Saturday, September 10, 2011





          We always have that sense of vagueness of purpose; a sense of direction that we feel inside directing our every move. Even a child has a wish that seems so near and yet so far. Some of us spend a whole lifetime trying to reach for that elusive goal and although some finds a sense of purpose, others don’t.
          In this book; I have included a brief autobiography not because I found the meaning of my own existence, although maybe I have, but for reasons unrelated to what I am or where I am right now. I feel that if I found a lot of humor and mystery in my growing up, others will find it even more hilarious, maybe more mysterious than I ever will.
          It is truly amazing that strange phenomena bordering on the occult should keep me away from certain death at least four times in my childhood and beyond. There are other events that I didn’t give much credit for, like: I was driving in the mountains of Saudi Arabia near the border with Yemen. The rough terrain was passable only to four-wheel drive vehicles. I drove my 13-yers-old non-four wheel drive Mazda 3-4 hours each way depending upon the condition of the unpaved rocky trails to a small dispensary (Primary Health Care Center) in one of the Tihama Villages. During my weekend drive to town; my car stopped a little after the half way mark of a steep road curved out of the side of a mountain. The slope was too much for my ageing car. My mistake was shifting the gear to neutral causing my car to back speed downhill at a lightning speed. My brain went numbed and confused in a split second. Fortunately, my car (as if someone has taken over the wheel) veered towards my left against the mountain wall. Had it veered to my right, I would have tumbled down the cliff.
          At another time, I took a flight from the newly emerging summer capital of Saudi Arabia; from Abha to Jeddah. The plane took off again as soon as it touched the ground at the Jeddah international Airport. The stewardess turned deathly pale and so did I. I was seated in the front row facing the seats where the stewardess belt themselves on take offs and landings. As soon as we were on the Air again, the stewardess unfastened herself and walked towards the first-class cabin. Her color was better when she returned. I asked (in our vernacular being a Filipina) what happened. “There was an airport van in the middle of the run-away,” she replied calmly.
That was my fifth and sixth encounter with the ugly face of death.
          When I became a doctor of medicine, I was sure (like any young idealist of my age) that I found my reason for living. I would go home to my tribe in the south of Philippines and serve my people; not quite. Seventeen years have passed (1980-97) and I am still here in Saudi Arabia. I see no way out. My children are home back in Manila attending school. My salary is just enough for me, for them and for some friends and relatives I am helping through college.
           Although I may have progressed little materially, I feel having matured spiritually. This book is the testament to that spiritual growth and it all began with the number of the beast; 666.
          As aliens in Saudi Arabia, we used to stand in the queue waiting for the English papers to come to our town during the gulf war. We watched the single TV broadcast although in Arabic to the wee hours of the morning.
          When I read about the United Nations Resolution number 666, my skin crawled giving me Goosebumps. I borrowed a Bible from the Indians in the hospital and asked where I could find the number of the Beast in it. This book is the result of that query.
          Exotic texts in religious books can effectively weaken the faith of many unless someone comes up with not only rational but believable explanations.
          Muslims, Christians and Jews believe in the six-day creation. Some Muslims scholars agree that the six-day can also be interpreted as six periods. Ironically, these scholars are not aware of a short but very significant verse in the Holy Qur’an that will settle the six-day controversy once and for all. Similarly, it will liberate the Christians from the dilemma of the six-day creation as written in the book of genesis.
          How can there be first, second and third days if God created the moon and the sun on the fourth day, two heavenly bodies upon which our conception of time is based? How can there be a morning and an evening in each day of the first three days of creation if the sun did not exist at the time? This is the dilemma of the six-day creation that Christians either did not understand or simply ignored. I have yet to find a Christian who rationalizes this dilemma.
          Qur’an 22:47 states, ‘Verily, a day in the sight of thy Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning.’
Obviously, God was referring to His time not earthling’s time in the same manner that we use Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) instead of local time zones. Each day of the Qur’an/Bible six-day creation is 1,000 years of earthling’s time. It is even very possible that the first three days of creation referred to other solar systems, ours having been created on the fourth.
          The most sensible order of creation would have been to create the sun (light) followed by the planets in contrast to the book of genesis. We know scientifically that the planets and moons were formed from the debris of rocks caught in the gravitational field of the sun following the Big Bang. Those beyond the orbit of Neptune that includes Pluto known as the Kuiper Belt remained unformed like an ocean of rocks orbiting our solar system casting doubts on the status of Pluto as a planet. This is one of the beauties that make the Big Bang theory so believable.
          Qur’an 21:30; ‘do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined as one unit of creation before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?’ Qur’an 51:47: ‘Verily: we are able to extend the vastness of space thereof.’(Expanding universe)
          Panspermia is one word in the May 1997 issue of Discover Magazine that jolted my mind. It is the fanciful notion that life spread through space which can be defined beautifully by the Qur’an verse 42:29 - ‘And one of His signs is the creations of the heavens and the earth and the living creatures that He scattered through them and He has the power to gather them together when He wills.’ This verse is but one of the many concrete proofs in the Holy Qur’an that life may not be unique to planet earth.
          The science fiction space tunnels (wormholes) that short-cut the stars and galaxies may turn out to be correct. God speaks in the Holy Qur’an of passages and pillars in space that the eyes cannot see. Qur’an Verse 13:1-4 states - ‘Allah is He who raised the heavens without pillars that you can see’ (with pillars that you cannot see). Muslims interpret the passages as orbital paths of the planets and the invisible pillars as gravity and centrifugal forces. I disagree. The orbital paths of the planets, the sun and the solar system are clearly defined as paths upon which the mentioned heavenly bodies are not suppose to deviate from. Long before man ever learned that our Solar system is moving in space, not fixed, the Holy Qur’an already spoke of its movement towards a certain point in space. The secret passages and invisible pillars are waiting to be discovered unless they have already been found. It is very possible that the theoretical Black Holes in space are the hallow pillars of space in the Qur’an that the eyes cannot see. It could be the secret passages of the heavens. I like to think of black holes as massive invisible nails pinning the universe into space without which, the universe will either collapse or galaxies will continuously collide. Black Holes are the pillars the eyes cannot see that give the universe a semblance of stability.
          Whether the claim is true or not that while Neil Armstrong was walking on the moon, he heard the Adhan, the Muslims call to prayer, Allah ho Akhbar (God is the Greatest), there is no doubt that God will always be ahead.
          Verse 55:33 of the Holy Qur’an says, ‘O ye assembly of Jinns and Men! If it be ye can pass beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth, pass ye! Not without authority shall ye be able to pass!’
          I have tried a dozen times to leave Saudi Arabia for good but something always comes up to prevent me from doing so. I felt that there has to be a reason for my being here.
          It was seventeen years ago when I sought employment for Saudi Arabia.
“I’m sorry,” the secretary had said, “recruitment was closed two weeks ago. All available posts had been filled.” But she took my papers anyway after perhaps learning I was a Muslim and disappeared behind a closed door. The Arab recruiter came out of his office and searched for me in the crowd.
“Don’t give your passport to anyone but to me,” the Arab had said. “I will make sure that you get your visa before I leave for Saudi Arabia. My work here is done.” Only now did I realize the significance of those words. He had been sitting in his office virtually doing nothing for two weeks as if he was only waiting for me to show up. The year was 1980.

Nosca Khalid
"Apocalypse Countdown 666"


  1. If you as muslim believe in the big bang theory then in order to start a explosion What must you have to start an explosion.

    For big bang billions of tons of explosives who want blow up the space? when there were nothing.

    Only God were present when there were nothing then God would have told Moses there was a big bang.

    Then who was the supplier of the explosives?

    Do you believe what was writen in Hadiths? Then you also MUST believe this.

    Tabari I:188 “Jews came to the Prophet and asked him about the creation
    of the heavens and the earth. [Allah didn’t bother to explain our beginnings in his
    Qur’an so Muhammad felt obliged to help him out.] He said, ‘Allah created the earth on
    Sunday and Monday. He created the mountains and the uses they possess on Tuesday. On
    Wednesday He created trees, water, cities and the cultivated and barren land. On Thursday,
    He created heaven. On Friday, He created stars, the sun, moon, and angels, until
    three hours remained. In the first of these three hours, He created the terms, who would live and who would die. In the second, He cast harm upon everything that is useful for mankind. And in the third, Adam, and had him dwell in Paradise.’”

    Tabari I:189 “The Messenger took me by the hand and said, ‘Allah created soil on Saturday. Upon it, He created the mountains on Sunday. He created the trees on Wednesday, scattered animals on Thursday, and made Adam as the last of His creatures after the afternoon prayer on Friday.’” Allah begins on Saturday rather than Sunday and Monday. After taking a much-needed rest on Tuesday, he forgot the cities, water, and cultivation and dispenses with the creation of the sun, moon, and stars, as well as paradise. Then Allah creates man after the afternoon prayer.

    So, who was praying and to whom?

    1. Come on man; be kind to yourself. Stop wasting your time and mine. You see, this is the 21st century. If you cannot talk of your religion in terms of the big bang, lighting speed messaging, interplanetary-intergalactic journeys, travels in time, genetic engineering and immortality then surely you are living in the wrong time. Get out of that box full of Jew shit and live in the present. When you read or dig; you don’t dig for shit, you dig for gold. When I read the Bible, I was looking for gold and gold I found that made me more knowledgeable about my faith. If you dig for shit…shit you will find and you keep repeating yourself talking about things I already know. I gave you practical more sensible things about Islam and you threw back at me sack full of Jew nonsense. Do you want to dig for Gold in the Qur’an? It will cost you only 0.99 cents to buy my Kindle e-book (Qur’an: Key to the secrets of the Universe). Good day!

    2. Your language is very bad for a muslim in fact I have my own Quran I can can tell you more about your religion then you can tell me

  2. I gave you islamic version of their believe it has got nothing to do with the jews you just want to dodge away from the truth and turn a blind eye.

    Do you believe in the Hadiths or not?

  3. Christians sadly they couldn't GRASP the knowledge and information in the Glorious Quran and as always they DO NOT intent to understand because they naturally CANNOT GRASPS the meaning and WAY of ISLAM...for them Islam is barbaric religion where in fact it is the religion chosen by the divine being/creator himself for the human kind to follow, but they(unbelievers) gone astray for they choose the wrong path, the path to perdition. If they(unbelievers) witness an event they could hardly understand, what happens next is they will treat it as holy and pertaining that it came from the Divine creator and worship it, we in Islam knew already that things will happen because Allah allow it to tests people..but we in Islam knew it that any holy sightings claimed by people and worship by them are not from the divine being but from the devil himself. Islam and Christianity differs a lot...example, in Islam our holy place Makkah in Saudi Arabia brings you peace and harmony within when your ther...on the other hand, Christians holy place Rome, has a a negative energy with it according to psychics and supernatural experts can be a holy place contains a negative and demonic energy with it? it doesn't make any sense, but for them..any entity or force being present disregarding what type of force it is..negative or positive, good or bad, demonic or angelic...its holy for them as long as there's a force within, example to that they claim the holy of holiest place called St. Peter's describe the whole place as a chamber of demonic and negative energy surrounding the place..many people could testifies that Vatican hides a greedy and devilish secrets of all mankind histories...very very odd and gruesome acts of the church a long with the human pls...don't you ever discuss us what Islam is...because on the hand, we are more aware of your religion than you know it is to be...if your not a Catholic then lucky for you, but if your a Roman Catholic...I guess its time to search your church acts throughout mankind's' history..and you will discovered a very disgusting inhuman acts of all times...peace!!

  4. Explain this then the Kabaa in reality was and is from the devil.
    Anything that is of the road from Christ is from the devil.
    Allah allow it to tests people..but we in Islam knew it that any holy sightings claimed by people and worship by them are not from the divine being but from the devil himself.
