very few survivors left they can parade on television. Nowadays, when people speaks of the holocaust...what comes to mind are the horrifying mangle bodies of men, women and children of Gaza, West Bank and Lebanon who are the victims of Israel’s brutal conquest of Palestine.


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