Thursday, July 11, 2019

MIGHT MAKES RIGHT: Philippine vs China

Persian Gulf or Arabian Gulf...West Philippine Sea or South China Sea?

Since the first man walked on these archipelagos, those cluster of rocks and sands sticking out of the sea were there. Because we have more than 7,100 Islands - those useless rocks and sands so far far away were not even registered in our consciousness and for eons of mattered not to us.

...then came China. They started building beautiful structures. They expanded the Islands by reclamation. They bought lands from the Philippine where they flattened the hills and mountains bringing the earth to reclaim the Islands.

When we learned of what's going on, it was too late to shout foul. It was too late to say...stop, these Islands are ours but who gave us the right to claim it? There was not a single Filipino living there that was or were arrested or deported by China meaning those tiny Islands were there for the taking.

What proof do we have that those Islands are ours - nothing. Is it because it is closer to us than China? Why do England claim the Falkland Islands when it is laughably closer to Argentina than England - might makes right. 

Why did Spain claim the Philippines as theirs in the not so distant past and every Filipino an Indio (slave) - might makes right. 

When the United Nations partitioned Palestine and gave half of it the Jews (Philippine voted for it), was it right or was it wrong. When the U.N. arbitration in the Hague declared the West Philippine Sea part of the Philippine's exclusive economic zone, was it right or was it wrong. China says...wrong! Is there anything we can do about, might makes right. When Trump said I cannot punish the King of Saudi Arabia for the murder of Kashoggi because the king is buying from us billions worth of armaments, the world fell silent - again, might makes right.

DU30 is probably the world's smartest foul mouthed leader of our time. He knows how to play the is better to be a friend of China than a war-dog for USA. 

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