Tuesday, June 28, 2011

QUR’AN: A TERRIFYING DOOMSDAY; the 2012 movie is a joke.

Only in very recent time did the scientific community unanimously agree that the Dinosaurs were killed by a meteor or Asteroid impact with Earth. The how is still being debated. A “cloud of dust” is the most accepted scenario that sealed of the sun for months but that alone is not enough to kill the Dinosaurs. There had to be some other reason that eventually killed them off. Only when we realized this that humankind came face to face with the stark reality that whatever ended the world of the dinosaurs will kill us too. We have no idea that the Qur’an scenario is more terrifying than the event horizon that ended the world for the Dinosaurs. Our lovely planet may never be habitable again for advanced life forms.
The end of the world is described in the Qur’an but in “bits and pieces” scattered among its pages. What I did was collect all the verses referring to the End Times and re-arranged them like a jigsaw puzzle. The result shocked me beyond words.
The moon will be hit by a large cosmic body (Asteroid/planet size) that will break it asunder described by the Prophet as first blast then the same cosmic object will collide with earth in a second blast. The impact will be so massive that it will reverse the Earth’s axis rotation causing the sun to rise from its place of setting (WEST). 

DOOMSDAY IN A NUTSHELL: (This is actually a long thesis I shortened for this Blog.)
There is a blast and the moon is split asunder.
 A smoke will appear enveloping people and the heavens become red like ointment.
 The sky will be like a molten brass. A scorching wind will come followed by the second mighty blast.
(Between the first and the second blast are forty [40] according to the prophet but he did not say forty hours, days or months. He was probably not sure.)
If a meteor or asteroid of immense size hit and breaks the moon, our moon could collide with Earth. Another scenario will be that whatever it is that will break the moon may head towards Earth and smash our planet. There could be 40 days or 40 hours before impact.
The ocean swells and burst forth and boils. The Earth is pounded to powder and flattened out. The mountains will be in violent commotion like a heap of sand pouring out and flowing down.
The graves are turned upside emptying its contents.
(The impact of the Earth-Moon/Asteroid collision reverses the Earth’s axis rotation and the sun rises from the West.)
After the collision, the moon will be broken into small pieces and deflected off towards the sun. Our moon will be lost forever according to the Qur’an. Most living things will perish. Without the moon acting like an anchor; our planet will be displaced from its present position in the solar system. Earth will orbit closer to the sun. It is very possible; planets will be re-aligned in the Solar System. The sun’s heat will be fierce virtually drowning people in their sweat and scalping them according to the Qur’an.
Life as we know it will come to an end.
 With the planet earth teeming with so much life, some will most probably survive the melt down. From the few survivors, a new but different world and new life forms will evolve.
Without the moon, the oceans will no longer rise and fall. The Earth’s orbit and axis rotation will wobble and the oceans will continuously shift following the wobble that will wash away cities, mountains and deserts. Every wave will be a tsunami. The equator will not be fixed. At one moment, it is snowing in the empty quarters of Saudi Arabia and the Sahara desert. The poles will point in different direction. Icebergs in the North and South Pole will melt and raise the oceans to staggering heights. Island nations will disappear from the map, the Philippine included. Evolution will take a very different course.

I thought at first that the Qur’an was unique being the only prophetic book that mentions the splitting of the moon and rising of the sun in the west until I read the following Biblical verses. Take note of how accurately it sums up the scenario of unstable Earth without the moon. I find it real surprising that no writer in the west religious or otherwise ever mentioned this scenario except a momentary scene of the “Time Machine” movie where the moon was shown broken. 



Friday, June 24, 2011

MY CHOSEN ONE: Muhammad in the Bible


Obviously; if you are reading the translation of a translation of a translation...you get lost in translation. You will not find the name “Muhammad” in the English translation of the Bible.

Isaiah 42:1 “Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one whom I delight; I will put my spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nation. He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the street. A bruised reed he will not break and smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on Earth. In his law, the Islands will put their hope…Let the desert and its towns raise their voices; Let the settlements where Kedar lives rejoice. Let the people of Selah sing for joy. Let them shout from the mountaintops; let them give glory to the Lord and proclaim his praise in the Islands. The Lord will march out like a mighty man, like a warrior he will stir up his zeal, with a shout, he will raise the battle cry and will triumph over his enemies.” 

Isaiah 42 above is a brief prophetic biography of a prophet coming from Arabia from among the generations of Kedar, Ishmael’s son.  Early Muslims were persecuted in Mecca but the prophet was a non-violent man. He endured the cruelties of the idol worshipping pagans in Arabia. Friends and relatives were murdered. He was even stoned in one place but he endured it all. He sent his followers to Abyssinia to seek protection under a Christian king. Thirteen years later, he had to escape to Medina. Only after he received a word from God to fight back and proclaim justice to the world did he marshal the Muslim armies from one victory to another. The great empires of the time succumbed one after another to Islam’s rising “EMPIRE OF FAITH” exactly as foretold by Isaiah in 42:13 - “The Lord will march out like a mighty man, like a warrior he will stir up his zeal, with a shout he will raise the battle cry and will triumph over his enemies.” 

The shouts at the mountaintops (Muslim’s call to prayer) where the sons of Kedar live echoed through all the corners of the planet. 

In the standard version of the Bible, Isaiah 42 is entitled; “A NEW SONG FOR THE LORD” which is the recitation of the Holy Qur’an that was revealed to the prophet.
[The key word in the above prophecy is “Kedar.” Christians believe Isaiah 42 as referring to Jesus which is obviously not because this prophecy refers to the generations of Kedar; Ishmael’s second son from whom the prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) was descended.] 

Easton's online Bible Dictionary 

KEDAR: Dark-skinned, the second son of Ishmael (Genesis 25:13).
It is the name for the nomadic tribes of Arabs, the Bedouins generally (Isaiah
21:16; 42:11; 60:7; Jeremiah 2:10; Ezek. 27:21), who dwelt in the north-west of Arabia. They lived in black hair-tents (Cant. 1:5). To "dwell in the tents of Kedar" was to be cut off from the worship of the true God (Psalm 120:5). The Kedarites suffered at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar (Jeremiah 49:28, 29). 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

DARANGEN: The Abduction of Princess Lawanen (Cont'd)

The Abduction of Princess Lawanen
(Episode 8)


In that moment in time, the high seas of Bembaran calmed down. The war of the gods is past and with it, the blanket of darkness dissipated.

Chaos ensued in the kingdom when the news like wildfire spread across the water channels of Bembaran that the princess vanished nabbed by the spirits.

"The princess beyond compare is lost," everyone wailed in the kingdom. People trashed about in frenzy, jostling along the shore trying helplessly to find the princess.

The king of Bembaran moved around the Royal Chamber in a confused state walking in and out until finally, he walked towards the gimbals. He struck it in quick succession to warn his subjects and then he beat the gong to prepare for war.

The gong's call for war echoed into the mountain ranges upstream of Bembaran where Mangatae lives. It echoed towards the opposite sides of the water channels of Bembaran joined by other gongs in the kingdom that thundered harshly through out the empire. All else are muffled drowned in the midst of sorrow and lamentations of a grief stricken kingdom.

Daranda, the warrior of Bembaran was at that moment in time restrained by the chief of Lumbatan to avoid igniting a war that is yet to be verified.

The king issued a royal decree to find the princess at all cost. The mountains were searched thoroughly; the forest and the plains of Bembaran were combed in vain. Allied kingdoms of Bembaran were summoned. They would have come anyway without being asked to help in the search for the princess who vanished in the sea without a trace.

The consensus among the wise men of the Empire was to search the bottom of the sea and spread out towards the ocean. Only when they are positively sure that she is nowhere to be found do they journey to the man-spirit kingdom of Kadaraan sa Ndaw.

"This could be the fulfillment," the wise men argued, "of a prophecy by the Wizard of Walian that a princess of Bembaran will be abducted towards the lands of Kadaraan."

Infuriated volunteers streamed towards the embankment where the Rinamentaw Mepalaw was being rearmed with cannons. The warship's armor was being sealed with layers of molten iron impregnable to a cannon ball precisely designed by Pamanay Makalayon. The ship's hull is invincible to a spear assault by the gypsies in the high seas.

Consulting the divine book and the book of oracles by the Wizard of Walian; the most suitable date to embark will be the day after when the moon is full.

Emerging from the consultation with the wise men of the Empire, the king issued a royal decree.

Chieftains of the principalities along the water channels of Bembaran were commanded to trek across the mountains to Kadaraan directly towards the land of the Blooming Flowers, the realm of Minalang.

According to the king's battle plans, Rinamentaw Mepalaw will sail to the bay of the Flower Kingdom and meet with those who came by foot and assemble the allied armies of the empire.

When the hour has come, the noble men of the allied kingdoms filed into the ship in an orderly manner all eager to sail for the all out hunt for the lost princess of Bembaran.

A lightning flashed followed by a thunderous explosion from the cannon flaunted at the bow of the Rinayong. The sound of gong boomed from the ship followed by a cacophony of gongs through out the Empire calling men to battle.

The spirit dwellers among the trees of Bembaran chanted while the evil spirits of the seas shrieked in fear.

Soon, the anchor was lifted and the Rinayong launched into the seas for a far away journey.

No one could be heard exchanging words as calm reigns over the ship. Each is better left to its own private thoughts. Only the lapping of the waves against the hull can be heard in decadence drowning the silence.


Riding their magic shields, Bantugan and Madali where somewhere in the clouds flying cheerfully towards Bembaran.

"If I am not mistaken," said Bantugan gazing down at the sea, "that beautiful ship cruising like a streak of lightning is the mirror image of one that must have departed from the Kingdom of Bembaran."

Feeling suddenly melancholic for home, the duo princes accelerated their speed of flying.


Relaxing in comfort aboard the Kalipapa Da’ayaw is the prince of Gadongan, the Mabaning Daw’Rogong. Held in high esteem by friends and foes alike, his fame is legendary when returning from battles and this happens to be one of those times. His flagship as usual is laden with the spoils of war. The riches it carries cannot be quantified. The captives are sorted out between the young and the old. The sexes are grouped as well.

At ease on deck, Mabaning Ndaw Rogong would yell once in a while with a loud voice to cheer his sleazy rowers.

Lomigaw Sorot’a Ig and Domalondong Pagayaw are the singing balladeers among his men singing for the men and for the king. The duo alternates their songs alluding to the love and adventures of their king.

"Rest your mind at ease," began Lomigaw Sorot'a Ig.
"Let go of your thoughts
Let the wisdom reigns,
Free your tender feelings,
Know the reason why
And bring back the memories
Of yesterday's promise
Which has been written.
I can't understand
Why every time I thought
Of the changing
Value of friendship
And sentiment for kinship,
I feel the blow
Of a cool gusty wind.
If not for my faith,
Sailing like a wind
But getting captives
To my own passions.
Still far
Are the oceans to cross
But don't hurt your feelings.
It won't be long
Before we drop the anchor
Of Kalipapa Daayaw with all its glory
Along the banks of Bembaran.

"Unfold your beauty, O! Lovely moon," Domalondong Pagayaw hummed.

"On the eve, the moon is full.
Rekindle the memory
Of my love who is far.
Touch her tender feeling
To match my own longing
For now and forever
Comes the conqueror
To the land of the mighty.
There is none that I know
Of a dream that won't come true
For, to the victors belongs
The ultimate fame and glory.
We cannot comprehend
The still unfurling fame
Like a rising tide
Of an endless sea.
It soars to the sky
Like a radiant light that do not fade.
It reflects the choice
For the seal of power
And the prestige
Of the wise men of the regents,
That council
Which decides the powers to be.
If it is agreed
To leave the choice
To him whose wisdom
Shines to all the pedestals of power.
To him belongs the seal of strength
In the present time
And the limitless wealth
Of a boundless power
Known far and wide
Acknowledge by all.
The prosperity of the land
Is all in his hands.
I guess it is enough
That I have reflected on
A lightning bolt.
I will not just reflect
The light of the star on and on
In order not to waste
The wind that blow the sail.
Regrettable is the day
That shall pass
Without its glory
A light that cannot reach nor shine.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

BEYOND 666: The Prophet's Visions of the END TIMES

BEYOND 666: The Prophet's Visions of the END TIMES:

By Him on whose hands my soul is; the last hour will not come before wild beasts speak to men. The end of a man’s whip and the thong of his sandal speak to him and his thigh informs him of what his family has done since he left them.

The Prophet's Visions of the END TIMES

By Him on whose hands my soul is; the last hour will not come before wild beasts speak to men. The end of a man’s whip and the thong of his sandal speak to him and his thigh informs him of what his family has done since he left them.

The Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)


Sunday, June 19, 2011


Absurd; Obama’s hybrid black and white brain refuses to acknowledge that his order to bomb Libya amounts to hostilities. If Tomahawk missiles, precision bombs and killer drones are not instruments of wars; we need to redefine what war is.
High Tech weaponry can totally annihilate another country without sending a single foot soldier if it is the bases of what war is according to Obama’s presidential definition. Oh’ boy; the world is in real trouble.
The Nobel committee obviously erred in awarding this black/white man the Nobel Prize for peace even before he does anything for peace but for war; he obviously did a lot. USA is presently engaged in 5 wars; Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia.
There should be a concerted effort to withdraw the award if only to teach a lesson to future would be awardees.

Thursday, June 16, 2011



Muslims and Christians together are about half of the world’s population. Close to 3 billion people are waiting for Jesus to return in what is widely known as the “Second Coming”…so what; one might ask. For one; if Time Travel is not possible, Jesus’ second coming will remain to be a myth that will never happen. And second; it is not really that simple. Will Jesus raise the banner of Islam or will he be an ally of the Beast; a Christian. Will it be divisive or unify the world’s two biggest religions?


 (MATTHEW 7:21)

Not everyone that saidth unto me, Lord shall enter the kingdom of Heaven. Many will say unto me on that day; Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name cast out devils; and in thy name done wonderful works: and then will I profess unto them; I never knew you: depart from me ye that work inequities.


By Him whose hands my soul is, the son of Mary will soon descend among you as a just judge. He will break crosses, kill swine and abolish the jezya (taxes). Wealth will pour out to such an extent that no one will accept a zakah (charitable taxes) and one “sajda” (La’illaha illahllah) will be better than the world and what it contains.

Jesus, son of Mary will marry, have children and remain 45 years after which he will die and be buried along with me in my grave. Then Jesus, son of Mary and I will arise from the grave between Abu Bakr and Omar.



The long awaited one will never come into Europe; instead he will appear in Asia. One issued from the league of Hermes; he will dominate over all the rulers of the orient.

According to Nostradamus, the great Muslim leader in the above prophecy will unite the Moslems of Asia and Africa and invade Europe. Christians believe that the above prophecy refers to the anti-Christ but hey; who is “the long awaited one?” Being a Muslim does not make him an anti-Christ but to some extent; yes, Jesus is the anti-Christ.

The destruction of Christianity is the singular mission of Jesus in the second coming for his own salvation. Christians are the true crucifiers of Jesus. By turning Jesus into a God; they put him in direct conflict with the almighty God which reminds me of the Biblical story of Moses. God had to send Moses back to his people when the Israelites molded out of gold a cow into shape and worshipped it. With thunders and lightning; Moses smashed the tablet of the Ten Commandments into their midst. The ground shaked, cracked open and the earth swallowed the unbelieving idol worshippers among the Israelites.

According to the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), Jesus will slay the ad Dajjal, a false prophet who will twist the message of Islam and mislead the Moslems. There are 30 Dajjals but one stands out like a Beast behind the Beasts. I am afraid the coming of the Dajjal (Mullah Muhammad Omar/Taliban) like the coming of the Beast 666 (U.N.) is also fulfilled. You will be surprised how accurate the prophet’s vision of the Dajjal was. Moslem scholars always interpret the Dajjal as the anti-Christ which is absurd because in Islam, there is no anti-Christ. Islam is not a Christian sect so why would there be an anti-Christ in it. Common sense…

Keep an open mind. You could be a Christian on the wrong side of the fence fighting for the Beast or a Moslem fighting for the Dajjal. I believe that Jesus in the second coming will lead a third force in the ongoing battle between the Beast (USA/UN/NATO) and the Dajjal (TALIBAN/AL QAE’DA). He will slay both and the true believers will rally behind him.
Of all the Christian friends I have asked; no one will accept Jesus in the second coming if he turns out to be a Muslim. This is a very important question that Christians better confront now than later or at least be prepared to face it. Muslims will fare better in dealing with this question because Jesus will have a better chance of passing the test as a prophet rather than as God.



Tuesday, June 14, 2011


(Episode 8)
Undisturbed by the grating of ropes that suspends the reclining seat, Princess Lawanen blankly stared into the Horizon. Illumined by a luminous glow, the Kingdom of Bembaran in that particular moment in time seemed to float in a pleasing display of hues in fairyland. The ember-like glow emanated neither from a blazing sun over the mountains nor was it the afterglow of a fading day. It radiates not from the moon neither the glare from the sun nor from the shimmering sea. It is the gleeful luminous aura of a populace gathered along the seaside in the presence of their dazzling princess.

Engaged in an uninterrupted festivities, the ladies of the court crowded the shades of palm trees that lines the banks of Bembaran. While the ladies like Nori Birds chatter the hours away, the princess of Bembaran lost in her thoughts quietly sat in the royal swing. Slowly and gently like a pendulum she swings between the two mighty trees, its combined foliage casting a giant shadow close to the enchanted water channels.

Standing still at the mouth of the water channel is an island barrier that wards off tempests from the sea.


With an intense yearning for Princess Lawanen, the Emperor of Kadaraan, the all-powerful half-man half-spirit King Dimasangkay drifts aimlessly along the Imperial waters of Bembaran. He had vowed not to look at any other woman other than the famous and beautiful princess of the Kingdom of Bembaran. It is this vow that keeps him a bachelor having no desire for other women who can bear his name.

The princess however is engaged to the legendary prince of Gadongan and no amount of fortune can be had for the hands of the princess. If lives could be traded for the beautiful princess, there is no doubt; the subjects of King Dimasangkay would lay their lives willingly before the King of Bembaran.


The princess of Bembaran, a regal of two kingdoms, a dazzling beauty lovingly eulogized by her people as the beauty beyond compare was in that moment idling the time away. Feeling sad and lonely, her eyes panned the surrounding faithful allied kingdoms to ease her longing for her brothers far out in the high seas. Deep in the princess' heart however, she longed for no other than her fiancé, the prince-king of Gadongan, the Mabaning Ndaw Rogong.


Peering through his telescope, the man-spirit king scanned the coastline of the rival allied kingdoms. Drifting aimlessly, he was hesitant to trespass the Imperial waters fearful of Pinatola a Tonong, the powerful spirit guardian of Bembaran. His vision slowly wandered towards the water channels of Bembaran and upon the radiant city, the home of Princess Lawanen.

"How frustrating this can be," the king mumbled in dismay as the glare blinds his vision. "I can't see a thing through the horizons of Bembaran," and shrugged his shoulder. "The sky is dimmed by a cloud but there is no sign of a storm coming," lamented the king. "There is no darkness in the sea."

Sweeping the ocean in one gentle motion with his ocular telescope, one eye fixed to the eyepiece, "the soaring apparition of Bembaran radiates with a glow but it doesn't seem to come from the beam of brilliance from the sun over the mountains" King Dimasangkay enthralled wondered in awe, "for clouds hovered over Bembaran shielding off the sun," the appalled king continued mumbling in annoyance.

Riding the clouds were the echoes of laughter from the ladies of the court blown by a gentle breeze heightening the king's passionate longing for the princess.

Blinded by his passion, the man-spirit king failed to see that the princess who had been his joy and pain from night till morn who keeps him awake at night, draining his health, weakening his strength almost to death is the same handsome lady trapped in the eyepiece of his telescope.

Panic suddenly struck his heart upon realizing that the princess beyond compare, relaxing in comfort, swinging between the two mighty trees was arm length away in his vision.

"What shall I do?" tension clouded his thinking. "Shall I call the spirit gods equally strong as the guardian spirits of Bembaran?" he debated with himself.

"I," he started to chant, "the king of men and the world of the unseen calls upon the gods of the sky, the Mirarangka a Ndaw and Mapendaraag upon whose name, mine was adopted to rule upon the land of Kadaraan. Listen to the wisdom of kings. Come what may for I, king Dimasangkay will rather dwell in the realm of the dead if and when I don't see the regal of two kingdoms. Listen," continued the king with dreadful intensity, "I command you all to commence battle in the East." With stretched hands and face towards the heavens, "be a gusty wind my lovely sister, the princess of Kaugan. Dash to the sky and fly the princess of Bembaran gently aboard my sail. Perish we may but don't ignore this call for I, king Dimasangkay has vowed never to sail back to the land of Kadaraan if I don't exchange words with the princess beyond compare." In a perilous tortured voice, "for without her, I have no reason for living."

Peals of thunder suddenly rocked the horizon drowning the king's last few words. Darkness quickly descended over Bembaran's imperial seas igniting a war of the gods in the land of enchantment. Fading in the dark, the mythical mountains were dimmed while canopy of lightning flashed in the heavens. Barrage of thunders bellowed in the darkened land for the struggle is between equally powerful gods in the sky.

Black fog descended creeping over the allied kingdoms shrouding the land in total darkness like the eighth moonless night.

A gusty wind suddenly spins the reclining seat swaying between the two mighty banyan trees where relaxing in comfort was the princess of Bembaran, the beauty beyond compare.

The princess suddenly found herself aboard a strange ship in the company of strangers.

Vaulting suddenly, the king landed on deck screaming command to his rowers. "Row with vigor," he screamed, "or I will drown anyone with slackening oar."

The king can hardly believe what he just witnessed.

Swiftly into the high seas, the ship of king Dimasangkay, emperor of Kadaan sailed the glittering sea faster than a seagull of what a boaster would say; like a flash of lightning.

The bewildered princess, feeling the strangeness of what had happened realized without doubt that their kingdom had been raided and taken hostage. A sense of foreboding overtook her mood.

"I am certain;" she thought sadly, "an agonizing trial is in store for me."

Convinced that Bembaran had been overwhelmed, princess Lawanen resigned to her fate and decided against calling upon the help of the spirit guardians of Bembaran.

"Whoever did this," the princess told herself, "must be greater in power."

Somewhere in the high seas, the king emperor of Kadaraan unable to contain his elation is unsure of what he will do next. Standing on deck, he argued with himself whether to speak with the princess or not.

"Welcome aboard my ship," the king beamed head slightly bowed in a gesture of respect. "I hope, it is alright with you princess Lawanen if I draw closer so I can have word with you."

Veering gracefully to her left, princess Lawanen with an air of elegance replied.

"My advice to the humble king is to have a clear mind and not to pursue his wishes. I am confused about my whereabouts. If however the wise king is sincere about trading words with me, I beg thee; turn back this ship immediately and sail back to Bembaran." With subdued contempt, she continued, "There is no hard feeling and I will agree to whatever it is that you want. Obviously, you have me abducted away from my land which gives me no peace of mind."

Mischievous smile wandered across the king's face determined to fulfill his wants. He uttered no word but the flame in his eyes burned with intense evil desire. He stepped forward to grab the princess when all of a sudden; he lurched to his left in retreat. A wall of fire appeared between him and the princess for every attempt that he tried. Disgusted, the king retreated backward; frustration shone in his eyes.

"I can't coerce the princess due to the barrier of fire. If I press my luck, I may earn the wrath of the gods," he reasoned with himself wisely. "The wise thing to do," backing out hesitantly, "will be to banish her out of my mind until such time, we sailed to my kingdom and make peace with her and be friends in time."
