
Saturday, June 30, 2012

If Assad Falls; Palestinian resistance will end…

If Assad Falls, Palestinian resistance will end…

The Zionist’s formula has been straightforward and straightforward from the beginning: keep talking about peace even if it takes forever while doing business as usual; keep building settlements, and whenever the Palestinian Authority refuses to talk peace…blast them in the media as anti-peace advocates. Eventually, regardless of how long it takes, All of Palestine (whatever is left of it) will be settled by Jews.

The fall of Assad is only a matter of time, but it will be a costly triumph for his enemies. Assad will not fall lying down. If Assad falls, the Hamas refuge will likewise fall. It is the beginning of the end of Hamas. It is the end of the Palestinian resistance. Anti-Assad forces have started kidnapping/killing pro-Hamas Palestinians in Syria. These anti-Assad forces most probably made a Faustian deal with the demons of the West (Israel/USA) for support, without which it can never hope to beat the Assad forces.  

Make life so miserably unbearable to the Palestinians that the younger generations, except for a few that will likewise fade into oblivion, will find it mad to live in the occupied territories. Like any other, Palestinian parents will want their children to have a bright future. They want their children to study in places like Egypt, Jordan, Sudan, Canada, the USA, Europe, and a lot of other places where they found refuge. Palestinians born and brought up in these places will grow up disconnected from where their parents came from. In another sixty years, Palestine will have vanished from history books among those who remained in Israel as Israeli Arabs. The word “Palestine” is taboo in Israel, the mention of which is punishable by law, meaning even the word Palestine will be alien to its future generations. Palestine among the Arabs in the Middle East will be reduced to being a mere footnote to Arab history.

Time obviously is on the side of Zion. If it took Jews a thousand years to live scattered all over the planet in “Diaspora”; a thousand years of consolidation will be less laborious. Whether a “Palestinian Diaspora” now in existence will do a miracle of coming back the same way the Jews did remains to be seen but hey; why not?

Palestinians, Denied Statehood, Increasingly ‘Question the Point of the P.A.

By Philip Weiss



Nablus’s commercial regeneration cannot cure a gnawing national malaise. “There is no political horizon,” said disgruntled Palestinians. They increasingly question the point of the PA. It has failed to usher in a Palestinian state and appears powerless to prevent Israeli military incursions or the relentless expansion of Jewish settlements on the West Bank. “All the windows are closed, and the political elite has no keys to open them,” says Raid Nairat, an academic. The West Bank’s 30,000 security forces seem unkeen on a recent quest for reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas that would force them to share power. Their recent round-up of 150 Hamas men helped dampen hopes of a deal...

Few Palestinians call for a renewal of violence. But such talk is again in the air. In some West Bank towns, Hizb ut-Tahrir, an extreme Islamist group, has been making headway. “A Muslim army should defend Muslims, not Jews,” says an angry Islamist, denouncing the PA’s security coordination with Jewish kuffar (unbelievers).

 Philip Weiss is Founder and Co-Editor of

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

PALESTINE: 'Roadmap to Apartheid' (2 minutes video)

Apartheid is the social/economic segregation of people on the ground of race that originated in South Africa with the whites ruling over non-whites. Although racial segregation in USA with the whites ruling over the generations of black slaves has not been labeled apartheid; I see no difference in the nature of the two types of despicable racial oppression. USA’s racial segregation is even technically more beastly because of the very nature of the relationship between “masters and slaves” aside from just simply being black and white which is the basic nature of apartheid.  It is no surprise therefore that whenever the United Nations defines the Israeli/Palestinian conflict as apartheid in nature with one race ruling over the other employing the states overwhelming force; USA always vetoes it with impunity as well. USA always maintains that Israel has the right to defend itself with overwhelming force as it sees fit but hey; Israel is not defending itself. It is the occupying force and Palestinians are the ones defending themselves.

USA being one of two cohabiting beasts; the British Empire being the other that fathered the birth of Israel will; like protective parents defend the evils of Israel at any cost to the ends of the world. 

The Apartheid Comparison: Relevant to
Conflicts All Over the World

Uploaded by RoadmapToApartheid 
December 26, 2011

Official trailer for the upcoming movie, 'Roadmap to Apartheid.' Narrated by Alice Walker.

There are many lessons to draw from the South African experience of Apartheid relevant to conflicts all over the world. 'Roadmap to Apartheid' explores in detail the apartheid comparison as it is used in the enduring Israel-Palestine conflict. 

As much an historical document of the rise and fall of apartheid, the film shows us why many Palestinians feel they are living in an apartheid system today, and why an increasing number of people around the world agree with them.

For more information go to:

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

END TIME PROPHECIES: The Bible’s “Rider on a White Horse”

END TIME PROPHECIES: The Bible’s “Rider on a White Horse”

Posted By: acson005 <Send E-Mail>
Date: Saturday, 8 April 2006, 3:18 p.m.

(first posted  at

Aside from the New Jerusalem (Mecca) and the BEAST 666 (U.N.), the strangest I found in the Bible is the “Rider on a White Horse.” There is not an iota of evidence in Islam that the prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.), like prophet Eissa (a.k.a. Jesus), will return at the end of the world. Christians believe that the rider on a white horse is Jesus, but after another look, you may start to think again.

I used to work with an Indian medical technologist who was engaged to a Bangladeshi Muslim. She wanted to learn about Islam, but I told her to read her Bible first, which she hadn’t, although her mother had brought her up as a Christian. I chuckled when she asked me to lend her a Bible. Here is a Christian asking me, a Moslem, to lend her a Bible. I lent her the King James Version that I borrowed from a friend. She returned it to me two weeks later.

“Don’t you think John 16 refers to Prophet Mohammad?” she asked.

I was surprised, but I smiled. “When I read that in the High School,” I replied, “I had no doubt that it refers to the prophet.”

“…and,” I feel that she was being hesitant to ask, “The rider on a white horse?”

I would have choked if there was something in my mouth. Of the 3 billion Moslems and Christians on planet Earth, I thought I was the only one who knew. I was glad that it came out from the mouth of a Christian, and her only basis was the physical description of the rider and those who rode with him. It was a mystery I dare not discuss with a Moslem I am not familiar with. The prophet is dead; there is no way he is going to come back unless the prophecy is spiritual in nature, but as we always say, nothing is impossible for God. The soldiers in heaven that will ride with the ‘white horse rider’ are probably the army of the prophet who rode with him when he conquered Mecca from the idol worshippers. They reclaimed and cleansed the Kaaba of idols and proclaimed the oneness of God as in the day that prophet Abraham (a.s.) and his son Ishmael built it.

REVELATION 19:11-16 I saw heaven standing open, and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called FAITHFUL AND TRUE. With justice, he judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name that nobody knows but himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in linen, white and clean. Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron scepter. He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh, he has the name King of Kings and Lord of Lords written on them.

The above prophecy undoubtedly befits the personality of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) rather than Jesus. The key word in the above prophecy is Revelation 19:11: “…and whose rider is called Faithful and True.”

The prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was the only prophet I know whom the people who knew him ever called “Al Ameen al Sadique…THE FAITHFUL AND TRUE.” 
He was the only prophet known to have waged wars either riding a camel or a white horse to reclaim “Beit’ Allah,” the first house of worship built by Abraham for God.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

ISLAM: An Evil Religion…?

ISLAM: An Evil Religion…?
Posted By: acson005 <Send E-Mail>
Date: Wednesday, 22 March 2006, 2:24 p.m.

(First posted at

Few days ago, I caught half of “NIGHTLINE” when an anchor asked the successor to Billy Graham if he had changed his mind about Islam being an evil religion. I didn’t catch his first name but I think; he is Billy Graham’s son.

The first time I heard an Evangelist and a famous one that said Islam is an evil religion was Pat Robertson of “700 Club.” I am sure not all Christians subscribe to that. These are men who are desperately in need of words to win converts to their flocks. These are men who are not only attacking Islam; they attack other Christian groups as well. My country is notorious for its inter-Christian faith wars. Funny; they fight openly on television attacking each other’s in their own channels. If you are a Christian and you do not belong to their particular flock, you are going to burn in hell. If you are NOT BORN AGAIN, there is no heaven for you.

Is Islam an evil religion?

Well, at least Islam has no history that is even remotely comparable to the “SPANISH INQUISITION” where millions of intellectuals and righteous men and women were burned at the stake in the name of Christianity.

Islam is not responsible for the colonial plunder, rape and slaughter of the natives of the world that the beasts of colonial empires labeled heathens needing spiritual indoctrination/conversion to the Christian faith. The Pope (John Paul II) apologized to the natives of South America for their forced conversion by Christian Europe’s Colonial powers holding the sword in one hand and the cross in the other.

Islam was not responsible for the HOLOCAUST that allegedly killed 6 million Jews and 32 million gentiles in the ensuing WWII although the Christian West made the Palestinian Arabs pay for a crime they have not committed. The POPE (John Paul II) before he died apologized for the SILENCE OF THE CHURCH and COMPLICITY of the Vatican during the holocaust and when the Serbians were slaughtering and raping Moslems in what had become known as Europe’s holocaust II, MILOSEVIC; Serbia’s president declared that he was doing it for Christian Europe. 

To this day; I have not heard of a Moslem preacher calls Christianity an Evil religion simply because of men like HITLER, MILOSEVIC and…BUSH.

Moslems are better in distinguishing between BEASTS among men against the backdrop of their religion something Christians are never good at.

ISLAM: universal religion

“Those who believe [in the QUR’AN] and those who follow the Jewish [scriptures] and the Christians and the Sabians; any who believe in Allah and the last day and work righteousness shall have their rewards with their Lord; on them shall be no fear nor shall they grieve.” QUR’AN 2:62


Sunday, June 17, 2012

LILITH: Banned from the Bible II

I found “Banned from the Bible II” even more interesting because it is here where another gospel banned from the bible tells the story of Lilith; Adam’s first wife. She was banished from the Garden of Eden for disobedience to Adam (so much for gender equality) and left Adam alone and lonely, prompting God to create Eve from Adam’s rib. Other interesting gospels tell the story of Jesus in his youth, similar to those found in the Qur’an but banned from the Bible. I wonder although I foresee some Christian groups rising in the future with a complete Bible that contains all the missing gospels of Judas, Barnabas, Mary Magdalene, Peter, and many others. If you have a special tack for mystery, you will find the History Channel more exciting than Hollywood 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

“THE CRUSADE” against Islam without end…

“THE CRUSADE” against Islam without end…

by acson005

In the time of the crusade…Christians slaughtered the Muslims and Jews to take control of Jerusalem.

Christians largely from 1917 onward not only helped to set up the Jews only bloody state of Israel…it continue to this day to demonize and wage war against the Muslims and for reasons that boggles the mind.

Salah Al Din (Saladin) did not only spare the lives of the Christians when he conquered Jerusalem (1187) from the crusaders; he let them stay. He allowed the Christians to practice their faith as they please. He repaired the churches destroyed in the war with state money. Saladin likewise brought back to Jerusalem the surviving Jews that were driven away by the Crusaders. He cleared the Wailing Wall sacred to the Jews that was turned into a garbage dump by the crusaders. It is for this that Saladin was counted among the top 100 men of the second millennium and nominated to the top “MAN OF THE MILLENNIUM” of Time Magazine. He lost to Albert Einstein…

Capture of Jerusalem

Saladin had captured almost every Crusader city. Jerusalem capitulated to his forces on October 2, 1187 after a siege. Before the siege, Saladin had offered generous terms of surrender, which were rejected. After the siege had started, he was unwilling to promise terms of quarter to the Frankish inhabitants of Jerusalem until Balian of Ibelin threatened to kill every Muslim hostage, estimated at 5000, and to destroy Islam’s holy shrines of the Dome of the Rock and the al-Aqsa Mosque if quarter was not given. Saladin consulted his council and these terms were accepted. Ransom was to be paid for each Frank in the city whether man, woman or child. Saladin allowed many to leave without having the required amount for ransom for others,[83][84] but most of the foot soldiers were sold into slavery.[85] Upon the capture of Jerusalem, Saladin summoned the Jews and permitted them to resettle in the city.[86] In particular, the residents of Ashkelon, a large Jewish settlement, responded to his request.[87]

Third Crusade

It is equally true that his generosity, his piety, devoid of fanaticism, that flower of liberality and courtesy which had been the model of our old chroniclers, won him no less popularity in Frankish Syria than in the lands of Islam.

—René Grousset (writer)[88]

Hattin and the fall of Jerusalem prompted the Third Crusade, financed in England by a special "Saladin tithe." Richard I of England led Guy's siege of Acre, conquered the city and executed 3000 Muslim prisoners including women and children.[89] Saladin retaliated by killing all Franks captured from August 28 - September 10. Bahā' ad-Dīn writes, "Whilst we were there they brought two Franks to the Sultan (Saladin) who had been made prisoners by the advance guard. He had them beheaded on the spot."[90]

The armies of Saladin engaged in combat with the army of King Richard I of England at the Battle of Arsuf on September 7, 1191, at which Saladin was defeated. All attempts made by Richard the Lionheart to re-take Jerusalem failed. However, Saladin's relationship with Richard was one of chivalrous mutual respect as well as military rivalry. When Richard became ill with fever, Saladin offered the services of his personal physician. Saladin also sent him fresh fruit with snow, to chill the drink, as treatment. At Arsuf, when Richard lost his horse, Saladin sent him two replacements. Richard suggested to Saladin that Palestine, Christian and Muslim, could be united through the marriage of his sister Joan of England, Queen of Sicily to Saladin's brother, and that Jerusalem could be their wedding gift.[citation needed] However, the two men never met face to face and communication was either written or by messenger.

As leaders of their respective factions, the two men came to an agreement in the Treaty of Ramla in 1192, whereby Jerusalem would remain in Muslim hands but would be open to Christian pilgrimages. The treaty reduced the Latin Kingdom to a strip along the coast from Tyre to Jaffa. This treaty was supposed to last three years.


Thursday, June 14, 2012



Note: The following was first posted as a thread to another post on another website in February 2010.

The Qur’an does have both the Old and the New Testament in it. Muslim scholars will tell you that the Qur’an is the Old and the New Testament minus human interpolations. If you read the Qur’an, will come across passages telling the reader to refer to the previous revelations that came before it, meaning the Torah (Old Testament) and the Enjil (New Testament). The Qur’an is some kind of summary of both, mentioning the names of Biblical prophets by name but not the whole story, so the Qur’an passage will advise the reader to read from the previous revelations if you want to know more.

The New Testament is very similar to the “Ahadith” (traditions) of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), which were collected long after his death. Authentic traditions are those witnessed/recalled/confirmed by more than one person, aside from the education/intelligence/integrity of the person being quoted as having seen or heard what the prophet said or did.

Comparatively, the four gospel tellers were chosen due to the commonality of what they had heard or seen during Jesus’ lifetime. Those considered less authentic are considered apocrypha or, in Islam, weak traditions and given less consideration.

So, if the four gospels were chosen due to their commonality, if you have read one, you’ve read it all. This would reduce the New Testament (Christian Bible minus the Old Testament) to a small pamphlet.


I am not a Christian, but I think it is vital for Christians to understand how the Bible was assembled.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Philippines: US military outpost with nuclear capabilities? — RT

I can recall that one of the rationale for closing the US bases in the Philippines was to stay neutral in the cold war and to remove Philippines from the target list of Russia/China in case of a superpower nuclear war at the time. With the collapse of the former USSR; USA didn’t put up any fuss over the closure of the US bases in the country. It has outlived its usefulness not expecting that China; the sleeping dragon would rise and rise big in a flash.

Philippine is torn between two choices: USA or China and for the Philippines to choose an ageing empire that is less than a shadow of its former self is wrong. USA will remain a military superpower bent on stirring troubles around the world just so it can continue to keep itself in the headlines of relevancy and this is what Philippines has chosen to be allied with. China will on the other hand continue to rise in all fronts with more emphasis on economy. Not only does it have to feed 1.5 billion people; it has to keep them satisfied with the way their lives are going…a utopian existence that socialism promises. China has a better economic offer that can uplift the economic bondage that has chained Filipinos for so long. Bringing back USA’s military bases will not only make us an enemy of China; we will be back to being beggars always begging USA for more aides from an empire burdened with mountain of debts that if dollar bills are pasted together end to end can reach the moon round trips many times over. 

Philippines: US military outpost with nuclear capabilities?
Published: 10 June, 2012, 04:20

RT: The locations once acted as major hubs for military operations for US forces in the Pacific… what role are they now going to play?
RR: In line with the US strategy of rebalancing their forces, the US is seeking more access to these former bases. Though they may not be going after formal basing agreements, they would have unlimited access to these facilities and many other facilities all over the country so that their ship can stopover, refuel and be stationed for periods, especially during the military exercises. 
All of this would transform the Philippines into a military outpost that would allow the United States to project its power throughout South East Asia.
So this is a very bad development, as far as we are concerned. Twenty years after the US based were shutdown it seems that the bases are back, although not the formal basing agreement, but just the same, the functions are there, the functions of a military base are there.


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Friday, June 8, 2012


Although there are several free photo editing programs in the internet; I always feel that there is something missing. I have to combine several programs to achieve what I like to do but still; I can’t get it quite right. ‘’ is a program that I saw in my 7 years old daughter’s facebook that she plays with for several months now. I thought; I really did that it is a children’s website until I sort of logged on for curiosity and whoa; it is what I have been looking for…

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Two Men Who Say They Traveled Through Time

Time travel I believe is simpler than we think in fact if time travel is not possible or simpler than overcoming the speed of light; Jesus’ second coming will remain to be a myth that will never happen. Science is missing the time machine due to its focus on the speed of light despite the fact that nothing bigger than the photon or the gamma ray can travel the speed of light without disintegrating. Photons and gamma rays are by the way energies not physical mater. Teleportation is different altogether from what we know of travelling in time probably closer to astral travel in time.

Two Astonishing Cases Of Men Who Say They Traveled Through Time
Posted on June 3, 2012 by Soren Dreier

There are many people who claim to have traveled through time. Among them are Seattle Attorney Andrew Basiago and Håkan Nordqvist from Sweden.
In 2004, Andrew Basiago made a very controversial announcement publicly claiming that from the time he was 7 to when he was 12, he participated in “Project Pegasus,” a secret U.S. government program that he said worked on teleportation and time travel under the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
“They trained children along with adults so they could test the mental and physical effects of time travel on kids. Also, children had an advantage over adults in terms of adapting to the strains of moving between past, present and future,” Basiago said.
During this time, Basiago said that he experienced eight different time travel technologies. Mostly, he said, his travel involved a teleporter based on technical papers supposedly found in pioneering mechanical engineer Nikola Tesla’s New York City apartment after his death in January 1943.
“The machine consisted of two gray elliptical booms about eight feet tall, separated by about 10 feet, between which a shimmering curtain of what Tesla called ‘radiant energy’ was broadcast,” Basiago said. “Radiant energy is a form of energy that Tesla discovered that is latent and pervasive in the universe and has among its properties the capacity to bend time-space.”
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NETANYAHU: sanctions not working; not a millimeter bit…

As far as Bibi Netanyahu and Israel for that matter is concerned; anything other than “zero nuclear purification” is not good enough. The west (USA/NATO) not Israel must attack Iran before it is too late. It is either now or never or as an afterthought; Israel will with nuclear hellfire. (I believe that Israel will and for men of good sense; the Iranian leadership must be flexible. When faced with mad men possessed by evil; good men must bend because they are men possessed of reason especially if the outcome outweighs any other possible result.) 

Sanctions not slowing Iran N-program by ‘one millimeter’: Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has blasted Western countries for failing to halt Iran’s nuclear energy program, insisting that the US-led sanctions have not slowed down the Iranian nuclear activities “by one millimeter.”

“The Iranian nuclear program has not slowed down by one millimeter despite all the pressures that were applied to it; nothing,” Netanyahu said in an exclusive interview with the German Bild newspaper on Tuesday. 

The Israeli premiere also complained, “The Iranians were only asked to stop 20 percent enrichment of uranium; that doesn’t stop their nuclear program in any way. It actually allows them to continue their nuclear program. ” 


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Monday, June 4, 2012

GOD OF WAR: ‘US warships in Asia Pacific extremely dangerous'

I am afraid that the USA will engineer more trouble in the Philippines, the Scarborough Shoal being one, if not on the top of its list, to instill fear and inflame anger, not necessarily nationalism, among Filipinos that will justify bringing back the American bases.

I remember one prophecy of Nostradamus, which says that the USA and Russia will be friends after the collapse of communism, but it will be short-lived. Why the USA is always stirring troubles where there is none is a mind-boggling puzzle. It is okay if the American people starve for as long as the USA remains the world’s topmost warlord, the god of war. 

‘US warships in Asia Pacific extremely dangerous, politically foolish’

Steinberg: What you have coming from Britain and the US, the old Anglo-American alliance that was behind the Iraq war and other things, is a notion that ultimately the powers that have to be contained are Russia and China and so there's very much an effort here to build up a combination of military force. 

Now, the problem of course is that the US relationship with China is multidimensional and a very large component of that relationship is military. So the idea of using a kind of Cold War model for how to deal with the US relationship with China makes no sense whatsoever, it would have been as if the Soviet Union, at the height of the Cold War, was the largest debt holder of the US, which was of course not the case. 

So, this whole idea of militarization of our relationships with Russia and China is not only crazy, but is extremely dangerous. 

Russian President Putin has threatened that the missile defense issue i.e. the deployment of this ABM (anti-ballistic missile) system in Europe could be a trigger for conflict all the way up to thermo nuclear war. 

So the dangers of this policy are immense and the foolishness of the political leaders is extremely dangerous. Many top American military officials are adamantly opposed to this demonization of Russia and China, but ultimately it's the president's call. 

Full article:

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Drones: How Obama Learned to Kill

War is PEACE! I promise to lead USA into more wars to bring more peace in the world. I am naive now but I will learn to kill if that is what the USA’s presidency and the Nobel Peace Prize demand of me.

Drones: How Obama Learned to Kill

The Obama campaign touts a commander in chief who never flinches, but the truth is more complex. In an excerpt from his new book, Kill or Capture: The War on Terror and the Soul of the Obama Presidency, Daniel Klaidman reveals:
Tribesmen a world away, in the tiny village of Karez Kot, later heard a low, dull buzzing sound from the sky. At about 8:30 in the evening local time, a Hellfire missile from a remotely operated drone slammed into a compound “of interest,” in CIA parlance, obliterating a roomful of people.
It turned out they were the wrong people. As the CIA’s pilotless aircraft lingered high above Karez Kot, relaying live images of the fallout to its operators, it soon became clear that something had gone terribly awry. Instead of hitting the CIA’s intended target, a Taliban hideout, the missile had struck the compound of a prominent tribal elder and members of a pro-government peace committee. The strike killed the elder and four members of his family, including two of his children.
Obama was understandably disturbed. How could this have happened? The president had vowed to change America’s message to the Muslim world, and to forge a “new partnership based on mutual respect and mutual interest.” Yet here he was, during his first week in the White House, presiding over the accidental killing of innocent Muslims. As Obama briskly walked into the Situation Room the following day, his advisers could feel the tension rise. “You could tell from his body language that he was not a happy man,” recalled one participant.
The president had come a long way in a short time. Schooled as a constitutional lawyer, he had had to adjust quickly to the hardest part of the job: deciding whom to kill, when to kill them, and when it makes sense to put Americans in harm’s way. His instincts tilted toward justice and protecting the innocent, but he also knew that war is a messy business no matter how carefully it is conducted. He saw the drones as a particularly useful tool in a global conflict, but he was also mindful of the possibility of blowback.
Full article:

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