Thursday, June 16, 2011



Muslims and Christians together are about half of the world’s population. Close to 3 billion people are waiting for Jesus to return in what is widely known as the “Second Coming”…so what; one might ask. For one; if Time Travel is not possible, Jesus’ second coming will remain to be a myth that will never happen. And second; it is not really that simple. Will Jesus raise the banner of Islam or will he be an ally of the Beast; a Christian. Will it be divisive or unify the world’s two biggest religions?


 (MATTHEW 7:21)

Not everyone that saidth unto me, Lord shall enter the kingdom of Heaven. Many will say unto me on that day; Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name cast out devils; and in thy name done wonderful works: and then will I profess unto them; I never knew you: depart from me ye that work inequities.


By Him whose hands my soul is, the son of Mary will soon descend among you as a just judge. He will break crosses, kill swine and abolish the jezya (taxes). Wealth will pour out to such an extent that no one will accept a zakah (charitable taxes) and one “sajda” (La’illaha illahllah) will be better than the world and what it contains.

Jesus, son of Mary will marry, have children and remain 45 years after which he will die and be buried along with me in my grave. Then Jesus, son of Mary and I will arise from the grave between Abu Bakr and Omar.



The long awaited one will never come into Europe; instead he will appear in Asia. One issued from the league of Hermes; he will dominate over all the rulers of the orient.

According to Nostradamus, the great Muslim leader in the above prophecy will unite the Moslems of Asia and Africa and invade Europe. Christians believe that the above prophecy refers to the anti-Christ but hey; who is “the long awaited one?” Being a Muslim does not make him an anti-Christ but to some extent; yes, Jesus is the anti-Christ.

The destruction of Christianity is the singular mission of Jesus in the second coming for his own salvation. Christians are the true crucifiers of Jesus. By turning Jesus into a God; they put him in direct conflict with the almighty God which reminds me of the Biblical story of Moses. God had to send Moses back to his people when the Israelites molded out of gold a cow into shape and worshipped it. With thunders and lightning; Moses smashed the tablet of the Ten Commandments into their midst. The ground shaked, cracked open and the earth swallowed the unbelieving idol worshippers among the Israelites.

According to the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), Jesus will slay the ad Dajjal, a false prophet who will twist the message of Islam and mislead the Moslems. There are 30 Dajjals but one stands out like a Beast behind the Beasts. I am afraid the coming of the Dajjal (Mullah Muhammad Omar/Taliban) like the coming of the Beast 666 (U.N.) is also fulfilled. You will be surprised how accurate the prophet’s vision of the Dajjal was. Moslem scholars always interpret the Dajjal as the anti-Christ which is absurd because in Islam, there is no anti-Christ. Islam is not a Christian sect so why would there be an anti-Christ in it. Common sense…

Keep an open mind. You could be a Christian on the wrong side of the fence fighting for the Beast or a Moslem fighting for the Dajjal. I believe that Jesus in the second coming will lead a third force in the ongoing battle between the Beast (USA/UN/NATO) and the Dajjal (TALIBAN/AL QAE’DA). He will slay both and the true believers will rally behind him.
Of all the Christian friends I have asked; no one will accept Jesus in the second coming if he turns out to be a Muslim. This is a very important question that Christians better confront now than later or at least be prepared to face it. Muslims will fare better in dealing with this question because Jesus will have a better chance of passing the test as a prophet rather than as God.



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