
Thursday, November 3, 2016

BEYOND 666 - my 2nd but first eBook

Barely 12 hours after I submitted the manuscript, Amazon converted it to an eBook and informed me that it is now available live for purchase at the Kindle bookstore. I was excited, I wanted to be the first to buy my 2nd but first eBook, but I couldn’t find it on Beyond 666 is not listed. My other book appeared whenever I typed my name as an alternative search. Huh! What happened was that after an hour of searching, I sent an email to Amazon, and I was informed that it was not available in Saudi Arabia/the Middle East. It is only available in the USA, Europe (Italy, France, Ireland, and the UK), Brazil, Japan, India, and Australia. If you are in these countries…it will cost you only 1.99 dollars, and Kindle enabled it to be shared with your friends for 2 weeks.


We have never been so close to Armageddon as we are now and whether Hillary gets elected or not; the tracks she left behind as a secretary of state are irreversible littered with dead bodies and smoldering ruins of Muslim nations – Afghanistan, Gaza/Palestine, Iraq, Libya and Syria. She fulfilled the woman of Revelation 17 meaning we are left with only 5 of the 22 chapters of the book of revelation. I have been screaming in the last 26 years beginning with the birth of the BEAST 666 on September 13, 1990 but I am a Muslim crying wolf. Who will listen to me but now maybe some of you would. The Nostradamus 27 year destructive battle for Babylon/Mesopotamia that began with the birth of the Beast 666 is still raging. It is now on its 27th year. The 27th birth anniversary of the Beast 666 is on September 13, 2017. If you have no idea of what UN Resolution 666 was; Google it and tell me that I am wrong. can read this eBook for free at kindle

I designed the cover with PiZap, but it didn’t fit the Kindle preset cover, so I was forced to accept the other design. 


After 20 years and 3 months, I left Saudi Arabia in 2000 for what I honestly believed to be final, but during my first night home in Manila – I dreamt I was back in my town.
Things did not turn out okay for me. In 2005, in order to keep my children enrolled in college, I was forced to return to Saudi Arabia in the same town where I had spent more than 20 years. I was hired to work as a GP by a family I knew who owned the only private clinic in town.
I dreamt of World War 3 - 3 times, separated by weeks in the early months of my return. Although my dreams of the future never failed (astral journeys in time), I ignored them. At the time, the world seemed a little bit at peace except for Afghanistan and Iraq. When 10 years after, bombs started to fall in my sleepy town, something I never thought would ever happen – I remembered my dream because one of the three was fulfilled. Our town is 15 km away from the Yemen border, where war is raging, and Saudi Arabia is a leading war participant.
A few weeks ago, I was watching an end-time Bible prophetic video on YouTube. Part of that was the 2 mystery women of Revelation 12 and 17. It suddenly dawned on me who they were. The woman of Revelation 12 who wears many crowns on her head is Queen Elizabeth of England, Empress of the British Empire, and the woman of Revelation 17 is…OMG – she is about to be elected president of the United States of America. Even if Hillary doesn’t get elected, the tracks she left behind as a secretary of state are littered with the macabre piles of dead bodies and the smoldering ruins of destroyed Muslim nations (Gaza /Palestine, Afghanistan, Beast returns to Babylon/Iraq, Libya, and Syria) not to mention the millions running for their lives braving the seas towards Europe.
When U.N. Resolution 666 was passed on September 13, 1990, my hands were virtually shaking while reading Saudi Arabia’s English daily. I inquired from the Indian Christians in the hospital where I could find the number of the beast in the Bible. I have actually read the 4 gospels of the Bible but not the Book of Revelation. I ended up borrowing a Bible from one of the nurses. If reading the number of the beast in the papers gave me the creeps…reading it in the bible kept my hair standing on edge. I thought discovering the beast 666 was big, but there was something even bigger. I also discovered – THE NEW JERUSALEM.
The discovery gave me sleepless nights. I kept turning in bed at night, and I didn’t know why, except that it kept on playing in my mind. The weeks turned to months. It eventually forced me to write “Apocalypse Countdown 666” if only to keep the beast off my back, so to speak, and yeah, I am not a professional writer. Writing is just a hobby. With a portable typewriter and under candlelight, I typed to the wee hours of the morning while working at the Primary Health Care Centers in the mountains of Saudi Arabia. If there was social media, then I would not have spent a fortune to get it published. I didn’t get back all my investment, but it boosted my confidence, especially when YouTube and social media became a hit.
Similarly, when I discovered the women of Revelation 12 and 17 – I had sleepless nights because Armageddon was so close my screams in the last 26 years may finally be heard. Christians interpreting the Bible always refer to Jesus as the child the woman of Revelation 12 was/is pregnant with, which got them lost in the interpretation. The woman of Revelation 12 is Queen Elizabeth of England – Empress of the British Empire. The child is, in fact, the state of Israel, and the dragons waiting to devour the child are the surrounding Arab countries. It was the British Empire that gave birth to the state of Israel from the Balfour Declaration of 1917 to 1948 when the United Nations partitioned Palestine and created the state of Israel at a time when Palestine was under the British Mandate. The Queen – Empress of the British Empire gave birth to the state of Israel, and the dragons of the Middle East have been trying to devour the child ever since.
Trump promised Netanyahu and the Jewish Lobby that if he wins, he will transfer the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. With his anti-Muslim rhetoric, it is almost certain that he will buckle under pressure from Israel to pay a political debt and give the green light to bomb Iran.
I had to go over my old files to find the Revelation of wrecking angels of death that is yet to be fulfilled, and I found it – Revelation 9: 13-15. Four (4) nuclear bombs will be detonated in the Middle East, and Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) saw in a vision the places where the explosions will occur – Hijaz (Mecca), Yemen and Syria, and of course, Babylon (Iraq) according to revelation. It may be too late now to abort Armageddon, but hey, if we can find the secret lab under the river Euphrates, we may stop it. Who is going to listen? People in authority are mostly irreligious people who do not believe these things; no wonder they slaughter millions of people without a twinge of guilt.
“…the four angels of death bound by the great river Euphrates to slay third of men – Revelation 9: 13-15.” There was a rumor in the early days of the Gulf War that Saddam had secret bunkers deep beneath the river Euphrates to evade spy satellites. Don’t forget that commanding the ISIS (or ISIL) are former generals and military officers of Saddam’s Republican Guard.
Believe it or not, the Nostradamus 27-year war (The Battle for Babylon) has just entered its 27th year. The 27th birth anniversary of the BEAST 666 is September 13, 2017. The nuclear detonations in the Middle East will trigger Armageddon – the battle between the forces of good and evil. It is in this battle that will bring back Jesus and probably other time-traveling prophets. It is here where the Nostradamus prophecies will be fulfilled. Jesus, according to the Nostradamus prophecies, will unite the Muslims of Asia and Africa and waylay Europe into the wasteland.
“The long-awaited one will never come into Europe;
Instead, he will appear in Asia.
One issued from the great leagues of Hermes;
He will dominate over all the rulers of the Orient.”
Nostradamus X.75

1 comment:

  1. From the beginning until even after reading this my hairs are all at its ends! Goosebumps just won't stop crawling all over me even up until now as i press the last dot. I wish i could still go back to sleep. It is just 3:45am! And the goosebumps still rages on...
