Tuesday, September 13, 2011


 (Note: The first copy of “Ranao Waves” dated January, 1980 Vol. 1 No. 1)


ranao council incorporated:

            It has almost been three years since, in that small but significant gathering; we have decided to take upon ourselves the responsibility of helping in our little way to uplift our people and ourselves from ignorance and underdevelopment. Every one of us then felt that what is ahead of us is a heavy task and attaining our goal was impossible to some of us. We knew of the many odds along the thorny path we had decided to trod but none of us had the weakness of heart to turn his back from the group for in the silence between us, we understood each others; no matter how heavy the task and how high the height we have to scale, we have got to try. We may fail and fail again but we always have to try. That is the legacy handed down to us by our forefathers and by all means; we have to keep up with it. Aside from our burning faith (Islam), it is the only thing that binds us together which keeps us going and maintains our existence as a people. Without it, we would have been in the limbo of a conquered people or be counted among the dead. With high spirit and determination; many projects we had planned and to see them successfully unfold filled our hearts with joy. It was not then so much to us whether we have had sleepless nights, important appointments cancelled or spent our last centavo in our pockets for the projects; what was necessary was that the projects were there and our people were benefited.  It was enough to us that we see joy in their faces and infused new knowledge into their idle minds. The feeling was great. Dedicated works knows no pain and the serious worker understands that there is no failure, only challenges.




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