Friday, October 28, 2011

DARANGEN: The Abduction of Princess Lawanen

THE DARANGEN: The abduction of princess Lawanen
Translated by Dr. Nosca Khalid

Mabaning followed the young prince through a network of narrow passages until he found himself walking in a grand hallway. He fixed his sword dangling on his side as they climbed another stairway. Emerging at the head of the stairway, he saw the beauty beyond compare.

          Princess Lawanen saw the Madem and immediately saw Mabaning behind the deception. Their eyes locked. Their souls blended like the day and night both craving for air to relieve a suffocating breath.

          Mabaning moved his eyes in the direction of another stunning beauty, the princess they brag about in Sagorongan-a-Ragat.

          “There is no doubt,” Mabaning thought. “She deserves the praise of unparalleled beauty prettier than new moon emerging above the mountains. The only noticeable flaw is the red hair but of course, she is an alien who speaks the foreign tongue of a seafaring people.”

“Welcome to the palace chambers,” addressed princess Lawanen. “If you come closer,” she looked at the Madem then turned to the young prince who escorted the Madem. “I will be able to serve you the glistening chest of betel nuts.”

“My dear princess and fiancee of Mabaning,” replied the Madem. “Please don’t bother yourself. I am not used to munching betel nuts in royal palaces but if you can serve it between your fingers than maybe I will. Don’t be offended but I wish you will offer it for Mabaning with a prayer that no harm shall come to him in his relentless search along the roads to Sagorongan-a-Ragat. He trekked on foot leaving a trail of fires along his tracks and littered it with the bodies of the dead. Let us pray to the divine gods that no misfortune fell upon him and see you at this very moment in time.”

          “My sweet and gentle friend from the mountain of Kilaten,” said Lawanen sadly. “I have not chewed a single betel nut from the time I disappeared from Bembaran. I was asked almost every night and day by king Dimasangkay to offer him the chest of betel nuts but I would rather die than grant him the pleasure. You are a Madem from Kilaten not from this great kingdom so I will offer you a betel nut between my fingers as a last farewell. I shall hand it to you as an offering to the gods that no harm comes upon him and pray that I see him at this very moment in time.”

The Madem reached for the chewable nuts held between the fingers of princess Lawanen. Beads of tears plugged the corners of his eyes hardly able to contain his sorrow. He wanted to scream and draw his sword.

“My gentle lady,” said the Madem.

Munching the betel nuts; he turned to Lawanen. “I beg your pardon but I have to leave you now. It is my vow never to let your abduction go unpunished. I will turn the earth red and cover the plains of Sagorongan-a-Ragat with dead bodies slaughtered with my sword. Sing a song for me lovely one for I shall fight with all my might. You shall never be despised again nor mocked with laughter. I am numbed and deafened by the noises of men endlessly boasting of their unrivaled lineage. Sing one more song for my unblemished shield. You can rest without fear upon the fearless crock; the well groomed fighter like the legendary fighting cock of the king; a veteran in battle who would rather perish than surrender in combat.”

Mabaning on his feet back stepped.  “My fairy princess; the Anonen Pangadapen,” murmured Mabaning in deep concentration. “Kindly bring my message to Makapanton-a-Tonong and all the guardian spirits of Bembaran especially Mangeray, Minawa-a-Minupen and the goddess of the sky; the Romiagambay Olan and Magayawa; the fairy princess of Poregen and finally, the fairy princess of Maganding; Mageray-a-Anonen. Hear me; all the spirit guardians of Bembaran. This is an hour of darkness for the empire. The sons of Gibonen are captives in Sagorongan-a-Ragat. It is my command that you spin away the tower with everyone in it including the princess of Sagorongan-a-Ragat.”

to be cont'd 

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