Tuesday, June 28, 2011

QUR’AN: A TERRIFYING DOOMSDAY; the 2012 movie is a joke.

Only in very recent time did the scientific community unanimously agree that the Dinosaurs were killed by a meteor or Asteroid impact with Earth. The how is still being debated. A “cloud of dust” is the most accepted scenario that sealed of the sun for months but that alone is not enough to kill the Dinosaurs. There had to be some other reason that eventually killed them off. Only when we realized this that humankind came face to face with the stark reality that whatever ended the world of the dinosaurs will kill us too. We have no idea that the Qur’an scenario is more terrifying than the event horizon that ended the world for the Dinosaurs. Our lovely planet may never be habitable again for advanced life forms.
The end of the world is described in the Qur’an but in “bits and pieces” scattered among its pages. What I did was collect all the verses referring to the End Times and re-arranged them like a jigsaw puzzle. The result shocked me beyond words.
The moon will be hit by a large cosmic body (Asteroid/planet size) that will break it asunder described by the Prophet as first blast then the same cosmic object will collide with earth in a second blast. The impact will be so massive that it will reverse the Earth’s axis rotation causing the sun to rise from its place of setting (WEST). 

DOOMSDAY IN A NUTSHELL: (This is actually a long thesis I shortened for this Blog.)
There is a blast and the moon is split asunder.
 A smoke will appear enveloping people and the heavens become red like ointment.
 The sky will be like a molten brass. A scorching wind will come followed by the second mighty blast.
(Between the first and the second blast are forty [40] according to the prophet but he did not say forty hours, days or months. He was probably not sure.)
If a meteor or asteroid of immense size hit and breaks the moon, our moon could collide with Earth. Another scenario will be that whatever it is that will break the moon may head towards Earth and smash our planet. There could be 40 days or 40 hours before impact.
The ocean swells and burst forth and boils. The Earth is pounded to powder and flattened out. The mountains will be in violent commotion like a heap of sand pouring out and flowing down.
The graves are turned upside emptying its contents.
(The impact of the Earth-Moon/Asteroid collision reverses the Earth’s axis rotation and the sun rises from the West.)
After the collision, the moon will be broken into small pieces and deflected off towards the sun. Our moon will be lost forever according to the Qur’an. Most living things will perish. Without the moon acting like an anchor; our planet will be displaced from its present position in the solar system. Earth will orbit closer to the sun. It is very possible; planets will be re-aligned in the Solar System. The sun’s heat will be fierce virtually drowning people in their sweat and scalping them according to the Qur’an.
Life as we know it will come to an end.
 With the planet earth teeming with so much life, some will most probably survive the melt down. From the few survivors, a new but different world and new life forms will evolve.
Without the moon, the oceans will no longer rise and fall. The Earth’s orbit and axis rotation will wobble and the oceans will continuously shift following the wobble that will wash away cities, mountains and deserts. Every wave will be a tsunami. The equator will not be fixed. At one moment, it is snowing in the empty quarters of Saudi Arabia and the Sahara desert. The poles will point in different direction. Icebergs in the North and South Pole will melt and raise the oceans to staggering heights. Island nations will disappear from the map, the Philippine included. Evolution will take a very different course.

I thought at first that the Qur’an was unique being the only prophetic book that mentions the splitting of the moon and rising of the sun in the west until I read the following Biblical verses. Take note of how accurately it sums up the scenario of unstable Earth without the moon. I find it real surprising that no writer in the west religious or otherwise ever mentioned this scenario except a momentary scene of the “Time Machine” movie where the moon was shown broken. 



1 comment:

  1. Unbelievably believable! Allah always reveals things in mysterious ways and mashaAllah for your mind doc...if you indeed unravelled this mystery...mashaAllah! Alhamdulillah! Allahu akbar!
