
Monday, July 29, 2013


I have always suspected, a belief in fact that the world of the Dinosaurs did not end in an asteroid –Earth collision. Dinosaurs thrived on what used to be an exotic planet called Earth for 250 million years and for their species to suddenly go puff in what scientists believed to be due an asteroid impact is just too easy an assumption to make. Such an impact would have been so large; it would have disfigured planet earth and released so much debris to the atmosphere; it could have created an orbiting ring of rocks around our planet. You need not be a rocket scientist to figure out that it did not happen that way. I believe that the Dinosaurs were intentionally exterminated to prepare the ground for the coming of…who else; us. I was almost laughing when I watched this video because it is what I have always believed in long before there is YouTube. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Jesus Speaks of the Virtue of Fasting…BEAUTIFUL!

When I shared a post with a biblical artist's rendition of a photo of Jesus talking about fasting, I felt a little guilty because I shared it without checking if it was accurate or edited. I found what I was looking for in a few clicks (thank you, Google). Pay attention to verse 20, where Jesus obviously compared the virtue of fasting to treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt and where thieves do not break through nor steal. 

King James Version:

Matthew 6:16-21

POPE: Youths are journeying away from the church in an exodus…

In a candid speech, Pope speaks of an 'exodus' from the Church.

By Philip Pullella
RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - Pope Francis, in a stunningly candid assessment of the state of the Catholic Church, said on Saturday it should look in the mirror and ask why so many people are leaving the faith of their fathers.

On the penultimate day of his trip to Brazil, Francis delivered a long address to the country's bishops in which he suggested elements of what could become a blueprint for stopping what he called an "exodus."

"I would like all of us to ask ourselves today: are we still a Church capable of warming hearts?" he said in a speech remarkable for its frankness about the hemorrhaging of the Church in many countries.
The Argentine pope, who is in Rio for a Catholic international jamboree known as World Youth Day, referred to what he called "the mystery of those who leave the Church" because they think it "can no longer offer them anything meaningful or important."

The Church has been losing members throughout the world to secularism and to other religions, including in Latin America, where evangelical groups have won over many converts.

He acknowledged that many people see the Church as a "relic of the past," too caught up in itself, and a "prisoner of its own rigid formulas."

While he said the Church "must remain faithful" to its religious doctrine, it had to be closer to the people and their real problems.

"Today, we need a Church capable of walking at people's side, of doing more than simply listening to them," he said.

"At times we lose people because they don't understand what we are saying, because we have forgotten the language of simplicity and import an intellectualism foreign to our people," he said.

In Brazil, the number of Catholics has dwindled rapidly in the decades since its once-rural population moved increasingly to major cities, where modern consumer culture has overtaken more provincial mores and where Protestant denominations, aggressively courting followers in urban outskirts and shantytowns, have won many converts.

"We need a Church capable of restoring citizenship to her many children who are journeying, as it were, in an exodus," he said.

The address to the bishops complemented an earlier homily in Rio's cathedral, where he urged priests worldwide to leave their comfortable surroundings to go out and serve the poor and needy.
"We cannot keep ourselves shut up in parishes, in our communities, when so many people are waiting for the Gospel," he said in the sermon of a Mass in Rio's cathedral.

Since his election in March as the first non-European pope in 1,300 years, Francis has been prodding priests, nuns and bishops to think less about their careers in the Church and listen more to the cries of those who are hungry to fill both material and spiritual needs.

"It is not enough simply to open the door in welcome, but we must go out through that door and meet the people!" he said.


Known as the "slum cardinal" in his native Argentina because of his austere lifestyle and visits to poor areas, Francis made a clarion call to clergy to take risks and go out among the faithful who need them most.

"It is in the 'favelas' and 'villas miseria' that one must go to seek and to serve Christ," he said, quoting the late Mother Teresa of Calcutta and using the terms used in Brazil and Argentina for shantytowns.
Francis has set a new tone in the Vatican, rejecting the lush papal residence his predecessors used in the Apostolic Palace and living instead in a small suite in a Vatican guest house, and often eating in the common dining room.

The pope spoke as hundreds of thousands of young people were converging on Rio's famed Copacabana beach for an all night prayer vigil ahead of concluding ceremonies on Sunday, when he returns to Rome.
Earlier, in a talk at Rio's theater, he said leaders must address the issues raised in protests in Brazil, saying dialogue was the only way to resolve the issues.

Latin America's largest nation has been rocked by protests against corruption, the misuse of public money and the high cost of living. Most of the protesters are young.

He urged leaders not to remain deaf to "the outcry, the call for justice (that) continues to be heard even today" and, in an apparent reference to corruption, spoke of "the task of rehabilitating politics." (Additional reporting by Esteban Israel in Sao Paolo; Editing by Vicki Allen)

Friday, July 26, 2013

10 most incredible MOONS of our SOLAR SYSTEM

If you have been a student as recent as 15-20 years ago; most of the things you have been taught in school are no longer the truth. How many of us for instance are aware that our planets are no longer 9 but 8 because Pluto has been demoted to a dwarf planet and as if to compensate Pluto’s demotion; it gained more moons than previously known. It has been recently discovered that Pluto has 5 moons not 2. Europa; Jupiter’s moon contains 2-3 times the mass of water of planet earth. (7 minutes video) 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


If the internet and YouTube have catapulted the knowledge of Islam to dizzying heights, it is doing the same for Christianity but not its truth…its falsehood. You may have heard or watched on YouTube some exposes of the ridiculousness of the “TRINITY” in Christianity, but they are most probably Muslim speakers, so a Christian would likely say; what do you expect. ..It’s biased. It is, however, a totally different story if a renowned scholar of Christian theology does the expose. Be the judge…2 minutes video: “Know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”

 Surprise; I didn't know that the Greek Bible, from where all translations of the Bible are based, was written only in 1516 :-( 

Monday, July 22, 2013

(BBC) THE THIRD CRUSADE: Clash of Titans…

While most of us have watched documentaries on YouTube and the very popular movie “Kingdom of Heaven” about the Crusades; there has been none made about the third Crusade led by King Richard the Lion Heart. Well; this is it picking up where the “Kingdom of Heaven” left off. This is a BBC 59 minutes documentary.

The third crusade is a draw by any parameters but like in the ring; the champion retains the title something like if Jerusalem was a victor’s trophy remains with the reigning champion. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

AL JAZEERA: Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil in the World

If I found this interesting; most of you would likewise. A scientist/atheist/author before an audience of mostly believers (of different religions) was put on the stage to defend his bestselling book that says religion is a force for evil in the world. One particular belief in Islam that he found ridiculously unbelievable is the Prophet’s night journey. I have been saying all along why this particular event in Islam is found by non-Muslims to be fanciful at best is due to the omission of the presence of the other prophets whenever the story is told. The presence of Prophets Abraham, Noah, Moses and Jesus (May peace be upon them all) who were supposed to be long dead and buried is the key to the puzzle:  TIME TRAVEL. They were not dead or why will they travel to the heavens to receive their own missions for God in fact Jesus unlike the other prophets did not return to his people to fulfill another mission: the second coming. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013


It is really interesting to listen to distinguished Bible scholars debate the New Testament, whether the original is lost or not. I wish Muslims who are reading this among my FB contacts have read the bible, which I believe are very few, if at all, because then you will understand the significance of it. Muslims are a minority in a sea of Catholics. It is inevitable that Muslims will, at some point in time, come to argue with their friends, classmates, and neighbors about Islam and Christianity. You can only argue about something if you know what you are talking about.

I tend to agree with many Bible scholars nowadays that it is nonsense to talk about the original New Testament bible. I realized recently that, yeah, the disciples of Jesus were ordinary people who, at the time, most probably didn’t know how to read and write. The teaching of Jesus was handed down to subsequent generations through oral tradition. Few educated people at the time who understood Aramaic and Greek wrote in Greek bits and pieces about what they heard Jesus say and did. The earliest manuscript discovered so far is the size of a credit card, which is obviously part of a papyrus scroll dated 150 years after the facts.

It was not until about 350 years later that the New Testament book took shape out of what manuscripts were available, choosing some and rejecting others to constitute a New Testament. Most of the 5,560 manuscripts (copies of older manuscripts scribed by monks) now archived were written 800 years after Jesus, and of these manuscripts, no two are alike, although referring to the same events. Very significant among these is the crucifixion because Gospel writers heard very differently what Jesus is supposed to have said while hanging on the cross. There are more differences among these manuscripts than all of the words of the New Testament put together.

You are probably puzzled: if there is no copy of the New Testament from the days of Jesus, then where did the New Testament now in the Bible come from? Early Christians wrote the New Testament from existing oral narratives, which now constitute the massive 5,560 manuscripts, most of which were written in the 8th and 9th centuries, meaning it is not based on textual evidence. It is like sitting down and writing from memory the bedtime stories that your grandmother used to tell you that your grandmother likewise heard from her grandmother, and so on and so forth.

 P-Noy will deliver his State of the Nation address tomorrow. Listen to it intently and then try to recall what he said afterward. See how much you can remember.

There is a red-letter Bible, with all that Jesus said in red. If you remove those in red as the Gospel of Jesus, it will only fill about 2-3 pages.

If you are a Christian friend, don’t listen to what I say. Listen to what your scholars are saying because they are the truly learned. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Wikipedia: Bart D. Ehrman (born 5 October 1955) is an American New Testament scholar, currently the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Ehrman is a leading New Testament scholar, having written and edited over twenty-five books, including three college textbooks. He has also achieved acclaim at the popular level, authoring four New York Times bestsellers: Misquoting Jesus, Jesus, Interrupted, God's Problem, and Forged.[2] Ehrman's work focuses on the New Testament, New Testament textual criticism, the Historical Jesus, and early Christianity.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Killing terror witnesses: Bin Laden, Todashev cover-ups...

When I read that USA will declare the alleged Apollo landing site on the moon as protected off-limit parks; I almost chocked in my own saliva. It is the glaring proof that the alleged Apollo moon landings never happened and to cover up the lie; would be future moon explorers like the Chinese, Japanese and the Russian must never come close to the alleged sites. The success of the moon landing hoax is what later led to the JFK assassination cover-up and 9/11. Lies, false flags and hoaxes including the present Mars rovers have become an S.O.P. of the US government.  

This pair of “earthly rats” from a Curiosity’s photo is the absolute proof that the “MARS ROVERS” are nowhere near Mars.

Killing terror witnesses: Bin Laden, Todashev cover-ups discredit US government

The US government wants us to believe its tales about the deaths of Boston bombing witness Ibragim Todashev and terror boogieman Osama Bin Laden. So why is it hiding key information about both cases?


Why would FBI agents stage the execution-style murder of an important witness in the Boston bombing case? If they were trying to solve the bombing, they would obviously do everything humanly possible to keep all witnesses alive. When the FBI starts killing witnesses - or helping other agencies and criminal organizations kill witnesses, as in the JFK cover-up - it means they are trying to cover up the crime, not solve it. 

What is the FBI covering up? The truth. The Boston bombing was obviously a poorly-executed false-flag operation. 

Please read the full article:

Monday, July 15, 2013

BIBLE and the QUR’AN: Don’t Eat Pork

I don’t think I am wrong when I say that Muslims are blessed by God from the time of their birth by prohibiting from them two of the greatest deceptive curse cast by the devil upon mankind; ALCOHOL and PORK. Listen to these Christian evangelists tell their flocks not to eat pork and give them the reasons why. 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

CNN: Oliver Stone’s son Sean converted to Islam :-)

I can’t believe I missed this but with hundreds of millions of You Tube videos in the net; you are lucky if things that interests you suddenly pops up in your channel. It is in fact what Google does; psych the kind of “You Tube channels” you watch and give you more of the same kind and other related topics that they know will interests you.  If you are 40 and above; you most probably know who Oliver Stone is; one of Hollywood’s most celebrated director/producer (Platoon, Natural Born Killers, JFK, Scarface, Born on the Fourth of July, Heaven and Earth [the role was offered to Lea Salonga] and many more).

Saturday, July 13, 2013

ISLAM IS RIGHT; animals have souls (4 very short videos)

Islam is comparatively unique to Christianity and Judaism. Islam teaches that animals have souls. It is the major reason why in Islam; it is forbidden to kill animals for sport and why Muslims are allowed to eat meat of animals and fowls slaughtered only in the proper way (halal) where the animal is not made to suffer (use of sharp knives) and where a prayer in the name of God is mentioned before the kill. Humans long experiences with animals are proving Islam to be right…animals do have souls.  

"There is not an animal in the earth, nor a flying creature flying on two wings, but they are peoples like unto you. We have neglected nothing in the Book (of our decrees). Then unto their Lord they will be gathered." (Qur’an 6:38) 

"Seest thou not that to Allah bow down in worship all things that are in the heavens and on earth - the sun, the moon, the stars; the hills, the trees, the animals; and a great number among mankind?" (Qur’an 22:18) 

4 very short the judge. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Malala; the girl shot by the Taliban speaks at the United Nations

Malala Yousafzai (Pashto: ملاله یوسفزۍ‎; Urdu: ملالہ یوسف زئی Malālah Yūsafzay, born 12 July 1997)[2][4] is a Pakistani school pupil and education activist from the town of Mingora in the Swat District of Pakistan's northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. She is known for her education and women's rights activism in the Swat Valley, where the Taliban had at times banned girls from attending school.[4][5] In early 2009, at the age of 11–12, Yousafzai wrote a blog under a pseudonym for the BBC detailing her life under Taliban rule, their attempts to take control of the valley, and her views on promoting education for girls.[10] The following summer, a New York Times documentary[4] was filmed about her life as the Pakistani military intervened in the region, culminating in the Second Battle of Swat.[11] Yousafzai began to rise in prominence, giving interviews in print and on television[12] and taking a position as chairperson of the District Child Assembly Swat.[13] She has since been nominated for the International Children's Peace Prize by Desmond Tutu[14] and the Nobel Peace Prize, being the youngest nominee in history for the latter.[15][16] She is the winner of Pakistan's first National Youth Peace Prize.[5]
On 9 October 2012, Yousafzai was shot in the head and neck in an assassination attempt by Taliban gunmen while returning home on a school bus.[17] In the days immediately following the attack, she remained unconscious and in critical condition,[18] but later her condition improved enough for her to be sent to a hospital in the United Kingdom for intensive rehabilitation. On 12 October, a group of 50 Islamic clerics in Pakistan issued afatwā against those who tried to kill her,[19] but the Taliban reiterated its intent to kill Yousafzai and her father, Ziauddin.[20]

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

DEBATE: Islam is a peaceful / not a peaceful religion (13 minutes)

You don’t find so very often Muslims with the special gift of intelligence and speech rolled into one like a wrecking machine that delivers the message with spellbinding force.

World’s 10 most amazing life-forms…

Humans are probably one of the few if not the only animal species that are very slow moving in the evolutionary ladder. It is the human brain that evolved so quickly; it altered its environment to make up for its slow adaptation that further stunted human physical evolution or else you would find humans living in the arctic with thick skin if not with furs and humans living off by the sea with scales and gills. The human brain and by that human intelligence defied natural evolution consequently destroying the environment to the point of self-annihilation.

(This is my 500th post since I started blogging 2 years ago [April 29, 2011] with 36,898 page views. If you have been a follower of my blog; I say thanks! )

Sunday, July 7, 2013

10 most incredibly mysterious EARTH DISCOVERIES…

Some of the objects here can only be logically explained by time transport that is if time transpiration is logical in its own right. How would one explain a wooden hammer embedded in a 3 million years old rock formation? There are some other modern objects found in coal mines that are millions of years old and how about that modern tiny watch found in the grave of an alleged Chinese princess buried for a thousand years? Are wormholes and time tunnels real? It has to be or how one would explain these mysteries? I am a Muslim and I believe in the absoluteness of the Qur’an. How can a Muslim explain the incidence of the cave sleepers who woke up 305 years into their future including their dog or the doubting traveler who woke up 100 years into the future with his donkey, foods and water if not “TIME TRANSPORTATION?” 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

SCIENCE’S 20 most unbelievable truths…

I have always suspected that it is impossible to really sterilize 100% the robotic machines and its debris that we humans have been sending to Mars but I didn't expect NASA likewise estimated that by this time; we have contaminated Mars to the tune of 1 billion microbes. You may need to hold on to your mouse and pause to read the captions of this 3 ½ minutes video. 

Friday, July 5, 2013


I have seen many strange and mysterious photos but I can agree that this could be the top 10 chosen by the maker of this video

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

INCREDIBLE; baby swim across pool (1 minute)

You would sometimes think that parents are stupid to make their children do stupid things but hey; it is how we humans achieve incredible feats that is unfit for the faints of heart.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Irish parliamentarian called Obama a hypocrite and a war criminal…

I read about this in some news but never expected it to be this frank, open and brutal calling Obama a war criminal from unfulfilled promises to drone slaughter in Pakistan that include hundreds of children and the arm supplies to jihadists in Syria. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

AWESOME; water experiment inside China’s space station…

If I was awestruck by a water surface tension experiment inside the ISS (International Space Station); this one 4 minute’s demonstration of another experiment inside China’s space station had me spellbound. It is China's first lecture in space broadcast live to millions of pupils and students in China. Don’t blink…it’s only few minutes.